Bai - 17 Reviews

Bai Supertea Tanzania Lemon

Bai Supertea Tanzania Lemon
This is...I guess this is like an Arnold Palmer. While it's not listed as such, it's more than than a lemon black tea. It's considered tea but I don't know what the base of this is. Does calling it "supertea" make it so that you don't have to claim it's anything since "supertea" isn't a real thing? This is like a 60/40 lemonade and something else. I don't know what it is. Is it bad? Not at all if you can deal with the flavor of erythritol which some cannot.

If you like Bai, and I do, you already know about what this tastes like. They seem to be riding the erythritol train pretty hard so you know what you're going to get. I would drink this again. While it's not particularly warm and won't stop raining, this would have otherwise made a nice summer drink. Since it's not technically summer yet, I suppose I can't complain. Also, what does complaining about the weather actually do besides make you annoying?
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 6/20/19, 7:20 AM
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Bai Lambari Watermelon Lime

Bai Lambari Watermelon Lime
I think if Thirsty Dudes could have one sponsor it would be Big Lots. I believe that I speak for both Jay and myself when I say that for drinks, it's a great place. They never have the same thing and you could go once a month and find new stuff. It's not the best stuff, sure. It's not the most high end stuff, sure. Sometimes you find a lot of the same stuff but anything that's there a lot is truly and undeniably garbage at best. Recently they've been getting some nicer stuff though like Bruce Cost, Illy and Belvoir. Maybe they know we're going there.

This last time I went with my brother who has never "Thirsty Dude'd" with me and he just watched as I nonchalantly knocked drink after drink into my handcart. This being one of them and I'm glad I did because it's pretty darn good. Somehow the lime does cut through and ruin everything. The watermelon flavor was light and first followed by the lime. They're also doing a good job at taming their array of sweeteners because it no longer tastes like Stevia threw up in your mouth. It's also in a nice, small can so you don't get overwhelmed by the flavor. It's sweet. Not too sweet but I think anything larger than this there would be remainders.

Big Lots, if you're listening, we're accepting offers.
Diet, Juice and Sparkling
United States
Bai Natural Sweetener Blend (Erythritol and Organi
Mike Literman on 2/19/18, 6:12 AM
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Bai 5 Bubbles Jamaica Blood Orange

Bai 5 Bubbles Jamaica Blood Orange
It looks like the storm is clearing up. I mean there's still some ominous clouds in the sky, but at least it's stopped raining and if you look to the west you can see the sun peeking out a bit. Bai, that is exactly how I feel about this drink. After the less than stellar coconut and guava version of this I feel like you're finally getting some things right. This is a diet sparkling blood orange drink in which the diet taste isn't punishing your taste buds. The blood orange flavor comes first and it tastes great. It's a hard flavor to mess up, but then again so is guava and look where that got us. The taste of the erythritol/stevia is still there in the aftertaste, but it's fairly subdued. The orange flavor is breaking through those dumb sweetener clouds. I'm glad this is good because up until this carbonated line came around I was really into this companies work.
Diet and Sparkling
United States
Bai Natural Sweetener Blend (Erythritol and Organi
Jason Draper on 11/25/14, 5:38 PM
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Bai 5 Bubbles Guatemala Guava

Bai 5 Bubbles Guatemala Guava
I would like to speak with whoever was in charge of deciding how much sweetener was to be put in this beverage? Did they have a cold the day the decision was made? Were their collective noses stuffed, so that it affected their sense of taste? I don't know what situation would make me not want to fire them, but I hope something is brought to my attention, because this is just ridiculous(drinkers of a product have the ability to fire employees of the company right). Normally when stevia/erythritol are used in a beverage it's towards the bottom of the ingredients list. In here it's the second thing listed; carbonated water then zero calorie sweetener blend. It's so overly fake sweet that it's hard to make out the intended flavor of the drink. Guava is generally a very strong flavor, like passion fruit. In here it gets lost and it seems like an afterthought.

