Sugar Cane - 3 Reviews

Chicha Limena Traditional

Chicha Limena Traditional
If someone were to tell me five years ago that I was going to be drinking corn I would have said, “Well, that's weird, but okay whatever.” I was, and am, very apathetic. While I may not have been freaked out by the idea, this is not what I would have expected. My mind instantly goes to a nice buttery, salty ear of yellow corn. This on the other hand is made from purple maize, which is another beast entirely. It tastes nothing like the summer treat that most Americans are used to. I don't even know how to describe the taste, but it's apparently rich in antioxidants.

You take that purple maize and mix it in with some pineapple, lemon, cinnamon and cloves and you have Chica Limena, a traditional drink from Peru. When I opened this up I had no idea what I was in for. It's such an interesting collection of ingredients, which all can be overpowering in beverages, but they all blend together nicely. This is one of those drinks that you can make out each specific flavor in the taste if you concentrate. You can even taste the sugar cane. It's the spices that initially have me concerned, but they stay mostly in the background, sticking their heads up a little bit more in the aftertaste.

I have to say that I'm not really sure what I think about this. I keep going back to it, and the can is nearly empty, but I don't know if I can really say I enjoy it. With each sip I keep waiting for the pineapple flavor to get stronger, but it never does. I can't really hold that against them though, as it's not marketed as a pineapple drink, it's a maize drink and they do well enough with that.
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Sugar Cane
Jason Draper on 1/14/14, 5:53 PM
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Hung Fook Tong Imperatae Cane Drink

Hung Fook Tong Imperatae Cane Drink
Is it possible to strain a liquid through a liquid? I suppose it would be. If you wanted to strain water through an oil, that would work. It's a matter of volume and separation. You may have to go through some sort of skimming process to take a layer off, but that works.

This drink, which sucks, tastes like you strained sweet tea through soup; iced tea through all the corn, peas, carrots, broth and the like. I gave this drink to our new employee slash my new coworker and she knocked it out of the park. I made her just smell it and she said that it smelled like water chestnuts and me, hating water chestnuts, am not too familiar with the scent. Number two ingredient after water? You guessed it, new girl: water chestnuts.
You're re-hired™. Take that, Donald Trump. I've coined my own phrase that people have been using for years and called it my own.
Iced Tea
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Sugar Cane
Mike Literman on 3/4/13, 3:18 PM
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Arbonne Essentials Chocolate

Arbonne Essentials Chocolate
I wish I worked out. I know it sounds stupid because all I have to do to make that happen is physically work out but I can't seem to find the drive. Maybe in the winter I'll do some spinning in my basement. I've done it before and it's low impact and I'm pretty good at it. Here's my goal:

I want to enter my house in early December not to be seen until mid-March. In those four months I want to just take really good care of myself. I will spin for like two hours every day. Just rack up miles in the privacy of my basement listening to nothing but really fast metal and electronic, you know, to get me pumped. After a workout, I'll properly carb up with these Arbonne protein shakes. They are super thick and smooth. Lingeringly thick, which is fine, because they don't have that "too much protein" taste like someone made chocolate milk and put too much powder in it and you have to suffer the consequences. The flavor is a good chocolate taste like an almond milk type taste. With that I'll have the power to destroy a couple more miles on the bike because I just pass out until the morning. Come March I will emerge looking like I was carved from marble and the ladies they will swoon but have no idea that I am way to apathetic to care about their seemingly endless advances. Other guys will envy me but all I care about is fitness and sinking my teeth into the nearest burrito. Yeah, burritos.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Sugar Cane
Mike Literman on 9/13/12, 1:47 PM
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