Gold Peak - 6 Reviews

Gold Peak Coffee Drink Almond Toffee

Gold Peak Coffee Drink Almond Toffee
Woah. Talk about a dense drink. Have you ever considered a drink to be "dense." I feel that "thick" is boring. "Rich" is also quite used if you ask me. This drink is dense. Heavy. Dude who I let try it perfectly described it as a "non-dairy creamer." It's as if you were a college kid who had one for a split second, like you found $20 on the street and decided to shoot for the stars and buy some fancy coffee creamer, got home, realized that you should have spent it on coffee and have nothing to drink but the creamer itself.

I did add this to some cold brew coffee and it was good. This claims that it was "cold brew" and although I cannot argue as I wasn't in the room as this was being made, it kind of defeats the point when you are sacrilegiously adding almond and toffee juice to it. That's also coming from someone who can only drink coffee cold and with some form of chocolate or mocha flavoring like an idiot child. This is fine if you were a child but if you were a child you wouldn't like it because it's coffee and kids don't like coffee so who is this for? This is for people that add twelve sugars to their coffees as barely functioning adults.
Gold PeakWebsite@goldpeaktea
United States
Mike Literman on 10/23/17, 8:03 AM
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Gold Peak Iced Tea Lemonade Iced Tea

Gold Peak Iced Tea Lemonade Iced Tea
Remember back in the day where the only half and half we had was Arizona Arnold Palmer? I seriously think that people don't realize that there are options aside from that. It's been a long time since those days and I've got to say that I don't miss that at all. There is nothing wrong with competition and since those days, there are dozens of better half and half's out there that surpass Mr. Arnold Palmer's drink. It's not a dis as much as it just a changing of the times. Better ingredients, smaller companies, easier distribution channels, and so on. Sure, Gold Peak is owned by Coke but it wasn't always and their tea has consistently been good. This intro paragraph is a wake up call to those who drink gallons of Arnold Palmer. Hey, friends. Wake up. There is more out there that was made specifically for you. Stop being lazy and complacent and try something new.

Lemonade and iced tea are a touch mix. Iced tea is a soft taste and lemonade is sharp and stands out in the crowd. This, in my opinion, is an uneven mix of the two. This leans way heavy towards lemonade. It's not bad but it almost cuts down the iced tea so much that if you didn't know better, you would think that this is a weak lemonade. I do not think that was the intention of Gold Peak. This probably came out just as it was supposed to but this is how I think about the contents of this bottle.

This was a nice surprise, as I don't remember the last time Gold Peak came out with a new product. Everything they have put out is good and if you are a half and half fan, try this out. As it stands, I still think it's better than Arizona but if you've been drinking that stuff for as long as I think you have, you've become desensitized to the fake sweetener that I can't stand.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Gold PeakWebsite@goldpeaktea
United States
Mike Literman on 7/25/12, 9:13 PM
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Gold Peak Iced Tea Unsweetened

Gold Peak Iced Tea Unsweetened
Oh, hello there. I didn't see you there. May I ask, what are you doing in my kitchen? Oh, you just needed milk. Well it seems that a more reasonable place would be a store and not my kitchen at 7:15 in the morning. I guess, since you're wearing a bathrobe, slippers, and flannel pants, I'm not in any danger there. What's that in your pocket? Oh, a spoon? Well in the top shelf to your left are bowl and over here is the cereal if you want to sit down with me and have breakfast. It might be nice, just us guys. My wife is at work and my kids are at school. I usually leave around eight so we've got some time.

Oh, me? I'm just going to have this tea my previously mentioned wife bought for me. It's unsweetened so I don't feel bad about drinking it so early in the morning. I haven't had it. Have you had those chocolate Cherrios yet? No? What a morning for an adventure, eh friend? I will tell you, you will not be disappointed as I have had many a bowl and they are delicious.

Oh, how's this tea? Eh. It's a textbook definition of unsweetened tea, which means it's good but nothing special. It's smooth and tastes like tea because it is tea, but it's really nothing more. I don't know what I expected as it is, after all, just unsweetened tea. No bells and whistles here. How is your cereal? You love it? I knew it. We're one for two and I guess that's not bad for this early in the morning. Hey, I've got to get ready to go to work. Can you lock up on your way out? I just got Sonic Generations for the Xbox if you want to play. It's a lot of fun. If you're going to be here later, we're getting pizza and wings. You're welcome to stay if you want just please don't scare my wife when she gets home. She'll probably pee her pants and although that's hilarious to us, it's more inconvenient to her.
Iced Tea
Gold PeakWebsite@goldpeaktea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 1/9/12, 10:16 AM
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Gold Peak Iced Tea Green Tea

Gold Peak Iced Tea Green Tea
Do you want some tea or something? You're not sure? That's a strange answer. What kinds are there? Really? Have you ever left your apartment? Green, white, black, oolong, Earl Gray, and tons more. You've never heard of green tea? You're joking. You're not joking. They've been drinking it for centuries and it's been a common drink here for years and years. I...dude...really. You've got me if you are joking. You're being ridiculous. Honor brite. Honor brite you've never had green tea. Really. Man. Well look, here's the deal with it. It's a nice earthy flavor with a bite. Depending on what green tea you get, it can have a pretty gnarly bitterness to it, but it's a good bitter. Since you're starting out, you might want to try this Gold Peak green tea. It's pretty good. It's sweetened and still has a really small bite. It's nice because you get everything you want in a sweetened green tea just toned down. It's naturally sweetened and flavored, too, so you aren't left with any strange aftertaste lingering in your mouth like that giant slice of Sbarro's that you decided to get for lunch. Not very worldly are you? There are a lot of different green teas but this one has a nice flavor to it that is like a green tea 101. If you don't like it, we can candy it up or go more natural. It's a nice launch pad into the depths of green tea. I can't believe you've never had the stuff. It's literally in shampoo, body wash, Starbucks, ice cream, Chap Stick, and like everything else. You really need to get out more.
Iced Tea
Gold PeakWebsite@goldpeaktea
United States
Mike Literman on 6/29/11, 12:29 AM
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Gold Peak Iced Tea Lemon

Gold Peak Iced Tea Lemon
I go back and forth between this one. Sometimes I take a sip and it's nice, sometimes it a bit too strange lemon. When it's good, it's good. When you get the lemon, it's not bad as much as not really what you've gotten used to. Almost like you have a two faced drink on your hands. Will I get it again? Probably. It's good when it's good, like I said. I will say that I like the original, sweetened tea a lot better and for that, this one will have a lower rating. That's how ratings work. Sorry.
Iced Tea
Gold PeakWebsite@goldpeaktea
United States
Mike Literman on 11/3/10, 10:36 AM
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Gold Peak Iced Tea Sweetened

Gold Peak Iced Tea Sweetened
What a silent but delicious brand. I have had the lemon as well and will review that one in due time, but this tea is very close to the Southern sweet tea that you know and (hopefully) love. I enjoy this tea because it's got a nice "real" tea flavor and is naturally sweetened with real sugar and not a substitute or sweetener. Gold Peak is also very cheap. I found this guy in a 6-pack for $3 and change and I know you can get a big 40-ish ounce bottle on sale for around $2. It rivals the gallon jugs from Arizona. I can see it as being a bit sweet for some and it's not terribly good for you, but if you don't care, then who cares, right?
Iced Tea
Gold PeakWebsite@goldpeaktea
United States
Mike Literman on 9/9/10, 1:10 PM
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