Luzianna - 1 Review

Luzianna Sweet Tea

Luzianna Sweet Tea
Just look at the face of any father when his son or daughter says he is getting married to someone who truly sucks and you will see the face of someone who just took a sip of this iced tea. "Dad, I'm marrying Tabitha." you say to your daddy who takes a moment to remember the totally and unfortunately forgettable Tabitha. This is the same Tabitha who has shirts with wildlife on it and loves to read fantasy novels. This is the same Tabitha who works "really hard" at her father's hot dog restaurant but, regardless of being a blood relative, just doesn't have what it takes to be "management material."

A sweet tea from New Orleans shouldn't have the same bite as a Lipton Brisk from God knows where. These people from Louisiana must picket day and night trying to get Luzianne to shut down production on this disgusting line of "sweet tea" that can only be described as "sweet tea" when in quotes both in print and in person by way of air quotes. Saying "It's like Brisk but a little better." is like saying you have "the good cancer."
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 7/11/14, 12:21 PM
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