Green Fit Dragonfruit

Green Fit Dragonfruit
If you looked at me, you would say, "There is a kid who doesn't work out." I'm not fat, or even flabby, but I'm not terribly in shape. It's not for lack of trying. I ride my bike and have had multiple gym memberships. I just can never find the time. You know what I'm talking about. It's just such a hassle to go to work, come home, eat, change, go to the gym, get sweaty, come home, shower. Whatever. That's nonsense. I'll just eat less so I don't have to deal with that garbage.

I don't understand the whole carb up before or after and sugar now and not then and this is when you add protein and whatever. That whole rigamaroll. For this reason, you don't see me drinking a lot of protein drinks. That's half the reason why. The other half reason is because they can be chalky, tangy, and all sorts of terrible stuff. This drink is trying to not be but still can't shake the crud factory that is it's inevitable adulthood as a protein drink.

Initially you have the promise of something good. You get a good fruit flavor but before you have time to discover what it is your taste buds are quickly rinsed by an over abundance of Stevia. After your mouth recovers from that, it's that familiar taste of protein drinks; the slightly thick, gritty, odd taste. There is also yerba mate as an ingredient, which provides you with a bit of bitterness that might actually salvage some of the good, drinkable flavor that this drink has.

If you are familiar with protein drinks, this may be good. I think that less Stevia might save this drink at least a little bit. You can't win them all. If the guy who works at Subway has taught me anything it's that "no one's battin' 1000."
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Green FitWebsite@GREENFITdrink
United States
Mike Literman on 3/8/13, 2:59 PM
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