Flying Bison - 6 Reviews

Flying Bison Apple Cinnamon Soda

Flying Bison Apple Cinnamon Soda
It's exciting when Village Beer Merchant updates their tap list and posts it to Facebook. Every time, I click "read more" and scroll down to the bottom to see if they have a new soda. Last week, it read "Apple Cinnamon Soda". It makes sense. It's a very winter-esque soda. I feel like it may be a little more appropriate during the fall, but I'm not picky.

It took a little bit of time but I finally made it over there today to get my growler filled with this delicious sounding soda. I have never had an apple cinnamon soda, and as far as I know neither has Mike or Jay. So this first sip was an adventure. I was expecting this to taste like apple cider with carbonation.

Was I right? Nope. It tastes like apple pie filling with extra cinnamon. Not classic mom made apple pie, more so the sugar filled ones you can get at any gas station for 99 cents. While it's not what I was expecting, I really like it. The cinnamon has a nice kick to it and is similar (but not as intense) as a good ginger burn. Village Beer Merchant/Flying Bison did it again, good job!
Soda Pop
Flying BisonWebsite@flyingbison
United States
Derek Neuland on 1/3/13, 8:49 PM
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Flying Bison Sarsaparilla

Flying Bison Sarsaparilla
The wonderful establishment Village Beer Merchant in Buffalo has put on tap another delicious soda from Flying Bison. My awesome partner surprised me with this growler and I couldn't have been happier. This is easily one of my favorite sarsaparilla's I've had so far. I wish it had a little more carbonation, but the sweetness is perfect. It has a great licorice taste, which prompted me to buy some black licorice the next day.

Good work Village Beer Merchant/Flying Bison, you've done it again. Thank you!
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Flying BisonWebsite@flyingbison
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 12/1/12, 11:50 PM
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Flying Bison Ginger Peach Soda

Flying Bison Ginger Peach Soda
Flying Bison has improved upon their Ginger Soda. This is not as sweet and has way more ginger added to it. I still think it needs some work, but they are fairly new to the game and are still messing with their recipes. In most drinks, if there is a peach flavor involved it is the main attraction. In this soda it is only faintly there. I don't know if I would have even noticed it if it wasn't labeled "peach". It was getting to the end of the batch, so that may affect the levels of peach to ginger. I still think there is great potential in the Flying Bison sodas, so I will continue to try them as they become available.
Soda Pop and Ginger
Flying BisonWebsite@flyingbison
United States
Jason Draper on 3/16/11, 3:58 PM
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Flying Bison Ginger Soda

Flying Bison Ginger Soda
This is the first Flying Bison soda that I haven't been completely stoked about. It's not a ginger ale, yet it's not quite a ginger beer. Let me break it down this way, this makes me feel like Flying Bison has a base soda that for each flavor they add something different to. I'm sure most companies do the same thing. This tastes like that base with a bunch of ginger in it. It has a slight burn, but nothing crazy. My problem with it is that it's way sweeter than any other ginger drink I've ever had. The sweetness is very specific and it reminded me too much of their mint sodas (minus the mint). It's okay, but I would just prefer a ginger beer.
Soda Pop and Ginger
Flying BisonWebsite@flyingbison
United States
Jason Draper on 1/14/11, 5:12 PM
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Flying Bison Candy Cane

Flying Bison Candy Cane
I got a text message from a friend late the other night telling me to go out to my front yard because she had thrown a growler onto my snow covered front lawn of this delicious soda for me. I quickly ran out in my pjs and grabbed it up from its snowy tomb.
Flying Bison is a local brewery that will occasionally make some soda. I had heard they were making this, but when I went to get some, it wasn't ready yet. I was definitely pumped to be able to try it. It wasn't as strong as I was expecting it to be. That is definitely a good thing. Anything that is too strongly mint flavored is generally terrible. This tastes like they got a decent nondescript flavored soda going on in a large vat and then dissolved a couple of hundred candy canes on it. While it's in your mouth there is only a slight mint flavor to it. It's when you swallow and breath in that the mintiness really hits you. You also get a nice minty taste when you lick your lips afterward.
I couldn't drink a huge glass of this, but a nice small glass of it is a really nice accent to the season.
Soda Pop
Flying BisonWebsite@flyingbison
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/26/10, 11:05 AM
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Flying Bison Mint Cream Soda

Flying Bison Mint Cream Soda
We found out that a local brewery, Flying Bison, had started brewing some sodas as well. We stopped in today and the flavor they had was mint cream soda. We ever so excitedly grabbed a growler of it and were on our way. We hadn't even made it into the car before we had cracked it open. Oh man is was good. It smelled way too minty for its own good, but the smell was deceiving. It's a great cream soda. The mint hits you right away, but the aftertaste is mostly cream soda. As an added bonus when you lick your lips, you get to revisit the mint. After a few sips we decided it reminded us a lot of Vanilla Scope mouthwash, but in a completely not gross way. It in no way feels like your drinking mouthwash, but that was our only comparison for a vanilla mint combo. If you're in Buffalo, head over to Flying Bison sometime and pick some of their soda up. I can't wait to head back and try some other flavors.
Soda Pop
Flying BisonWebsite@flyingbison
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/24/10, 5:43 PM
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