Master Kong - 3 Reviews

Master Kong Honey Jasmine Iced Tea

Master Kong Honey Jasmine Iced Tea
Honey jasmine, you say? No English on the bottle, you say? Hmm. Well...I'll take it! I'll take that and I'll take a delicious bahn mi. Now I will sit here and insult fourteen year old boys for not knowing about sriracha. I will talk about bands he hasn't heard of while listening to bands he hasn't heard of. I will take him through some rough streets whilst making jokes about adultery.

How do I feel about you? Well, I have mixed emotions about you. You are a good tea but you have your issues. You have a good, floral taste and you actually have that lovely bite from the green tea. You taste of jasmine and green tea and for that I applaud you. You are penalized for adding far too much sugar. It tastes like good sugar, but it is too much sugar. For that I do that thing where I rub my fingers in that "shame on you" or "tisk tisk."

All in all, we have insulted a kid for things you had no idea existed until you were well over his age and drank a decent tea. I'm not a betting man but I would have to say that you will have better days than this.
Iced Tea
Master KongWebsite
Mike Literman on 8/2/13, 4:19 PM
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Master Kong Ice Tea

Master Kong Ice Tea
That's it! I've just come to a firm conclusion that I am not a fan of lemon in iced tea, or ice tea as this drink is called. I don't know if I really like lemon in anything other than lemonade to be honest. More times than naught it'd presence also brings a thought of cleaning products. In iced tea it generally makes me feel like I have a nice tall glass of tea that is sitting in the open and I dust my apartment with lemon Pledge and I accidentally spray the Pledge into my glass. For those of you who are into that sort of thing I really think this tea would be right up your alley. It has a good black tea taste and the lemon actually does taste more like fruit than cleaner, but not enough to satisfy me.
Iced Tea
Master KongWebsite
Jason Draper on 7/11/11, 10:38 PM
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Master Kong Green Tea

Master Kong Green Tea
Master. I obey you. I will attend to your every request. I will wait on you hand and food. Master, what do you mean that's not necessary? Of course it is. Your name is Master Kong, right. I'm not barking up the wrong tree. I saw the name with vinyl graphics on the door clearly state that your name was Master Kong. Since you're the only person in here and you're not cleaning up like some sort of maintenance man, I can only assume that you are Master Kong, my master.

I'm sorry, what? You're not my master? Did your parent's name you that? I've got to say, it's pretty rad. Can I get up off the floor? My knees are hurting from bowing to you for the last twenty minutes. Thanks, Master. Can I call you, Kong? Since you're not my master, I don't really feel right calling you Master any more. It's like someone called "Daddy" who I have to call by his name who isn't my daddy. It's strange.

I walked by something earlier and it said you were the Master of tea. That's a strong statement. You make tea? Can I try some? Thanks. Holy are indubitably the master of tea. This is delicious. It's sweet, a little bitter, and clearly sweetened with honey. It's so light that you can taste everything you put in here. You, sir, are a wonderful and worth of your name. I'll take a case of it, a big case. Oh, that's too big. I drive an Isetta.
Iced Tea
Master KongWebsite
Mike Literman on 7/8/11, 10:45 AM
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