There are people out there who will really like this. I personally just don't understand using that much zero calorie sweetener, just use less. No one will complain.
Diet and Sparkling
United States
Bai Natural Sweetener Blend (Erythritol and Organi
Jason Draper on 10/22/14, 6:41 PM
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Bai 5 Bubbles Waikiki Coconut

Bai 5 Bubbles Waikiki Coconut
From the get go I wanted nothing to do with this beverage. My interest in coconut water is still relatively new and a carbonated version sounded absolutely terrible to me. Just as I feared this drink fell on the sunscreen side of the spectrum. It wasn't to the extent that it tasted like someone watered down their Coppertone and then introducing it to a Soda Stream, but it is close enough. If that wasn't a bad enough description for you, take into consideration that the all-natural, zero calorie sweetener is ridiculously strong, and nearly unbearable. Simply put, this is not for me.
Coconut, Diet and Sparkling
United States
Bai Natural Sweetener Blend (Erythritol and Organi
Jason Draper on 10/22/14, 10:06 AM
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Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Molokai Coconut

Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Molokai Coconut
Here is another one of those times where I just can not get down with a drink, but I give it an decent review simply because I know there are a lot of people out there who would truly enjoy it. Everything thing about this drink is organic and perfectly fine, so it would be unfair for me to give it a bad review simply because I do not like this aspect of coconuts.

If coconuts were to be portrayed as a character in the DC universe, they would be Two Face. The Harvey Dent, unscarred side of Two Face would represent coconut water. It's clean and refreshing tasting. It makes you feel good and there is hope for the fruit. I believe in Harvey Dent, or at least his side of the coconut. Then there is the other dark side of the tropical fake nut. It's the side that is toasted and burned, much like the face of this adversary. It's also the side that makes you think of the beach and tanning oil. It's something I certainly cannot get behind. I kind of wish it was thrown into Arkham once and for all.

This beverage does not taste like toasted coconuts, but it unfortunately really tastes like you're trying to catch some rays and you lick a little too far past your lips and taste your tanning oil. It actually is like someone took that oil and really sweetened it up. There is erythritol in here, so it's a cool, sweetened tanning oil. It's strange. It has the makings of some sort of candy that half the population would absolutely love and the rest of us rational people would hate.
Coconut, Coffee and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 7/23/13, 10:33 AM
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Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Brasilia Blueberry

Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Brasilia Blueberry
Here we have the five calorie aka diet version of Bai's Jamiaca Blueberry. I'm sure if I drank this and the original back to back I could tell the difference easily, but from memory I sure could be fooled. Bai has done a great job of making a sweeten beverage with only 2g of sugar and 5 calories not taste diet. About that, when did the word diet become such a no-no word? Everything that would have been called diet ten years ago is now referred to as “light,” “zero,” or “low calorie.” They all amount to the same thing, but companies seem afraid to label their drinks diet. Was there some vocal backlash that I am unaware of, or are they afraid that the word diet is too closely tied to aspartame and sucralose (you know the devil's sweeteners)?

Bai uses both erythritol and stevia in a way that it doesn't distort the flavor of the juice. Even though there are zero calorie sweeteners and other berries in here as well, the blueberry really shines through and tastes like fruit. That's really all you can ask for in something diet (I'm still not afraid to use the word).
Coffee, Diet and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 6/30/13, 2:03 PM
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Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Ipanema Pomegranate

Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Ipanema Pomegranate
It's impossible to drink this without singing the well known bossa-nova tune from the sixty's The Girl From Ipanema. I was fine with that. I enjoy that song. More songs today should adapt that sound versus those garage/garbage sounds from a similar era. Not my cup of tea, that stuff. I'm a groove man.

I have had many bottles of this prior to review. Why didn't I review it before? Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I might want to enjoy a drink with a meal without having to remember how it taste to bring it home and write all about it. Sometimes I just enjoy drinking drinks. This though, it's worth drinking three times. It's got a great pomegranate taste and the erythritol does wonders to actually compliment the bitterness of a real pomegranate. It doesn't taste too sweet and the sweetener doesn't junk up the flavor. I really like it, can you tell? It's one of the best Bai drinks and an easy decision when it comes to buying a drink at the store with a meal since it's only ten calories per bottle.

Getting smarter, drink makers. Getting smarter. Keep it up, Bai. You're one of the good ones.
Diet, Juice and Coffee
United States
Mike Literman on 6/24/13, 5:19 PM
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Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Malawai Mango

Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Malawai Mango
First things first; I believe the label for this packaging was misprinted. You see I have this and a bottle of the mango pear sitting in front of me, and the ingredients lists are the same. Sure they could just use different quantities, but I don't taste pear in this at all, and I had the “non-diet” version of this a while back and that had mango and pineapple in it, and this tastes the same as I remember that. Just a heads up Bai, you might want to look into that.

