Jelly Belly - 10 Reviews

Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Juicy Pear

Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Juicy Pear
No matter how many flavors of Jelly Belly soda I try I am continuously surprised at how they don't taste like carbonated garbage water. Confectionary companies making soda has rarely, if ever, turned out well until now. So here I am with a bottle of soda that I don't really enjoy, but I can't say that it's bad by any means. I just am not a big fan of pears. They are at the lower levels of the fruit chain for me. I mean they come nowhere near the atrocity that is bananas, but they are still not even close to my favorite. Let me take an aside here and ask if we can hold whoever it was that created bananas responsible for war crimes? I think they would be getting off light.

Back to the subject at hand; this tastes like someone took a pear at the peak of ripeness, juiced it and mixed it in with some sweetened sparkling water. It only tastes vaguely candied, and that is shocking. I can't believe how much it actually tastes like pears since it says there is 0% juice in here.

I may not be a fan of this, but I can certainly respect it. I also know a bunch of people who would love this. It's a shame they aren't here to drink the rest of it, because I more than likely will not.
Soda Pop
Jelly BellyWebsite@jellybellyteam
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/1/16, 7:30 PM
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Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Tangerine

Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Tangerine
So tangerines are superior oranges, correct? A little sweeter, with a stronger flavor and they are easier to peel. How about we just accept them as the standard from here on out? A good orange is fantastic, but I feel like I have more bad oranges than good ones, and I've never had an unpleasant tangerine.

I was hoping that the improvement that is tangerines would translate to this soda, but unfortunately this is mostly just generic soda flavor with a sweet hint of a slightly different orange. It's not bad, but it is completely forgettable, which is not something we look for here at Thirsty Dudes. This is certainly not the gourmet soda that it claims to be, but at least it has cane sugar and isn't super thick and syrupy.

Someone make me a proper tangerine soda. I need to taste the superiority…€¦wow that sounded unintentionally fascist.
Soda Pop
Jelly BellyWebsite@jellybellyteam
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/24/16, 11:07 AM
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Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda French Vanilla

Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda French Vanilla
When a company who is known for making candy decides to start making soda, you'll have to forgive me for having some reservations. Shockingly Jelly Belly beat the odds and their sodas have ranged from decent to pretty good. I had expected grossness all around with more sugar than the Domino factory. I'm happy to say I was wrong. When it came to this French Vanilla soda I expected an average sweet cream soda. What I got was something a little bit more than your typical cream soda. This actually reminds me a lot of IBC's cream soda, which brings me back to high school where I would drink 40's of it at parties attempting to fit in with my classmates who were getting drunk.

There is a something a little classy about this soda. Sure, it's still pretty sweet, but it has a real vanilla flavor to it. Somehow the candy company made a soda that doesn't taste “candied.” I fear that many people who would really enjoy this would pass it up because of the Jelly Belly label. I'd like to see a study where this and a version of this with a different label and name were sold beside each other and see which sells better. Marketing, ya know?
Soda Pop
Jelly BellyWebsite@jellybellyteam
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/18/16, 1:36 PM
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Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Sour Cherry

Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Sour Cherry
I want to ask a serious question here, who decided to name the “cherry” flavor? I've eaten an obscene amount of cherries in my life and not once have they tasted like what companies have been labeling cherry for years. It was like they created a flavor that was red and they said, “Cherries are also red. This must be cherry. Nothing else on the planet is red but cherries. All I see are cherries. Are you a cherry, because you're wearing a red shirt? You most certainly are a cherry, and I shall refer to you as such from now on.”

This soda tastes a little closer to what a cherry actually is, but it still borders on that flavor that is not really cherry. Also the sourness in here tastes like it was something added, and not just a tart fruit. It's not horrible, but I can't see an adult finishing a bottle of this. To be fair if it wasn't for the use of cane sugar I would probably have written this off as garbage store brand soda, but the cane sugar does give it a bit more legitimacy in my world.

Soda Pop
Jelly BellyWebsite@jellybellyteam
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/15/16, 12:42 PM
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Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Crushed Pineapple

Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Crushed Pineapple
One thing I would like to do before I die is chop a pineapple down from a tree and eat it. I guess I could have someone more skilled get it down for me but I want it inside of me no more than two minutes after it came down from the tree. That's a fresh pineapple. I want it. I don't think that's a dramatic request. I can catch it, even though I am aware it might hurt me. It's like a slightly spikey, oddly shaped football. I love pineapple, though and want a fresh one. No more of this out of season garbage. Fresh, son.

This pop, although probably distant from a fresh pineapple, tastes a lot like pineapple. Not quite carbonated pineapple juice, but close. It's very sweet. You should not drink this alone. It's not destructive in its calories content at a pretty standard 120, but it is sweet, man.

