POG - 2 Reviews

POG Power

POG Power
POG is one of the best drinks I've had from Hawaii. It's fruity and sweet in all the right ways. When I saw they had an offshoot called POG Power I thought I might have the world's most delicious energy drink on my hands. Like many times in my life I was wrong. Not in the flavor department, but in the fact that this is not an energy drink at all. It is in fact a sports drink. It's kind of like Gatorade and POG combined, except it's more flavorful than the prior. It's pretty good, but I see no reason for it when you can just be drinking the original POG.
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 4/26/11, 11:31 PM
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POG Passion Orange Guava

POG Passion Orange Guava
If a poll was taken across the islands of Hawaii to determine what the state juice would be I'm pretty sure POG would be announced the winner of the silver medal. If you thought that it would get the gold then you my friend forgot about a little thing called the pineapple. Can anything really compete with the pineapple on Hawaii? If it ran I'm sure it would win the office of governor for the state. It has that much power.

Enough about pineapple, it has no place in this drink. Here the other Hawaiian fruits reign supreme. Passion fruit, orange and guava run this game. Sweet. Fruity. Refreshing. (On a side note I ate a guava straight from a tree yesterday and that was enough to make me want to move my entire life to the islands.) The carton tells a story of the Poflodytes, Furry little creatures that gather the fruit and make the juice. I believe this is a cover up created by the POG company so that people won't realize that all of their labor is provided by the obscene amount of feral cats that wander the islands. If you ever think you see a Poglodyte take a closer look and you will see the zipper on their costumes. Beware though. The chickens are not what they seem.
United States
Jason Draper on 4/26/11, 11:30 AM
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