Fitz's Premium Grape Pop

Fitz's Premium Grape Pop
We have quite the storm going on in Buffalo, NY right now. I believe in the past two hours I have seen more lightning and heard more thunder than the rest of my life combined. It's crazy go nuts university out there. Luckily I made it home right before the sky opened up and all of the moisture in all of the air from the entire world dropped on my beloved city. What better way to experience this than by sitting under your covered porch, drinking a nice frosty root beer and listening to The Cure's Disintegration? Oh you don't have root beer? Well neither did I actually, and I'd a bit ashamed of that. AS a fill in I decided to go with a cool bottle of Fitz's grape pop. It might not be as comforting as root beer, and I may not be at a BBQ, but this is one fine bottle of soda. It's like someone took a standard grape soda and turned it up a few notches. I was actually questioning whether there was real juice in here; there's not. It just tastes bold and fruity in the right ways. This may be the best grape soda I've ever had that wasn't just sparkling grape juice. To bring this full circle, it's actually much better than their root beer, which was very standard without the amping up.

The storm is still raging, but my bottle is empty and the album is over. It's time to call it a night and read some comics. This is how everyone celebrates their birthday, right?
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/19/13, 11:02 PM
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