Natural Brew - 4 Reviews

Natural Brew Ginseng Cola

Natural Brew Ginseng Cola
For the majority of my life I was under the impression that all colas tasted like Coke or Pepsi. As a result, I never really liked cola all that much. There was also a weird phase of my life where I wouldn't drink brown sodas. I really have no idea why. It was just something I did. Man, I can't believe I didn't drink root beer. It's one of the best things ever. It wasn't until relatively recently that I discovered a world of specialty colas. They taste nothing like the mainstream brands. They are to Pepsi and Coke what fancy root beers are to Mug and A&W. So many herbs and spices that take you on a wild ride of flavor. If you haven't had the Fentiman's Curiosity Cola or the Taylor's Tonics' Chai Cola put down your Coca Cola Classic and make a run for the store. It's a whole new world.

Natural Brew stepped up the cola game with their Chai Cola, and they have proved that it wasn't a fluke with this Ginseng Cola. It has an earthy taste, but it's in a good way and not in the way that tastes like it was filtered through worm ridden soil. A cola made with herbs and vanilla is a cola that I will certainly drink again and again.
Soda Pop
Natural BrewWebsite@NaturalBrew
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 3/6/11, 7:16 PM
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Natural Brew Draft Root Beer

Natural Brew Draft Root Beer
This has to be one of the most complex root beers I've ever tasted. At first it tastes like any other root beer, but then a wave of flavors hit you. Some of the ingredients include: bourbon vanilla extract, anise, sarsaparilla, licorice root, birch oil, and wintergreen oil. There is a slight hint of the anise, but I wish it were more prominent. Natural Brew really knows how to make an interesting soda.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Natural BrewWebsite@NaturalBrew
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Derek Neuland on 1/4/11, 3:00 PM
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Natural Brew Chai Cola

Natural Brew Chai Cola
This drink had me intrigued from when I first saw it since I love cola and chai. I'm so glad I wasn't disappointed. The soda has a really strong chai smell and taste, but in a good way. It went down really smoothly and the cola complimented the chai tea really well. I would drink this everyday if I could.
Iced Tea and Soda Pop
Natural BrewWebsite@NaturalBrew
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Derek Neuland on 10/4/10, 12:35 AM
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Natural Brew Vanilla Creme Soda

Natural Brew Vanilla Creme Soda
I have yet to meet a cream soda I have not liked. Luckily, Natural Brew's Vanilla Creme Soda does not break my streak. As the name states, it has a strong vanilla flavor that sits on the tongue very nicely. One really nice thing about Natural Brew is they use evaporated cane juice as a sweetener. Cane juice is processed much less than sugar, therefore it retains a lot more of the naturally occurring nutrients in the sugar cane.
Natural Brew is manufactured and distributed by Smucker's Quality Beverages (yes, the same Smucker's that makes jam). I'm holding out for a peanut butter and jelly soda.
Soda Pop
Natural BrewWebsite@NaturalBrew
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Derek Neuland on 9/6/10, 10:33 PM
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