Nawgan Alertness Beverage Orange

Nawgan Alertness Beverage Orange
Oh I get it. Nawgan, it's like noggin. You know, your head. I'll give them points for being cheesily clever, seeing as this beverage is supposed to boost brainpower and help you concentrate. I picture young nerdy kids in grade school saving up to buy can after can of this so that they can become smart enough to be an astronaut or a nuclear physicist. That's a cool job, right?

The “secret” ingredient in here is citicoline, which according to the never wrong Wikipedia, increases dopamine receptor densities. It also helps to improve focus and mental energy. It also says that it may be useful in the treatment of ADD. Does that mean that this is basically Ritalin in beverage form? From what I gather, they do the same thing.

I like the ideas that are behind this drink. I would much rather have kids drinking something like this than normal energy drinks. It's just too bad that the flavor is fairly mediocre. It tastes just like any other orange drink. You know the kind that doesn't taste like orange juice, but it doesn't taste like orange pop either. I don't know who decided to call the flavor orange, but it has been around for a long time and it's not going anywhere. Also, the skinny can fooled me again. I expected this to be carbonated, but it was just an orange drink with quasi Ritalin in it.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/30/12, 12:40 AM
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