Archer Farms - 11 Reviews

Archer Farms Cold Brew Mocha

Archer Farms Cold Brew Mocha
Oh cold brew. What did you do to me? Now I drink coffee? Thirty years I didn't touch the stuff and then all of a sudden "maybe coffee ain't that bad." You jerk. While I only drink one cup a day in the morning, it's still there and wasn't before. It makes me more "adult" than I care to be. Regardless, I now buy and drink coffee like some suit bastard.

How is this? It's a bit syrupy. If I could take the words out of the colleague that I let/made try it, he said that it tasted like the mocha was some sort of syrup that had taken over. It tasted like mocha coffee but the chocolate was very lingering and overpowering. I didn't hate it but it could have been backed off a bit. First sip was great but after a while, you kind of realized that something was happening.

I don't think this was terribly expensive and it's only 70 calories so would I buy it again? Eh, maybe. There's enough "mocha cold brew" out there that you don't have to be married to just one. It's a wonderful, polyamorous world for cold brew. It's like the Utah of the coffee world. Does that make sense? It's the singles cruise for coffee? What I'm getting as is that if you can sleep around, do it. Don't get married too soon. Plenty of cool boobs and butts out there to discover. This is no longer a review of coffee and has taken a PG turn. Shield your eyes, children. Mike's talking about sweater meat again.
Archer FarmsWebsite@archerfarms
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 12/4/18, 12:41 PM
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Archer Farms Cold Brew Cinnamon

Archer Farms Cold Brew Cinnamon
Fall is upon us. What does that mean? Cinnamon. Ahh, cinnamon. Natures...cinnamon. I bought this because it was A: Cheap and B: Had a great selling line on the side which I will put here:
This creamy and sweet cinnamon cold brew coffee is big on taste with a warm, velvety texture.

So's I buy it, bring it in to work and have two dudes try it and the consensus is as follows: It's bad. Not even OK. It's not good. It tastes like someone made a passable cold brew and then dumped too much ground cinnamon in it, said to themselves, "Welp, no turning back now." put in one more pinch, and bottled it up.

The coffee is fine. I don't drink too much and what I do drink is cold brew and typically has some sort of disgusting chemical chocolate taste to it so I'm not one to judge but this coffee was light at best. The cinnamon was a ground cinnamon and not a candy cinnamon. After tasting it, though, I don't know which I would have preferred. Thumbs down, Archer Farms/Target. There's more to fall than cinnamon. There's more to you than bad cold brew. I feel like I just masochistically did "the cinnamon challenge" to myself. I feel like a moron.
Archer FarmsWebsite@archerfarms
United States
Mike Literman on 9/27/17, 5:55 AM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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Archer Farms Coffee Energy Drink Mocha

Archer Farms Coffee Energy Drink Mocha
Rain? Again? Drats. I've got so much gardening to do. What do you think, pup? What do we do? Sit inside and play video games? Pup, I'm not twelve anymore. I've got responsibilities and that rhubarb isn't going to make a pie out of itself. First thing's first, you've got to get a fresh bowl of water and some food. I've got to tell you, your food smells terrible. I suppose that your breath is the product of your food. Problem solved. I've got to wake up a little bit. Hey, do you know if your mom drank that...oh no. Here it is. Good. Archer Farms, pup, I don't know. I'm fifty-fifty on this stuff. It's half good and half real bad. I don't know what to expect but it says "coffee energy" so I'm going to take it at face value.

Hmm. That's not bad. It is way more mocha than coffee. Not much coffee at all. It's smooth, though, and that's nice. I hope this give me the pep to just bear the elements and take care of the garden. I'm telling you, pup. You take one day off and your garden looks like a pile of garbage. This drink is all right. It's not bad. It might be too sweet since it's closer to chocolate milk than coffee. I don't typically drink chocolate milk at eight in the morning so this is the start to a very strange day.

