Kill Cliff - 5 Reviews

Kill Cliff Cold Brew Coffee Mojo Rising

Kill Cliff Cold Brew Coffee Mojo Rising
This drink is an example of the type of coffee I do not like. Even though it is cold brewed and has coconut cream in it, it still tastes bitter and kind of harsh. Sure the cream is smooth, but the coffee taste itself reminds me of garbage, burnt gas station coffee. How can something cold brewed taste burnt? Freezer burn? In addition to that the use of erythritol/stevia as a sweetener leaves another off putting taste in the mix. I really wanted to like this because I've been at least moderately on board with their other products, but this just falls short for me.
Kill CliffWebsite@KILLCLIFF
United States
Jason Draper on 1/7/17, 8:24 AM
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Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Tasty

Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Tasty
Here we have the last of the Kill Cliff recovery drinks that we were sent. The can only states that the name of the flavor is “Tasty,” but I can assure you that it is orange (blood orange according to the website), and while this is completely drinkable, it is my least favorite of the four flavors. It tastes like a diet orange soda with a little something extra in it. It just happens that that is nowhere close to my favorite flavor. I would choose this over any orange soda I've ever tasted before, especially since this has functional properties for when I work out. I don't really get any blood orange out of this, but it's also not painfully diet (even though it's sweetened with sucralose). I'll take that tradeoff.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Kill CliffWebsite@KILLCLIFF
United States
Jason Draper on 8/10/15, 3:26 PM
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Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Free Fall Lemon Lime

Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Free Fall Lemon Lime
Can we pretend for a minute that the US Army includes cans of lemon-lime Kill Cliff in the rations of all soldiers in active duty? A can of this would fit in an MRE, right? You get your pasta, your crackers, and a can of recovery drink. Let's be honest those soldiers need a beverage of this type way more than most civilians do. I mean how many essential vitamins and minerals are those fighting folks going to really get from preservative laden meals? Not much by my calculations. I think this actually be a reality because why else would this can be camouflaged? Sure it's not the right colored camo for the current war(s) we're in, but I'm sure we'll get back to these colors in no time at all.

I do hope the soldiers like diet lemon lime soda, because that is what this tastes like. Okay, maybe that's not giving it it's proper due. This tastes like the best diet lemon lime soda I've ever tasted. Sure, that's not really saying much, but it's an important distinction. It has a decent lemon lime flavor which is stronger and more flavorful than say a Sprite or 7Up. Also the use of erythritol and stevia as sweeteners destroys all of that sucralose filled garbage on the market. This is definitely not a flavor that I would choose out of a batch, but if I were in enemy territory and this was handed to me with my meal I would be one excited soldier.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Kill CliffWebsite@KILLCLIFF
United States
Jason Draper on 7/22/15, 10:48 PM
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Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Blackberry Lemonade

Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Blackberry Lemonade
I've joked about the name, but I really have no idea what the phrase “Kill Cliff” is all about. I'm 99% certain that it's not about killing Cliff Clavin, but who knows; it's a strange world out there. Maybe the former Navy Seal who created the project really hated the movie Cliffhanger. Maybe he just thinks that cliffhangers are lazy story telling. I certainly have no idea. What I do know is that I feel like I enjoy the way this beverage tastes way more than I should.

Erythritol and Stevia may be the least offensive of the zero calorie sweeteners, but they still normally aren't all that great. In here it doesn't bother me at all and it complements the other flavors. This has a strong blackberry taste that actually tastes like berries. There is definitely some lemonade floating in there as well, so I have no complaints as to how it is names/branded. I mean I actually really enjoy this, to the extent that if it wasn't functional I could see myself drinking it on the regular for enjoyment. As it stands I have a case of it that I will be drinking when I work out. There's nothing artificial in here and it helps in muscle recovery. This is by far the best tasting beverage of this functionality that I have ever tried.
Diet, Lemonade and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Kill CliffWebsite@KILLCLIFF
United States
Jason Draper on 6/29/15, 11:12 PM
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Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Pomegranate Punch

Kill Cliff Recovery Drink Pomegranate Punch
Why do they hate him so much? Sure he's lazy. Sure he spends all of his time in a bar when he should be working. Why though, why do they want to kill Cliff Clavin? Did he steal important mail from them? We're talking about an entire product line based on the hatred of a fictional character from a television show from the 80s. Maybe the actor that played Cliff had an affair with the mother of whoever named this beverage and broke up his happy family. The world is a strange place when a television actor can ruin your life and you can spend your whole life devising a way to destroy him.

While I do not agree with the motives, I can't argue with the flavor. This is a carbonated pomegranate beverage that is sweetened with erythritol to keep the calories down. There's also a bunch of other functional ingredients in there as well to help you recover after a workout. A little trick they did was to include some ginger extract, which seems to be combating the dietness of the erythritol and it seems to be winning. The diet taste is not strong in here, and every drink is made better with a hint of ginger.

Kill Cliff was nice enough to send us a case of each flavor and Mike's ladyfriend and I are beyond pleased. You can catch us looking like idiots at a gym that is probably nowhere near you. Oh yeah, if you think this is all based on Cliff Clavin, you my friend are kind of an idiot.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Kill CliffWebsite@KILLCLIFF
United States
Jason Draper on 6/15/15, 4:22 PM
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