Argo Tea - 9 Reviews

Argo Tea Apple Hibiscus

Argo Tea Apple Hibiscus
We talk a lot about sugar and real sugar and fake sugar and at the end of it I would give it all up for unsweet tea. This would be a good start. It's good. It tastes like something you could make at home but who cares. It's there in a fancy glass container with a gigantic mouth that's hard to drink out of but that's a lame complaint that I'm not even using against the final report card of this drink.

Look, apple isn't a strong flavor. This does taste like apple but faintly. The hibiscus is good, though. Paired together is a nice. Think of it like a boisterous party guy who is dating a real sweet but quiet girl. What a pair but they are on both ends of the spectrum. This is the nice relationship that is two people that truly love each other that you question why they're together until you see them in person and all questions are answered.
Iced Tea
Argo TeaWebsite@argotea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/8/14, 12:26 PM
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Argo Tea White Tea Acai Squeeze

Argo Tea White Tea Acai Squeeze
What we have here is a subject that is more than just a sweetened lemon tea, but at the same time it is not quite a half and half, or Arnold Palmer if you will. Argo walks the line, and they do it with the perfect grace of a Flying Grayson. While their balance is impeccable, the true majesty of this iced tea is the restraint they have showed. Up until this liquid hit my lips I had never tasted a beverage that was lightly flavored with acai. When they superfruit is involved it has always been all or nothing, and let me tell you it has one strong flavor. Argo held back with the acai. It's definitely in there, but it's more of a general flavor that let's everything else shine as well. As soon as you take a sip it is obvious that the base of this is white tea that has nicely been blended with lemon juice as previously mentioned. The treat for me is that you can taste the cane sugar in it, even though the drink is not overly laden with it (less than 25g in the bottle).

Acai is not a flavor that I normally reach for. I'm actually not a very large fan of it, but Argo Tea has found a way to use it in tandem with other ingredients and make it delicious. It has assumed a roll as part of a democratic team, instead of the vicious dictator that it normally rules as.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Argo TeaWebsite@argotea
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/23/13, 11:09 AM
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Argo Tea Hibiscus Tea Squeeze

Argo Tea Hibiscus Tea Squeeze
Were there teas made to accompany a science fiction movie based in the desert? No one knows for sure, but I would like to start off those rumors that have not previously exists, right now. There it is. I am now claiming this tea was made as a marketing aid for a fake movie to get US soldiers out of Iran. No one told the tea company that the movie was a fake. They were just about to launch a line of teas and they didn't have a name, and tying it in with what would obviously be a popular movie seemed like a nice cash grab. Too bad for them it never came to be. Also, too bad for them that Ben Affleck decided to make a movie based on said fake movie and draw attention back to the name. Did any of this really happen? No one knows. The answers have all been lost in the sands of time. Maybe the truth will come out under a cowl with a gruff voice in the near future.

Whatever its origins may be Argo makes one heck of a tea. They have messed around with various incarnations, and I am pleased that they keep coming back to using hibiscus as their tea base. If you don't like hibiscus you are a fool, plain and simple. This beverage is simply hibiscus tea, cane sugar and lemon juice. The last ingredient is what makes it part of their “squeeze” line, which is their fancy versions of the half and half, or Arnold Palmer game. I am a fan. It tastes like real lemon and not some gross cleaner. I don't understand how so many companies get the lemon flavor wrong, but Argo is right on the money.

This is a “no way to lose” beverage. It's a quality lemonade mixed with hibiscus tea, with no extraneous ingredients. I love it and so should you, unless you want your taste buds to be wrong. I don't mean to be a jerk, but if you don't like this you should go see your physician, because something has gone wonky inside your mouth.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Argo TeaWebsite@argotea
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/30/13, 6:58 PM
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Argo Tea Pomegranatea

Argo Tea Pomegranatea
A high quality tea is not hard to make but rather hard to come by. It seems this day everyone is a wimp and a half. The teas that are readily available are pretty mediocre at best and the good stuff, the top shelf iced teas, are few and far between. The difference between the two is typically that the high quality teas use less and real sugar and have a bit of complexity to them. I don't know what the general public is scared of. Adult flavors? Dude, if you put a can of Brisk next to a bottle of this, or any Argo tea, you would never drink that swill again. I mean it. That tea stings and no tea is supposed to sting. High fructose, overly sweetened garbage. I'm not saying that only Brisk is and sometimes Brisk is good but as far as "good" iced tea is concerned, anything in a can should stay in the can.

This tea is bold and bitter. It's a red tea so it's not as smooth as a black tea and actually tastes a little bit like a mate. The pomegranate is a nice, fruity taste that is with you the whole time but is no overshadowed or overshadowing. It's the well-behaved dog that we all want that knows what "heel" means. Red tea and pomegranate; neck and neck the whole time. No bad aftertaste and just a whole lot of loud flavor. There are four ingredients in this tea, too. It couldn't be simpler: water, red tea, cane sugar, and pomegranate juice. That's all it takes. That's all it takes to shelve literally dozens of gross teas to never be drank again.

Argo is not setting out to destroy the competition, but they could easily do it if they used cheaper bottles and lowered their price. The great bottles house great tea and they know it. It also sets them apart so keep those bottles. You're modest, Argo and you deserve it.
Iced Tea
Argo TeaWebsite@argotea
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 10/16/12, 11:49 AM
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Argo Tea Charitea

Argo Tea Charitea
Charitea…€¦get it? Charity. Cherry Tea. It's wacky word play that comes around full circle. This is a cherry hibiscus tea and a percentage of its proceeds are donated to different charities. Those are two things that I can get behind.

