Batch Craft Soda - 3 Reviews

Batch Craft Soda Brown Sugar Root Beer

Batch Craft Soda Brown Sugar Root Beer
Batch, I'm sorry okay? I know you tried really hard and you like to make things a little quirky, but in this instance it didn't really do it for me. Root beer is an exceptional flavor, and I don't know if I've ever had one that I didn't enjoy to some extent, but this tastes like it was half root beer and half…₮ÂĶI guess it would be brown sugar soda. The second soda detracts from all of the things that would normally make soda one so great. It's like the Nothing and it just gobbles up everything in its path, including tasty root beer.

Batch, don't get me wrong this isn't terrible. I finished the whole bottle and everything. It's just that I have such a high standard when it comes to root beer, and you did not live up to it. Perhaps if it were names Brown Sugar Soda with Root Beer Flavoring I would be able to get behind it a bit more for being the uncommon soda that it is. Unfortunately it is named the opposite and it leaves me wanting.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Batch Craft SodaWebsite@BatchSoda
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/29/17, 7:54 PM
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Batch Craft Soda Shirley Temple

Batch Craft Soda Shirley Temple
Back in the 30's bartenders on the movie lot would mix up some ginger ale (or lemon lime if it was all they had) with some grenadine and throw in a cherry to make it seem special. These drinks had a singular use; they were used to bride a child actress into giving some good takes for the “talkies.” They would pretend they were grown up drinks and only girls who performed well earned their grown up drink. Mix up one of these cocktails and those little feet would be dancing up a storm, never missing a step. If she messed up though, she was given straight sour mix.

Is any of this true? I have no idea. As far as I know this beverage was created by a bartender at bowling alley who was trying to appease the kids on a Saturday afternoon. That, at least, is my history with it. Whatever its origin story it's a great little drink. This Batch version of the classic drink doesn't quite capture the essence of the bowling alley version that I love from my youth, but it is a cleaner, more distinguished version. I mean it's not coming out of a soda gun, so chances are it's going to be of better quality. Whether you're trying to get kids to dance, or to bowl there really isn't a better beverage for the job.
Soda Pop
Batch Craft SodaWebsite@BatchSoda
United States
Jason Draper on 5/28/17, 8:30 AM
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Batch Craft Soda Snozzberry

Batch Craft Soda Snozzberry
I know what you're thinking. Do you think I didn't think it? I'm going to guess that the majority of people whose eyes scan this bottle are thinking the same thing, “Do the snozzberries taste like snozzberries?” I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes. I have no idea what a snozzberry actually is, but after tasting this soda I will say that yes this should be the definitive definition for the fictional fruit. Unless you are talking about the crude joke that Roald Dahl actually meant by the word, then I will say no, this probably does not taste like that.

The is a little known fact that I hum/sing two bars of the Wonka song all the damn time, but no one ever realizes it. I normally don't even know I'm doing it until I reach the end of the second bar. It's a good melody, and this is an exceptional soda. I'm not exactly sure what berries they have combined to make this new variety, but gun to head I would say boysenberry and raspberry. It's extremely good, and that is hard for a fruit flavored soda to achieve. I bet if they opened up a Wonka amusement park (far from timely) this would be a huge seller at the gift shop and they would never get a single complaint about it. Even bitter folks, who are dead inside would love it. I mean I did.
Soda Pop
Batch Craft SodaWebsite@BatchSoda
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/13/17, 7:17 PM
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