Nestea - 3 Reviews

Nestea Real Brewed Black Tea & Rooibos

Nestea Real Brewed Black Tea & Rooibos
Surprisingly after all this time we have only reviewed two Nestea drinks on this site. While not terribly surprising, they have put out decent things in the past and this should be added to the list assuming that you like rooibos. More about that in a second.

As I've said before, if I had it my way, I would just drink unsweetened tea for the rest of my life. Sugar is great but since I've been winding down in my reviews, I find it harder and harder to drink full sugar drinks like tea and pop. This was a nice treat at "slightly sweet." That I can deal with.

The black tea doesn't really shine and that strange/foreign rooibos takes its place. While I don't hate rooibos, its taste takes some getting used to. It seems fruitier and strangely darker than a black tea. Having drunk black tea pretty exclusively, it's a new flavor I'm just not accustomed to. It's absolutely not bad and I would actually put it in the "good" category. It was truly "slightly sweet" which I appreciated them sticking to their guns on.

I would like to try the black slightly sweet tea that they make. That might be a nice little number. Until I find it, though, I will try its older, more sophisticated, curmudgeonly unsweetened brethren.
Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 2/20/18, 5:31 AM
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Nestea Red Tea Pomegranate Passionfruit

Nestea Red Tea Pomegranate Passionfruit
No matter how they dress it up, if you purchase a beverage that has the word “Nestea” on it, you know that you are in store for something sub par. Along with Brisk this company is half of a duo that are the only companies I have ever heard of to make harsh iced tea. Every other tea I've had was either smooth, bitter or sugar water. While this does fall under the sugar water category it also puts your throat in a moderate amount of discomfort. It's not quite a burn, but it's something that is weird and very much present in ever sip.

It has a slight fruity flavor that neither tastes like pomegranate nor passionfruit. Both of them have very specific flavors that just aren't present. They are also nowhere to be seen in the ingredients list. It seems that it's just an arbitrary name they slapped on their garbage tea.
Iced Tea
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 1/3/14, 10:14 AM
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Nestea Lemonade & Iced Tea

Nestea Lemonade & Iced Tea
I don't know what is going on here. It's quite possibly the worst half and half I have ever had. Why? I will tell you with bells on.

Simply put, this does not taste like tea or lemonade. It tasted like burning and possibly lemon flavored drink. It's got a low-grade flavor that you would find in one of those gallon "flavored drink" drinks you find everywhere. Not enough of anything to call it tea or juice so it's in this purgatory of grossness.

I cannot believe that this is our first Nestea and even with how low grade it is, we'll do more. We're gluttons for punishment.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 11/4/11, 9:31 PM
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