You know what, pup. You and I are going to see if this rain is going to subside. I don't want to have to towel you off because, let's face it, you're going to get muddy because you're short and you always get muddy. You also hate your little beans to be cleaned for some reason so let's sit in here for a bit, not brush our teeth, and catch up where we left off in Sonic 3. I'm stuck at that part where you've got super sonic and then you have to ride that dumb cart across the water, Knuckles punches you, and by the time you get to Dr. Robotnik, you have no rings. I hate it. Every time, pup, every time.
Energy Drink and Coffee
Archer FarmsWebsite@archerfarms
United States
Mike Literman on 1/12/12, 11:04 AM
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Archer Farms Coffee Energy Drink Vanilla

Archer Farms Coffee Energy Drink Vanilla
Well this isn't good. I do enjoy a nice coffee drink, not to be confused with actual coffee, which I can't stand. Strange right? Welp, what are you going to do? This is very vanilla and, as reported by two separate colleagues, metallic tasting, which is not a strong selling feature unless you are advertising to sell to a tired goat. As for the energy, I don't get any "energy drink" taste. Mostly it just tastes like the vanilla and milk. I also did not get much coffee, which I was hoping for.

I will say that if we were playing darts, you know, Target CEO Gregg W. Steinhafel and I, I would think they were hitting a ton of low, non-counting numbers like three, or eight, because this drink missed the mark. It's missing what I wanted and expected. Now, Gregg might be a fantastic dartsman, but in the game where I asked him to play like this drink was playing, I beat him and looked great doing it. I didn't rub his face in it and I bought him a root beer for being a good sport.
Coffee and Energy Drink
Archer FarmsWebsite@archerfarms
United States
Mike Literman on 1/5/12, 11:17 AM
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Archer Farms Simply Balanced Blackberry Blueberry Drink Mix

Archer Farms Simply Balanced Blackberry Blueberry Drink Mix
Blackberry and blueberry? Is there a line that I can draw a giant, red "x" on because I want it. Oh, I can simply pay a little more than $2 and buy it? I suppose that is just as easy. Mix in water? Childs play. No problem. I can mix stuff and remember not to breath while the deadly fruit dust occupies my nasal cavities.

Oh...hold on a second here. What went wrong? Sixteen ounces of water, check. Mix, check. Mixed, check. Clean glass? Check. What's the deal? It smells great. Inviting. I keep going back for more but why? It has a bit of a bitter taste to it. It tastes like water first, or just wildly weak juice, which is strange, then like a sucralose taste, even those there aren't any unnatural sweeteners. I'm counting Stevia as a natural sweetener here, folks. It's almost bitter and it is not until the end when you get a woosh of fruit and cool Stevia sweetness. Yes, the final battle is worth coming back for more and I have almost finished my entire glass, but at what cost?

If you are down with diet drinks, this will be an easy fight for you. If you, like me, saw a naturally diet drink mix that comes in delicious flavors and think that you are on to something, you are only half right.
Diet, Water and Mix/Concentrate
Archer FarmsWebsite@archerfarms
United States
Stevia Extract
Mike Literman on 1/3/12, 12:15 PM
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Archer Farms Simply Balanced Berry Pomegranate Fruit Smoothie

Archer Farms Simply Balanced Berry Pomegranate Fruit Smoothie
It seems like just yesterday I was complaining about the specifics of what truly makes a smoothie. I argued that seeds, thickness, and stuff make a smoothie and this is way closer. It's also not made with coconut milk so we are closer still. This also tastes delicious and would be loved by all if given the opportunity to take a swig. Oh, the diseases that would go around if everyone shared a bottomless bottle of this drink. Everyone would be ill.

