Green Fit - 4 Reviews

Green Fit Lime Coconut

Green Fit Lime Coconut
The rest of the Green Fit beverages have had a fairly mediocre taste. Since they are functional beverages that places them on the better end of the spectrum. This is the flavor I was least looking forward to. Look, I've come around on coconut water. I don't think it's the devil's spit anymore, but it's not my favorite, and coconut flavored things tend to be on the toasted side of things and I still cannot get down with that. Luckily they went heavy on the lime in this and the coconut is along the lines of coconut water.

The combination of the lime and the whey protein makes this taste more than a bit like key lime pie, well a light liquid version of it. The stevia is the only thing that detracts from that, but in a drink like this, you're not going to use regular sugar, so stevia was definitely the best possible choice. I think lime may be the secret to protein drinks. It makes the strange quasi-dairy taste seem appropriate and not just something you have to power through. It's always odd when the thing you fear becomes your favorite out of the bunch, but that is what we have here.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Green FitWebsite@GREENFITdrink
United States
Jason Draper on 3/25/13, 12:54 PM
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Green Fit Dragonfruit

Green Fit Dragonfruit
If you looked at me, you would say, "There is a kid who doesn't work out." I'm not fat, or even flabby, but I'm not terribly in shape. It's not for lack of trying. I ride my bike and have had multiple gym memberships. I just can never find the time. You know what I'm talking about. It's just such a hassle to go to work, come home, eat, change, go to the gym, get sweaty, come home, shower. Whatever. That's nonsense. I'll just eat less so I don't have to deal with that garbage.

I don't understand the whole carb up before or after and sugar now and not then and this is when you add protein and whatever. That whole rigamaroll. For this reason, you don't see me drinking a lot of protein drinks. That's half the reason why. The other half reason is because they can be chalky, tangy, and all sorts of terrible stuff. This drink is trying to not be but still can't shake the crud factory that is it's inevitable adulthood as a protein drink.

Initially you have the promise of something good. You get a good fruit flavor but before you have time to discover what it is your taste buds are quickly rinsed by an over abundance of Stevia. After your mouth recovers from that, it's that familiar taste of protein drinks; the slightly thick, gritty, odd taste. There is also yerba mate as an ingredient, which provides you with a bit of bitterness that might actually salvage some of the good, drinkable flavor that this drink has.

If you are familiar with protein drinks, this may be good. I think that less Stevia might save this drink at least a little bit. You can't win them all. If the guy who works at Subway has taught me anything it's that "no one's battin' 1000."
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Green FitWebsite@GREENFITdrink
United States
Mike Literman on 3/8/13, 2:59 PM
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Green Fit Pomegranate

Green Fit Pomegranate
If pomegranates were my kryptonite this drink would surely be my doom. While I hate that I just made a Superman reference (a cheater if I ever saw one) I could think of no metaphor that would be more fitting. There are tons of “weird” ingredients in here, but the pomegranate sneaks up and just punches you square in the nose. Oh good now I have blood all over my shirt. Oh wait, that's just pomegranate juice, because I dribble when I drink like a baby. Either way that's never coming out…€¦great.

This is strong, tart and functional. It has a lot of what you need to get through the day in a healthy manner. Sure I could do without the stevia, but the pomegranate is so strong that it buries it a bit. You know I could actually see myself drinking this for pleasure, which is not a common thing with these types of drinks. It really just tastes like a strong juice with a little something extra that doesn't bother me all that much. Huh. Who'd have thought?
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Green FitWebsite@GREENFITdrink
United States
Jason Draper on 12/31/12, 2:12 PM
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Green Fit Tropical Citrus

Green Fit Tropical Citrus
There are tens of thousands of drinks available throughout the world to drink for pleasure. We drink them everyday and most of the time and think nothing of it. Then there is the class of drinks that you drink for function. They are the drinks that you more than likely would never drink unless it was for a specific purpose. Energy drinks fall under this category, as do health shakes and protein drinks. They are formatted to serve a specific purpose, and because of that the taste generally suffers. Green Fit has created a drink that combines six different functional beverages into one; protein, energy, fiber, antioxidants, electrolytes and green superfoods. One would think that by combining six different types of drinks (who generally aren't all that tasty on their own) that the result would be total swill. While it's not my favorite thing in the world, and I wouldn't grab one for enjoyment, they were able to make a very palatable, very functional drink.

The drink has a citrus taste that masks most of the grossness that the ingredients would normally bring on. We're talking about whey protein, guarana extract, flax oil, spirulina extract, chlorella extract, fenugreek extract, and konjac. That's some pretty gross tasting stuff on it's own. The drink also isn't as thick as you would expect it to be. It has the consistency that falls somewhere between Vitamin Water and 100% juice. They also use stevia to sweeten it, and mask the flavor so it has that coolness to it. If they had added a little more orange juice, and ditched the stevia, this could be down right nice, but even though they didn't it is still passable and one of the better tasting functional beverages that I have tried.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Green FitWebsite@GREENFITdrink
United States
Jason Draper on 9/17/12, 1:46 PM
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