Fitz's - 4 Reviews

Fitz's Premium Hip Hop Pop

Fitz's Premium Hip Hop Pop
This is not an original thought, but think of the world 40 or so years from now. A good portion of the elderly population will be covered in tattoos, but more interesting than that is the idea of a 90 year old driving around in a car with a bass system jut bumping some sort of hip hop. It's such a ridiculously wonderful thought that is almost certain to become a reality, well that is unless the world ends, which wouldn't be a shock either. I'm just going to sit back and laugh about this as I sip on this bottle of Hip Hop Pop. I'm not sure what exactly relates it to the hip hop community, but it's fun to say. Go ahead, do it a loud. I dare you.

When I drank this I was all sorts of confused. I thought it tasted like a lighter Mr Pibb that was heavy on cherry. A friend thought that it was just a unique cherry soda. Neither of us had any inkling that this was actually supposed to be a berry cola, that was mostly raspberry. When I think about that description I can make out a faint cola taste and the berry is definitely noticeable, but I still get that Pibb taste, but better than the real Pibb. It's a mystery bottle and apparently everyone gets something different out of it. The nice thing is that everyone seemed to enjoy what they received. I wonder what flavors grace the tongue of Nelly when he drinks it.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/3/15, 7:28 PM
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Fitz's Premium Coffee Cola

Fitz's Premium Coffee Cola
Tim Kasher is the front-man for both Cursive and The Good Life, as well as a solo artist. Jason was recently on tour with Cursive and Tim was kind enough to review Fitz's Coffee Cola for us.

Cursive just reissued a 10-year anniversary edition of their album "The Ugly Organ."
The Good Life has a new full length coming out this spring.
Tim also has a split 7" coming out with Chris Farren.

Coffee and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Tim Kasher - Cursive/The Good Life on 3/15/15, 5:19 PM
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Fitz's Premium Grape Pop

Fitz's Premium Grape Pop
We have quite the storm going on in Buffalo, NY right now. I believe in the past two hours I have seen more lightning and heard more thunder than the rest of my life combined. It's crazy go nuts university out there. Luckily I made it home right before the sky opened up and all of the moisture in all of the air from the entire world dropped on my beloved city. What better way to experience this than by sitting under your covered porch, drinking a nice frosty root beer and listening to The Cure's Disintegration? Oh you don't have root beer? Well neither did I actually, and I'd a bit ashamed of that. AS a fill in I decided to go with a cool bottle of Fitz's grape pop. It might not be as comforting as root beer, and I may not be at a BBQ, but this is one fine bottle of soda. It's like someone took a standard grape soda and turned it up a few notches. I was actually questioning whether there was real juice in here; there's not. It just tastes bold and fruity in the right ways. This may be the best grape soda I've ever had that wasn't just sparkling grape juice. To bring this full circle, it's actually much better than their root beer, which was very standard without the amping up.

The storm is still raging, but my bottle is empty and the album is over. It's time to call it a night and read some comics. This is how everyone celebrates their birthday, right?
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/19/13, 11:02 PM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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Fitz's Premium Root Beer

Fitz's Premium Root Beer
It's always great to be able to sample local drinks when you're visiting other cities. I have to say that when you're in St Louis you should drink Fitz's root beer. It's has a fairly standard flavor. There's nothing fancy about it, but it does have a solid taste. It's in the same vein as your "major label" pops, but of a way higher quality. The use of cane sugar alone makes it superior. It did make my tongue feel slightly numb, but that just makes the drinking experience more exciting.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/14/11, 7:08 PM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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