Argo Tea Apple Hibiscus

Argo Tea Apple Hibiscus
We talk a lot about sugar and real sugar and fake sugar and at the end of it I would give it all up for unsweet tea. This would be a good start. It's good. It tastes like something you could make at home but who cares. It's there in a fancy glass container with a gigantic mouth that's hard to drink out of but that's a lame complaint that I'm not even using against the final report card of this drink.

Look, apple isn't a strong flavor. This does taste like apple but faintly. The hibiscus is good, though. Paired together is a nice. Think of it like a boisterous party guy who is dating a real sweet but quiet girl. What a pair but they are on both ends of the spectrum. This is the nice relationship that is two people that truly love each other that you question why they're together until you see them in person and all questions are answered.
Iced Tea
Argo TeaWebsite@argotea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/8/14, 12:26 PM
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