Who knows, a fresh pineapple might not be that far away. I don't have any plans to travel to an exotic paradise any time soon but in the scheme of things, even five years isn't that long to have to wait for hopefully the best pineapple I will ever have in my life.
Soda Pop
Jelly BellyWebsite@jellybellyteam
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/18/12, 4:39 PM
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Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Strawberry Jam

Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Strawberry Jam
When you're a kid and it's Easter time jellybeans take a backseat only to Peeps (yes I am one of those strange people that prefers stale Peeps). As you get older jellybeans lose their allure. In fact they become just a step above gross. Then you discover a little company called Jelly Belly and your interest in jellybeans is renewed. Best of all they are available all year and they are "gourmet."

When I first saw Jelly Belly sodas I thought to myself "Self that sure sounds gross, over sugary candy pop is not something we are fans of." I got some for the site though for the sake of the website. When I finally got around to drinking it I discovered that they can do the same for sugary fake fruit sodas as they did for sugary fake fruit candy. Is it sweet? You bet your butt it is, but more importantly it tastes like strawberries. This actually tastes just like a real sweet strawberry jam. I certainly can't complain about a pop that delivers exactly what it promises, and neither should you.
Soda Pop
Jelly BellyWebsite@jellybellyteam
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/5/11, 12:09 AM
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Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Green Apple

Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Green Apple
Murder? You've got it. You want it to look like an accident? Got it. My suggestion would be poisoning him. It's a real hands off approach at murder. It's a good start. Hey, once you start, you can't stop. Murder is like the Pringles of crime. We have to first find out a way to not let him know we're going to kill him. Food is a good thing to poison. You just have to get at it before he does. Oh, you cook his dinner? Perfect. What does he like to drink for dinner? Jelly Belly green apple pop? Perfect. It looks like antifreeze so we can just use that. The body hates antifreeze and we can mix a lot in since the smell of the original pop is so strong. Do you have one that I can have to test on? Thanks. Well, this is pretty good. No wonder he likes to drink it. It's sweet, lightly carbonated. I don't know how this would accompany a beef stroganoff, but what do I know. I'm a hit man, not a food critic. Yeah, you know, this stuff is pretty delicious. It's candy-esque, but not too sweet that you can't polish off an entire bottle yourself. You've never had it? Here, take a big swig off this one. What's that? I can't understand you over the sound of the foam coming out of your mouth. Why yes, I did put antifreeze in that bottle when you weren't looking. Your husband hired me to kill you and he beat you to the punch. As you can see, this would have worked just fine. Sorry that I had to do this so intimately, but it was the only time you were available. If you don't mind, I'm going to take the rest of this 4-pack as a bonus to my hard work. Sorry you're dead. Nice Swatch. You can keep it because it's ladies sized and I'm clearly gent sized.
Soda Pop
Jelly BellyWebsite@jellybellyteam
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/25/11, 11:47 AM
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Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Blueberry

Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Blueberry
Jelly Belly runs the jellybean game. Seriously no other company comes even close to touching them. They have single-handedly turned the candy into a year round thing, and not just an Easter time ordeal. When they stepped up and started making the gross ones from Harry Potter, my admiration grew even more. What's more fun then sitting in the dark with your friends so you can't see what jelly bean your eating, praying that you don't get wasabi or grass. Okay a lot of things are more fun than that, but it was entertaining for 15 minutes one night.

When I saw that Jelly Belly had expanded into sodas I was a little hesitant to try them. I thought they were going to be really strong and extreme. Of course like with most things, I was wrong. This actually tastes just like the blueberry jellybeans they make. It actually tastes like a blueberry, which can't be said for most fruit flavored pops. It's a little candy-esque, but in a good way. Let's just pray they don't start making Harry Potter flavors, or popcorn. Ick, just ick.
Soda Pop
Jelly BellyWebsite@jellybellyteam
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/16/11, 1:25 PM
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Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Very Cherry

Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Very Cherry
What accompanies Boyz 'N The Hood more than pizza and Very Cherry Jelly Belly pop? Ummm, nothing? Yep-ahhh. Good ol' Larry Fishburn as the lovable Furious Styles accompanying me on a voyage through childhood in South Central LA while I accompany him with some cherry flavored pop. What a team? I can picture it now...Ice Cube, Cuba, and I sitting around the domino table with some bones and a cold 4 pack (they don't come in 6 packs) of Jelly Belly Very Cherry pop. Throwing bones. Dominoes!

Initially, the taste was sweet and cherry-esque, but it quickly and powerfully, much like the power of a strong black woman like Angela Basset, tasted just like cherry Jelly Belly candies. You know how I usually get mad when something tastes like candy, but with Jelly Belly pop, I might be upset if it didn't.

This was pretty good and the perfect accoutrement to classic cinema and garbage pizza.
Soda Pop
Jelly BellyWebsite@jellybellyteam
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/3/11, 8:25 PM
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Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Lemon Drop

Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Lemon Drop
I thought that this was going to taste like carbonated lemonade. It did not. Was I disappointed? Boy please. It was better than that. It tasted like carbonated Lemonheads. Can you take a second to contemplate how awesome that is? Imagine 6 year old you and how psyched you would be if this was out then. Give a sip of this to your little brother and watch them as they scream with pleasure.
Soda Pop
Jelly BellyWebsite@jellybellyteam
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 9/18/10, 5:27 PM
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