This is good. Get it. It's at Target.
Archer FarmsWebsite@archerfarms
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/6/11, 3:27 PM
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Archer Farms Italian Soda Blood Orange

Archer Farms Italian Soda Blood Orange
Often times, nay, most times, I am surly. I've always got something to say about everything. I am not awful to be around, but I can get tiring. I know people worse than myself, but I'm man enough to admit it. I enjoy the company of others who complain, but to a certain point. I like to think that I complain in a humorous, reflective way, where others just don't know how to have a good time. This drink had good intentions, but as far as I'm concerned, it's just a good orange pop. Like the great Paul F. Tompkins once said, "The best barbecue is only good barbecue." Orange pop is alright if you're at a party or if you're nine. I guess it's also alright if you're going to have blood orange so you can call yourself "worldly" or some garbage, but this to me just tasted very medium. I've had an excellent blood orange Frizzante before, but this doesn't do it. Orange pop is just orange pop to me.
Sparkling, Soda Pop and Juice
Archer FarmsWebsite@archerfarms
Mike Literman on 3/24/11, 9:09 PM
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Archer Farms Italian Soda Wild Berry

Archer Farms Italian Soda Wild Berry
It's 1991. City of Compton. Rough, rough streets. Kids killing kids over things you and I would laugh at. They don't laugh, they kill, as I mentioned before. Not a day goes by where you don't hear a gun shot or at very least, a domestic dispute. These are hard times. Hard times turn people to drink. Alcohol. 40's. Big alcohol. 40's are like the party sub of malt liquor.

Here's my proposal. Let's go back in time and instead of having overpriced bodegas sell 40's of St. Ides, carry the 40(ish)'s of Archer Farms Wild Berry. People could have been in a bad mood because of financial times and street warfare, but they also could have been upset at the fact that they were drinking a clearly low quality beverage. Archer Farms Wild Berry Italian soda is a bright, clean, and crisp drink. So many flavors roll across your tongue with every sip, like elderberry and blackcurrant to name a few...and it's more than affordable.

Cleaning up the streets is a rough job and since it clearly can't be left in the under-capable hands of O'Shea Jackson, leave it up to the Archer Farms Italian soda lineup.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Juice
Archer FarmsWebsite@archerfarms
Mike Literman on 3/15/11, 11:37 AM
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Archer Farms Simply Balanced Pomegranate Yumberry

Archer Farms Simply Balanced Pomegranate Yumberry
My girlfriend got this drink, got maybe 1/4 through it, and said she really didn't like it and offered it up to me. I was expecting it to be completely terrible. As it turns out it wasn't that bad. It's much better than the passion fruit mango one I had a while ago. It really doesn't taste like green tea at all to me though. I guess it's that "green tea powder" I mentioned in my last review. This one does actually taste like pomegranate though. So it's got that going for it. I think if Archer Farms started actually brewing the green tea instead of using the powder, they would have a pretty decent drink on their hands.
Iced Tea
Archer FarmsWebsite@archerfarms
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 10/4/10, 12:15 PM
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Archer Farms Simply Balanced Passion Fruit Mango

Archer Farms Simply Balanced Passion Fruit Mango
Wow. Pretty much all I can taste in this drink is the "instant tea powder." It tastes like the gross drinks your mother would try to pass off as iced tea when you were younger. How do you make tea into a powder anyways? It also tastes nothing like mango at any stretch of the imagination. Maybe I detect a slight hint of passion fruit, but it's mostly that tea powder and the pear juice concentrate that they used as an inexpensive flavor enhancer. I will be staying away from this in the future.
Iced Tea
Archer FarmsWebsite@archerfarms
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/30/10, 8:33 AM
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Archer Farms Italian Soda Orange Passion Mango

Archer Farms Italian Soda Orange Passion Mango
Archer Farms is Target's store brand. Their products always seem to be on the higher end of quality. This drink does not disappoint. It's a very fruity flavorful Italian Soda. Orange is definitely the front running flavor, but the others are present as well. It also has a strange flavor that reminds me of banana Runts. When I first drank it I swore there was some banana in it. I actually wouldn't shut up about it. I later checked the ingredients and discovered I was wrong. Strange. Even with the phantom banana flavor, it's still better than 90% of the Italian sodas out there. Even those that are made in fancy coffee shops.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
Archer FarmsWebsite@archerfarms
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/9/10, 2:47 PM
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