As I just mentioned two seconds ago I had the regular version of this, and I have to say this tastes eerily close to it, even though erythritol was swapped out for the cane juice, the flavor stays fairly consistent. It still has a great mango flavor with some pineapple mixed in. I'm going to feel like a real idiot if there is not any pineapple in the 5 calorie version, but I can taste it, but it could be totally psychosomatic. It also has a nice white tea base that is hard to miss. There is only the faintest erythritol coolness to this. So little that if I didn't know it was in there, I might not notice. Bai did a great job masking the flavor, while still keeping it low in calories. Good job folks.
Coffee, Diet and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 5/9/13, 12:40 PM
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Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Limu Lemonade

Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Limu Lemonade
I love coffee, there's no hiding it. I don't know why it's taken me this long to have a drink made from the fruit of a coffee bean. Verdict? I love it! This lemonade is really delicious, especially for a diet lemonade. I opted to drink this instead of coffee this morning after only a couple hours of sleep and it definitely did the trick. Granted it doesn't have as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, but it has enough to wake me up this morning so I didn't pass out on the bus to work.
Coffee, Diet and Lemonade
United States
Derek Neuland on 5/3/13, 11:53 AM
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Bai Antioxidant Infusion Tanzania Strawberry

Bai Antioxidant Infusion Tanzania Strawberry
I have been saving this one for a while. Every time I open up my drink drawer in my fridge it's there staring up at me saying, "This is not the time." Today the voice that is proof that I am completely insane did not whisper in my mind. I knew the day had finally come to drink the last of my Bai.

I was expecting this to be the king of all Bai. Strawberry juice is incredible on it's own, and my history with Bai has been nothing if not stellar. After my first sip I knew that Tanzania Strawberry was the ruler of nothing. It's not bad in any way, but it didn't come anywhere near the idea I had of it in my head. The other flavors have been insanely strong tasting just like the fruit that was in the name. I was expecting this to taste like fresh strawberries with sugar lightly sprinkled on top. What I got was more pomegranate than anything. As it turns out there is more pomegranate juice in this than strawberry juice. The strawberry peaks through more in the aftertaste. If this was labeled as a pomegranate juice it would have gotten higher marks. Seeing at they marketed it as strawberry it only gets three bottles due to disappointment.
Coffee and Juice
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 6/21/11, 9:37 PM
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Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Congo Pear

Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Congo Pear
Pears. Pfft. Apple's crappy cousin who always stops by at the worst times and stays way too long and asks you thinks like, "Hey, are you still into that band Bush?". It's not so much insulting as it is a reminder to how dumb you once were and how long it's been since you talked to them. Also, do they still like Bush? Were they asking you because they had something new to inform you about? I don't think Gavin Rossdale has anything new to say about Bush. So pears...

I somehow ended up with this pear drink and I have been reluctant to drink it. Since I'm taking a brief hiatus on pop, I figured today is the day. I cracked it open and liked it. With most of the Bai drinks, it's got the very Stevia undertone with a legit fruit flavor as described. The smell of pear, which never bothered me, is very present when you smell the drink. It's a 50/50 toss up between who wins, sweetness or fruitness. Oh, fruitness isn't a word? I'm sorry, who is reviewing this drink? My cousin? Hey cuz, remember Sponge? That'll get him to shut up for a minute.

This is good, although not the best Bai drink I've had, thus, I will/have rate/rated it as such. If you love pears, you will like this drink, but even though you love pears, you too might be a bit disappointed about the fighting between the flavors. You might want really pear since there aren't a lot of pear drinks out there. I don't know what you want. This might be it. You can't really go wrong with this company, so give it a whirl. You won't be disappointed.
Coffee, Diet and Juice
United States
Mike Literman on 5/17/11, 3:42 AM
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Bai Antioxidant Infusion Jamaica Blueberry

Bai Antioxidant Infusion Jamaica Blueberry
Recently I got to tour a coffee plantation. After trying Bai I was pumped to see (and try) coffee fruit. Unfortunately it wasn't the season for the fruit, so they weren't ripe yet. Of course that didn't stop me from picking what was available from the plants and the ground. Here is what I discovered: A) Not ripe coffee fruit just tastes like your run of the mill plant you would pull out of the ground. B) The dried out fruit on the ground tastes like old wood. Both were gross.

