Blue Agave Nectar - 3 Reviews

Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Pomegranate Mojito

Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Pomegranate Mojito
Even though I'm normally not a huge fan of mint in drinks, when lime is added to the mix it's a whole new ball game. Mojitos of the non-alcoholic variety are delicious and refreshing. Lo-Gly decided to step up the mojito game by adding pomegranate to their concoction. The folks at Lo-Gly are intelligent folks who know what they are doing. If this were just a regular mojito sweetened with stevia it wouldn't be that great, but the pomegranate combats the taste of the stevia and mellows it out. It still has the crispness, but I don't mind it at all. The mint, lime and pomegranate are all equally present and it makes every sip a party. Since it's low in calories, carbs and sugar I can drink as much of this as I want, well as much as the Lo-Gly folks sent me.
Juice and Diet
United States
Blue Agave Nectar
Jason Draper on 9/20/12, 9:49 PM
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LifeAid FitAid

LifeAid FitAid
I've got to be honest. I haven't worked out today and I'm not going to work out today. This is just a drink to me and I have not used it during the span of time it recommended that I do so. I asked Jay to drink this earlier in the week but he couldn't do it because it has essential fish oils in it, an essential oil that his body will unfortunately lack due to his inability to eat meat. I wouldn't exactly call it an "inability" as it is a choice, but his choice just talked his way out of this drink.

This drink, chocked full of essentials, isn't bad, but it's clearly got other intentions for you. It wants to help you before and after you work out, as it invites you to drink before an after a workout. Hey, thanks guys. I chased a year and a half year old around all day, which sucked and is constantly exhausting, so if I had to assign myself a reason to drink this, that would be it. If I had to assign a simile to this drink I would do it like this: Have you ever had FRS orange? That drink was on the bottom of the Thirsty Dude scale and I kind of cringe when I see it in stores. The taste of this was similar but here's where this won the race. FitAid knew when to stop adding mix to their tub of drink. It's a thicker orange juice with secrets in it. Secrets are those ingredients you know are in there that are good for you but you just take it as a blanket statement of "this drink is good for workouts."
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Blue Agave Nectar
Mike Literman on 6/16/12, 9:26 PM
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LifeAid GolferAid

LifeAid GolferAid
I've been groundskeeper of Bushwood Country Club for quite a few years now. Sure before that I was jocking out in Tibet, but that was only briefly. I mean when the Dalai Lama promises you total consciousness, there's really nowhere else to learn there. So here I am at Bushwood and I have to be honest most of the clientele around here are low-grade amateurs. They swing. They hit. They get stuck in the sand trap. Day in and day out it's the same thing. I just sit back and smile politely. I'm no dummy they are the ones with the cash and I live off the tips.

Lately Ty Webb, the only decent golfer I've seen on these lynx in years has been talking up this Golfer Aid drink. He says it's the secret of his game. Who am I to argue? The man has the focus of a statue. You should hear the weird noses he makes on the green. Along with focus, Mr. Webb has been telling everyone that it improves your balance, flexibility, strength, stamina and endurance. Sounds to me like if you drink it you're going to turn into the Hulk or something, but I promised him I'd give it the old college try, and Carl Spackler is a man of his word.

Hmm. This stuff tastes odd in the best possible way. It has to be the agave, but it's sweet in a very specific way that I can really dig. It actually reminds me of that Brain Toniq I tried a few months back. That was also supposed to improve focus, so maybe this is pure focus that I taste. Is this what my deathbed is going to taste like? I sure hope so. I do feel a tad more clarified. Perhaps this would be the best time to go out again and try to kill that darn gopher. He's been plaguing me long enough. With this extra brainpower he should be a corpse and I bet I'll be able to get in a quick back nine before it gets too dark to see. Mr. Webb sure is a smart man. Funny too. I made it through this whole can and I already want another. It's nice. It really just tastes like agave and it's lightly carbonated. I didn't expect that. With a name with "aid" at the end I was expecting some sorts of sports drink, but this is the sophisticated man's sports drink. It's meant for the upper class, and that is what I am for the day. So I got that goin' for me, which is nice.
Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Blue Agave Nectar
Jason Draper on 12/28/11, 8:46 PM
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