Buck O'Hairen's - 1 Review

Buck O'Hairen's Legendary Sunshine Ginger Berry

Buck O'Hairen's Legendary Sunshine Ginger Berry
The story of this beverage is great. You've probably never heard of him, but Buck O'Hairen was a notorious creator of moonshine in the Appalachian Mountains. At the height of his operations he was producing 60 gallons of whiskey a day. Do you know that that equals? There are several answers, but the one we're looking for is “A whole mess of hangovers.” Sick of feeling like garbage after sampling his wares (and his still blowing up causing wildfires), Buck developed a recovery beverage that he called Sunshine. He claimed it would “It'll fix yer mornin' right.”

This is in celebration of the beverage that Buck was making when he mysteriously disappeared. Just like back in the 1800's this recovery beverage is made from ginger root, blackberries and soda water. I don't know how the original tasted, but this current version is fantastic. If it were a regular soda it would be one of the best I've ever had, and more than likely the best fruit soda that has ever crossed my lips. It has a strong berry taste with hints of ginger, but with no burn. It flat out tastes refreshing.

This is not your typical energy drink. It's not going to make you feel crazy and give you an insane boost of energy that will lead to jitters. It does pack enough of a punch to make you feel more wake and alert in a natural way. You don't feel like you've been given an artificial kick in the butt. It makes you feel like you've woken up from a perfect nap and are ready to take on the day. I know it's got me ready to hop on my bike and just ride.
Energy Drink and Ginger
Buck O'Hairen'sWebsite@sunshinedrink
United States
Jason Draper on 8/2/15, 11:14 AM
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