Bai apparently knows the proper time to harvest their coffee fruit because this does not taste anything like a poinsettia or some old Amish furniture. It's sweet, fruity and the stuff dreams are made out of. This really tastes like I mashed up a whole mess of blueberries and filtered out all the seeds and chunks. Do you realize how many blueberries that would take? I bet at least a five-gallon bucket of them would be needed to fill this bottle. Bai means business. Don't forget that. Ever.
Coffee and Juice
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 5/6/11, 2:35 AM
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Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Sumatra Dragonfruit

Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Sumatra Dragonfruit
Coffee, Diet and Juice
United States
Mike Literman on 4/10/11, 8:41 AM
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Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Costa Rica Clementine

Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Costa Rica Clementine
Coffee as a fruit? The first thing I (unfortunately) thought of was that monkey poop coffee. Oh, you've never heard of it? Some monkey somewhere eats coffee fruit, poops out the coffee beans, and people go crazy-go-nuts over it. It's the world's most expensive coffee. It comes from a monkey's butt and people clamor over it. Gross. I don't like coffee, or things that come out of butts, but this, luckily for me, is neither. It's pretty fantastic. It's got a sweet Stevia taste, but it really allows the clementine flavor to shine through. It's very fruity and very inviting. It's got a great smell and I could easily drink a straight 40 of this stuff. It goes down really smooth and 16.9 ounces is only 10 calories. This is downright healthy for you and is actually 100% of your daily vitamin C intake.

I hate oranges, but love orange juice. I know it's stupid, but there is just so much work and I've got better things to do than peel an orange all friggin' day.
Coffee, Diet and Juice
United States
Mike Literman on 3/22/11, 12:37 PM
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Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Panama Peach

Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Panama Peach
Today I spent the day in the studio recording with my band. It was awesome and we had a lot of fun. An added bonus was that we were locked away and we missed the complete annoyance of the St Patrick's Day parade on the streets below. We wrapped up a little while ago and I was walking to my car when I noticed some drunken jerk had completely trashed the side of my car (there was a video camera in the parking lot and the driving was definitely a drunk parade goer). So here I sit, hating drunken idiots even more, waiting for the cops. What better way to pass this time then with a drink review?

Bai is turning out to be a pretty incredible company. They use the fruit of the coffee plant in their drinks for its antioxidant properties. You may expect that to be gross, but it doesn't taste like brewed coffee. It actually tastes like a really fruity tea. This one specifically tastes like tea with butt-loads of fresh peach juice added to it. It's good enough that it's helping me calm down. It is also so good that I didn't even realize that this was the diet version until I was halfway done. Yep, sweetened with erythritol and I didn't even realize. That gives it two thumbs up from me.
Coffee, Diet and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 3/20/11, 8:50 PM
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Bai Antioxidant Infusion Mango Kauai

Bai Antioxidant Infusion Mango Kauai
Did you know that when coffee is harvested it's a fruit? I certainly had no idea. Apparently it's a fruit and coffee companies discard the skin and the fruit, only keeping the center bean to make the caffeinated drink that billions of people are obsessed with. This may be the most interesting thing that I've learned thus far while being involved with Thirsty Dudes. I personally think coffee is swill. When chocolate is introduced into the mix it's not so bad, but regular coffee is grossville station. This made me very wary of this line of drinks. Coffee and fruit? Ick.

I decided to try this one on for size during dinner tonight. I twisted off the cap and took my customary sniff. Surprisingly it smelled like sweet fruit with no coffee smell to note. For the record I do think that coffee smells incredible, I just can't get down with the taste. I took my first sip and learned some even more interesting facts. The fruit of the coffee plant does not taste a damn thing like what the masses know as coffee. It was as if there was a parade in my mouth. I let the taste linger on my tongue for a bit, so it was a fairly long parade. I'm sure there were people on both sides (getting more and more annoyed by the second) waiting for the parade to end so they could get to their destinations.

The bottle says it's mango flavored, but the label lists both mango and pineapple as ingredients. It really tastes like a perfect blend of those two fruits. My brain wants me to think that the drink is gritty for some reason, but it definitely is not. I think I'm just imagining stray coffee grounds in my juice.

The added bonus of this great tasting drink is that coffee fruit is apparently the ultimate super-fruit. Pomegranate has 65 ORAC units of antioxidants. Acai has 100. Coffee fruit has a shocking 4,000 ORAC units of antioxidants. Any oxidants that were in my body prior to ingesting this have surely been banished to the depths of coffee hell. By coffee hell, I mean some terribly artsy coffee shop where all of the patrons and employees are the most pretentious group of people to ever be assembled. The walls are adorned with terrible art that they think is the deepest thing ever. In their minds they are about to turn the art world on their ear. Really they are just rebelling against their parents, since they still live in their basement, even though they are in their mid forties.
Coffee and Juice
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 3/14/11, 8:37 PM
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