I love that Argo chose to use hibiscus as their tea. It's not the obvious choice and it makes the drink that much more enjoyable. Also, unlike most companies they actually use real fruit juice to flavor their teas. So to clarify this is hibiscus mixed with straight up cherry juice. Could this get any better? Well self, I'm glad you asked. You see on top of the cherry and hibiscus there is also vanilla in the mix. For those of you not in the know, cherry and vanilla makes one heck of a combo. It also makes Mike's favorite pop of all time. This is a strong flavorful beverage, and even though it's a tad on the pricey side, it is well worth every penny. It's one of the most unique teas I've enjoyed in a long time, and I'd like to share this experience with you. So, you know you should probably dish out the cash and buy a couple of bottles and come over to hang out. I swear I won't just be reading Batman comics and drinking the tea while you sit there uncomfortably.
Iced Tea
Argo TeaWebsite@argotea
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/29/12, 12:35 AM
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Argo Tea Hibiscus Tea Sangria

Argo Tea Hibiscus Tea Sangria
I have a couple of questions for you. How many of you would drive an hour and a half for a couple of veggie dogs from a street vender? How many of you would drive an hour + to get burritos? I have done the prior more times than I am proud of, and I did the latter for the first time yesterday. I'd say it was worth it. My burrito was delicious and huge and it put me in a food coma for a couple of hours. To make myself feel better about the trip I stopped by a deli/market and bought a couple of drinks.

I was very excited to see a new flavor of Argo, especially in Western New York, where there are no Whole Foods. Even though I had negative room in my stomach (I believe it was stretched as much as humanly possible from the gigantic burrito I had just ingested) it was over 95 degrees out and I was parched. I cracked this bottle open and took a sip. It definitely tasted different than I expected. I decided that I liked it though. A couple of minutes later I tried it again and decided I was mistaken the first time around. I sealed up the bottle for later consumption.

I think I've been wrong about hibiscus all these years. I had one drink with it that I really loved, and I'm now thinking that it was something else in that drink that grabbed on to my heart and shook the hell out of it. I don't dislike hibiscus, but every time I drink something with it in it now, I miss the spices from the original tea. Also, upon drinking this I am reminded that I am not a big sangria fan. I think it's the orange juice mixed in with the berries and apples that throws me off. If you mix that all together, it doesn't meet the delicious expectations that lived in my head (my fault not the drinks).

I've gone back to the drink, and I like it more than I did on the car ride home, because I've accepted that it's not what I thought it was going to be. In reality it tastes exactly how hibiscus and non-alcoholic sangria really taste (elderberries, apples, rosehip shells, strawberries, kiwi, raspberries and orange juice), and not how I wish they tasted.
Iced Tea
Argo TeaWebsite@argotea
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/5/12, 11:00 AM
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Argo Tea Mojitea

Argo Tea Mojitea
Mint is a tricky game. When done right it can make you feel like you're the king of Refreshmentville. Just the slightest thing off can leave you feeling like you just popped a fresh stick of gum in your mouth before each sip. I find that the lime in mojitos seems to neutralize the mint a bit. Sadly I don't think it worked in this tea. It's a bit gum-ish for my liking, but the lime is also pretty strong. This is the first mojito that I've tasted that I didn't want to force everyone around me to drink.
Iced Tea
Argo TeaWebsite@argotea
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/15/11, 7:14 PM
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Argo Tea Green Tea Ginger Twist

Argo Tea Green Tea Ginger Twist
Chicago is home to some of the best vegetarian food I've ever tasted. There are multiple restaurants that are must eats if you don't partake in the flesh of other creatures. Today I learned that the same city is also home to one of the best teas I've ever poured down my throat.

I obviously chose this because of the awesome bottle. It looks like it should house some sort or marinade and not a tea. Secondly when has anyone known me to pass up something with ginger in it? Not only does it taste like ginger, but also there are actually small pieces of it in the drink, like sediment. It's surprisingly smooth with a heavy ginger flavor, minus the burn. The secret weapon in here isn't the ginger though; it's the trace amounts of vanilla. It gives this tea a whole new dimension. I picked this up at Whole Foods. Hopefully their stores outside of Chicago will also carry it, because I definitely want more.
Iced Tea
Argo TeaWebsite@argotea
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/11/11, 7:39 PM
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Argo Tea Carolina Honey

Argo Tea Carolina Honey
Gorgeous packaging is a selling point to me. I like when people put some time and effort and thought into it. Shouldn't everyone? Does anyone not care when an item is packaged nicely? All you Mac fan-boys, you don't love how well your hundredth iPod is packaged? They do a better job of their packaging than their products. What? How many iPods have you owned because they last about a year and a half before they just stop working. Alright, alright. I'll stop. Now back to drinks.

This tea is fantastic. It's such a dark brew of black tea. One of the darkest ready-to-drink beverages I've ever had. I think that companies try and play it safe. They brew it lightly so that it's not as heavy but brother, this is not that company. It's perfectly sweetened and you can really taste the honey, which isn't overshadowed by the sugar.

This is my first drink from Argo and it will not be my last. You hear me, friends? It will not be my last. I only know one place around here, which is Merge Restaurant in Buffalo, that I can get it, but I hope that Argo steps up their distribution, charges a little less, and pleases me and you by making it more readily available.
Iced Tea
Argo TeaWebsite@argotea
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/20/11, 1:19 PM
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