Lean - 3 Reviews

Lean Slow Motion Potion Purp

Lean Slow Motion Potion Purp
There may come a time in your life when you get a call that says the plan in on, and to be ready by 2am. Since you know this is going to be an all night drive, with a full day following you decide you should get some sleep. It's too early for you to naturally fall asleep, so you grab a can of Purp Lean and let it do its work. I drank the can that tasted exactly like your average grape soda around 10pm. It had expected a little bit of a different flavor to it, like most relaxation drink have, but the fake grape flavor covered it up nicely. About 20 minutes later I went to bed, and was out in less than 10minutes, which is unheard of for my sleep schedule. I was doing fine getting a couple of hours of sleep in before it was time to hit the road, suddenly I was disturbed by a confusing sensation. It took me several moments to realize that my cat had nestled in to go to sleep on my head. She's never done anything like this before, so I can only assume the folks at Lean set this up to prove to me how well their product works because I didn't even get annoyed. I didn't even get her to move. I just calmly went back to sleep.

At 1:45 my alarm went off, and I got dressed and jumped in my car to head off to Punxutawney, PA to see Groundhog Phil emerge to predict the end of winter. Unfortunately after an hour and a half into the drive we realized that with the bad weather would not permit us to get to our destination in time to see Phil emerge. Total bummer. Home we went, and I got the rest of the sleep I didn't expect, so it wasn't all a loss.
United States
Jason Draper on 2/2/13, 4:07 PM
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Lean Slow Motion Potion Easta Pink

Lean Slow Motion Potion Easta Pink
I love that southern hip-hop culture is basically responsible for the entire existence of relaxation drinks. If you're not well versed on this, a lot of rappers talk about drinking cough syrup mixed with soda in their songs. It is commonly known as Drank, which I believe was also the name of the first relaxation drink. Lean named their various flavors of relaxation drinks after the different preferences different regions of the south had for their syrup. Lean cuts out the cough syrup and instead uses flavor syrup mixed with some pharmaceutical grade herbs. This way kids won't overdose on their syrup, and they can buy it over the counter.

Easta Pink was inspired by Lil Weezie. In it's original form it is cough syrup, Sprite, two Jolly Ranchers and some Skittles. The sounds like a sugar overload to me. While the Lean version is still very sweet, it has a very unique taste that doesn't remind me anything of Jolly Ranchers. If I had to pinpoint the flavor I would say that it was a can of Sprite that had those old timey strawberry hard candies melted into it. It's surprisingly tasty, and it will chill you right out. Here's to hoping that the reign of energy drinks is coming to an end and the world will just start to move in slow motion for a bit.
United States
Jason Draper on 10/29/12, 11:43 PM
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Lean Slow Motion Potion Yella

Lean Slow Motion Potion Yella
If you don't think that a nice quiet night out in the woods watching a fire is relaxing enough, perhaps you should try a can of Lean. There is something hysterical to me about drinking a beverage that was obviously conceived of for an urban setting out in the middle of nowhere, but hey you can drink one and lean on anything to fall asleep, even a tree or a dilapidated barn. Hell, I bet you could lean against a beavers tail and not be disturbed all night.

When I downed this last night I was greeted by a pleasant pineapple flavor that fell somewhere between the fruit and overly sugary candy. It was quite delicious. So much in fact that I had pounded the entire can before I even knew what was happening. About ten minutes later some friends asked me if I was okay because I was looking really dazed. Yes I was feeling fine, I just happened to be falling asleep with my eyes open. I made my way to my tent and slept like a baby bear cub, which I did not see like I wanted to.

This beverage tasted great and its functionality was just as good.
United States
Jason Draper on 9/2/12, 9:16 PM
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