Lo-Gly - 4 Reviews

Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Mango Mojito

Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Mango Mojito
Sharon was sick of all the rules. There were so many rules. No carbs. No bread. Watch your salt. Exercise then carbs. No bacon. Salad but no creamy dressing. No milk. No cheese. Diet pop. Artificial sweeteners are bad for you. So many rules.

Sharon works hard, alright. She eats with moderation, exercises regularly, and looks good. Look at me. She looks good. She doesn't need to worry as much as she does but she does because that's what happens.

She was talking to a friend who was a personal trainer and he said he found this awesome drink. It's a low glycemic drink with less calories, carbs, and sugar. It's a win-win, right? Well...not quite. If you drink it slowly, it's alright. It's like a slightly mango limeade. If you drink it quickly, the Stevia can be a bit overpowering. Sharon, who drank wheat grass on multiple occasions, can deal with that. She enjoys drinking slowly and loving life. Now if she could only spend less time at the gym and more time finding a man who tells her that she can spend less time working out and more time with him, she'd be all set.
Diet and Juice
United States
Organic Blue Agave Nectar
Mike Literman on 12/8/12, 10:18 PM
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Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Pomegranate Mojito

Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Pomegranate Mojito
Even though I'm normally not a huge fan of mint in drinks, when lime is added to the mix it's a whole new ball game. Mojitos of the non-alcoholic variety are delicious and refreshing. Lo-Gly decided to step up the mojito game by adding pomegranate to their concoction. The folks at Lo-Gly are intelligent folks who know what they are doing. If this were just a regular mojito sweetened with stevia it wouldn't be that great, but the pomegranate combats the taste of the stevia and mellows it out. It still has the crispness, but I don't mind it at all. The mint, lime and pomegranate are all equally present and it makes every sip a party. Since it's low in calories, carbs and sugar I can drink as much of this as I want, well as much as the Lo-Gly folks sent me.
Juice and Diet
United States
Blue Agave Nectar
Jason Draper on 9/20/12, 9:49 PM
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Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Pomegranate

Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Pomegranate
Sam was an all-star bowler. He looked forward to leaving work so that he could go hit the lanes. He had an extra ball and shoes in his car at all times just in case he got stranded somewhere and there was a bowling alley somewhere near. He was a good bowler, too. He bowled consistently in the 200s. He had an array of bowling shirts and was on three teams at any given moment. Best of all, he was a great sport and lost gracefully. He was the best teammate anyone could ask for.

One day when Sam was walking down the street, a van was parked outside a local shop. This happens all the time but this time something caught his eye. There was a case of bowling pins, or what Sam thought were bowling pins, in the trunk. When he got closer, the noticed that it was a drink that looked a lot like bowling pins. He saw the truck driver grab another couple cases of drinks and asked him what that drink was all about. The driver told him that it was a new low-glycemic juice that just came out and offered to give him one. Sam was more than happy, thanked the man, and took the pomegranate drink.

He got to his office and around lunchtime, grabbed his sandwich from the fridge and his new juice. He was pleasantly surprised at how good it tasted. It was a great pomegranate flavor with all the lovely bitterness but mixed in the cool aftertaste of Stevia. It wasn't an overwhelming Stevia taste, which was something that he was worried about.

He went back to the store and bought ten bottles of the drink to hand out to his teammates, who all agreed that it was a very good juice and fitting for the bowling championships. It also went down better than beer and his teammates don't play as well the longer they play because they're not drunk.
Juice and Diet
United States
Organic Blue Agave Nectar
Mike Literman on 9/10/12, 12:32 PM
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Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Acai-Blue

Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Acai-Blue
Over the past decade or so it seems that America has become a more health conscious country. Sure there are still fast food restaurants all over the place, but to me it seems like less people are visiting them, and even when they do there are much healthier items on the menu. Actually I could be completely wrong here. Maybe it's just the people I associate with. I mean people have to still be going to those places for them to stay open, but with the exception of Subway or Taco Bell (it's a guilty pleasure that I can not and will not pass up) it's extremely rare that I hear about someone that I associate with eating fast food. I hope I'm not crazy, because I am proud of people. It's great that people are watching what they eat. I'm not a complete health nut, but I'd like to think that I eat healthy and for the most part watch what I consume on a regular basis.

To further people's interest a bunch of companies are popping up offering healthier alternatives. One such company is Lo-Gly. I had no idea what the glycemic index as until I got my hands on this little guy here. It's a way to measure how different foods cause your blood sugar to increase due to carbohydrate consumption. Foods with a low glycemic index (most fruits and vegetables) release glucose more slowly and steadily so they make you feel fuller for longer. Now that is a diet in the making. You can't argue with science.

Foods like a low GI fall in the range of 55 or under. Lo-Gly was able to make this juice that lands at 23 on the chart, not too shabby. Everything in this bottle is organic, and mostly straight up juice. It's a bouquet of antioxidant rich fruits. The pomegranate and acai make it fairly tart, but I'm okay with that. For some reason they felt they needed to sweeten it a little more than the blue agave was doing, so they added some stevia. Maybe it was even tarter than it is now, which would have been a bit insane. You can taste the stevia in the aftertaste, but the fruit juice mostly covers it up.

As far as beverages go that are marketed towards keeping a healthy diet and weight loss, this is one of the better ones I've ever tried. If it had just said it was Acai Blueberry flavored without listing any diet aspects I wouldn't have noticed, with the exception of detecting the stevia at the end.
Diet and Juice
United States
Organic Blue Agave Nectar
Jason Draper on 9/3/12, 3:38 PM
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