Nawgan - 4 Reviews

Nawgan Alertness Beverage Strawberry Kiwi

Nawgan Alertness Beverage Strawberry Kiwi
Every time I drink one of these alertness beverages, Nawgan or other, I find myself wondering if there would be a time in my life when I would actually need one. I am long done with school; where this would have been greatly welcomed for late night study sessions. Okay who am I kidding I very rarely did school work outside of school, but I can see where kids would want this beverage for that. I have an accountant that does my taxes, due to my business, so I'm not going to be annoyingly trying to figure out what form mean. As much as I would like to pretend that I am at times, I'm certainly not an intellectual; logic rules my life. So where do such beverages fit into my life? The closest I can come to is when I'm figuring out how to play a bass line for a song, and that doesn't take too much concentration.

It looks like these drinks were not made for me in at current station in life. I do know many people who would benefit from them though. I wish I had something that I needed to concentrate on so I could have tested the true functionality of this, but as much as I think I felt more alert, it could have all been placebo.

I can write about the flavor though. This has a light strawberry kiwi flavor to it, and that is due to the fact that they thankfully did not go overboard with the sweetener. So many drinks of this flavor are so full of sugar that they taste like candy. This at least tastes minimally like fruit. The use of erythritol/stevia along with the cane sugar gives it a bit of that natural diet taste, but it's not very strong. The thing that will always through me for a loop with drinks in skinny cans is when they are not carbonated. I believe I've said that with each flavor of this I have tried, but I always expect bubbles, and when you don't get them it takes a bit to adjust. Flex your head.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/6/14, 6:17 PM
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Nawgan Alertness Beverage Lemonade

Nawgan Alertness Beverage Lemonade
Listen, Diet Pepsi is no longer your only option for "great tasting" drinks which clock in at zero calories. Now there are two options, the second of which is Crystal Light. That's right. All your favorite lemonades are now zero calories which will get you looking great and feeling great. Now you can drink until your heart is content because at zero calories, the only think you are going to have to worry about is the copious amount of trips to the bathroom. Oh, and spilling drinks. It's a matter of ratio. You can't drink forever and not spill something. That's why at kid's parties there is always one person that spills a drink. It's just their time.

How does Crystal Light taste? It tastes like non-offensive, non-threatening, entry-level lemonade. Chunkless, pulpless and lightly tart lemonade. Perfect for those hot summer days but nothing that is going to win you any awards.

Wait, I'm sorry. This just in, I'm not reviewing Crystal Light. I'm reviewing Crystal Light. I'm reviewing Nawgan's Lemonade. Welp. Could have fooled me.
Lemonade, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Mike Literman on 9/8/14, 2:15 PM
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Nawgan Alertness Beverage Orange

Nawgan Alertness Beverage Orange
Oh I get it. Nawgan, it's like noggin. You know, your head. I'll give them points for being cheesily clever, seeing as this beverage is supposed to boost brainpower and help you concentrate. I picture young nerdy kids in grade school saving up to buy can after can of this so that they can become smart enough to be an astronaut or a nuclear physicist. That's a cool job, right?

The “secret” ingredient in here is citicoline, which according to the never wrong Wikipedia, increases dopamine receptor densities. It also helps to improve focus and mental energy. It also says that it may be useful in the treatment of ADD. Does that mean that this is basically Ritalin in beverage form? From what I gather, they do the same thing.

I like the ideas that are behind this drink. I would much rather have kids drinking something like this than normal energy drinks. It's just too bad that the flavor is fairly mediocre. It tastes just like any other orange drink. You know the kind that doesn't taste like orange juice, but it doesn't taste like orange pop either. I don't know who decided to call the flavor orange, but it has been around for a long time and it's not going anywhere. Also, the skinny can fooled me again. I expected this to be carbonated, but it was just an orange drink with quasi Ritalin in it.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/30/12, 12:40 AM
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Nawgan Alertness Beverage Red Berries

Nawgan Alertness Beverage Red Berries
As you may or may not know, the Thirsty Dudes love tacos. You know what I ate today on a little motorcycle excursion? A chorizo burrito. Oh man. Wonderful. Best three dollar taco I have had in a long time. Now I'm home, relaxing with a drink and a movie. What drink? Something fruity and something that will help me pay attention to this movie.

Editor Dan keeps us in mind when he goes out of town doing non-stop, awesome photography. He sends us pictures of drinks asking if we have reviewed them. Wherever he went last time was good to us. This was one of the drinks he brought back. I've got to say, "red berries" is a bit vague. It's kind of like a guessing game when it doesn't actually list the actual berries in question. Strawberries, cranberries, or raspberries; who knows? All, some, more less. Who knows? Honestly, who cares? This is a good drink. I should also preface that this drink is not for everyone. Why? Erythritol. I quite like it but I know a lot of people don't. It's pretty unarguably better than aspartame, Splenda, or stuff like that. Sorry, guys. You're old news. It's not your fault. Things get outdated. You had a good run.

Sweetener aside, it's good. It's a good berry flavor. I like it. We don't have it around here in Buffalo but if I saw it somewhere else, I might be willing to buy it. It's light, too. Not like a juice. More like a flavored water.

We've covered a lot of topics here, ladies and gentlemen. Tacos, sweeteners, berries, local city drink distribution, and so on. We also covered an otherwise good drink that you could enjoy if you can find the stuff.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/21/12, 10:55 PM
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