Pom - 9 Reviews

Pom Hula Pomegranate Pineapple

Pom Hula Pomegranate Pineapple
For some reason, I don't know if I've had any of the original Pom drinks. I really like pomegranates, too. There is no reason why I haven't done it. Now, though, I'm almost to the point of saying, "Who cares?" because I bet it isn't as good as this. As presented plainly on the bottle, this is 50% pomegranate and 30% pineapple. "What is the other 20%?" you ask? Apple juice. No sugar was added to this to make it as wonderful as it is.

Now somehow this drink clocks in at 210 calories but I get a feeling here is where the age old debate of "good calories versus bad calories" comes in because there is nothing in this but fruit. I understand there is sugar in fruit but I feel like it would break down a little differently than, say, a Whopper.

This tastes like pomegranate juice first, nicely fruity and bitter. Then you are whisked away to a tropical land where it is raining pineapples for some reason. If you are safely sheltered, you should be fine. It happens once a week without notice so you should always remember to wear your hard hat when you are walking in the open. You don't taste the apple juice and it's used as a way to stretch out the other two cool cats.

I want to go to this tropical town. I'll wear a hard hat if I get to drink this all of the day. It would be worth it.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 7/11/13, 4:58 PM
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Pom Coconut

Pom Coconut
It's a beautiful day out, so you decide to lay out in the back yard, while listening to a little Air Supply and get your self a tan. Oops, you almost forgot two crucial items before you walked out the door; your tanning oil and a nice refreshing glass of pomegranate juice. As you sit down in your weird plastic tube lawn chair that has existed since the same year you bought that Air Supply cassette, you start lathering up. It's been so rainy and cloudy lately that you haven't been able to work on your tan as much as you wanted. You were so excited that you didn't even notice that a huge glob of your coconut scented tanning oil fell right into your cool refreshing beverage.

There you go. Now you have a vivid image of what my ladyfriend told me this drink tasted like. I can't argue with her. I had high hopes for this, but unfortunately the coconut in here falls too close to the toasted coconut taste that I despise, which leaves it tasting like your at the beach and you licked your lips after the tanning oil you slathered on your face dripped down a bit. I really wanted this to taste more like classic coconut water, but it wasn't meant to be. At least it has a great tasting pomegranate base.
Coconut and Juice
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 6/19/13, 12:37 PM
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Pom Mango

Pom Mango
In honor of the name of this company I am going to make my ladyfriend drag out her old cheerleading outfit to celebrate. No you fools, she will not be donning the clothes. It will be this full-grown bearded man. I'll even get a wig with pigtails if it pleases the folks at Pom. You see, this juice is that good. I derived so much pleasure from drinking this that I will put on an ill fitting skirt and tank top type thing, grab some pom-poms and do a little chant dance to announce that it's glory has arrived on the beverage scene.

Pom is no stranger to having mango in their juice. A couple of years ago I reviewed their pomegranate mango. While that was a nice treat, they have done nothing but improve the recipe for this newer version. The old flavor was more pomegranate than mango and it was fairly harsh on the throat. In this bottle it's perfect splitsville. 40% pomegranate juice, 40% mango juice/puree, and the extra little bits are spread out between pear juice and natural flavoring. The flavors blend together in such a harmony that it's like an Oak Ridge Boys tune. They are singular and complementary at the same time.

I really couldn't ask for more from this. All I can do it give, and I shall do so in the form of a cheer. A cheer that you will never hear.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/11/13, 1:06 AM
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Pom Light Tea Pomegranate Hibiscus Green Tea

Pom Light Tea Pomegranate Hibiscus Green Tea
Things that are awesome include when a solid company like Pom starts to make iced tea. I know it's been around for a while, but every flavor I try is top notch. They start off with a strong green tea flavor and mix in a strong pomegranate flavor. That would be great enough, but then they add some other flavors to up the ante a bit. This one has some hibiscus in it. How are you going to argue with hibiscus? You're not, because you would lose. I have never had a drink that contained this wonder that I didn't enjoy. So here you are with a perfectly blended pomegranate green tea with a hint of floral flavoring. Pom was somehow able to do this and make it a light tea aka diet without losing much flavor. Color me impressed.
Diet and Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 8/7/11, 10:17 PM
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Pom Tea Pomegranate Blackberry Tea

Pom Tea Pomegranate Blackberry Tea
Sometimes it's 90+ degrees out and you suddenly have the undying need to go out walk a creek and search for the worthy opponent General Sherman. For the record General Sherman is a catfish that lives in 18 Mile Creek out in the Derby/Hamburg area of New York. Rumor has it that his belly is filled with gold and the ultimate iced tea. Few people know of his existence and even fewer have lived to tell the tale of their battles with him. That is mainly because I think only three of us ever tried to catch him. I have had two encounters with he and all his glory through the years (last year). Editor Dan and I nearly had him once. He exited the water and we grabbed him, but his hide was just too slippery for us to keep a grasp.

So I returned, I saw the corpses of many catfish (three) but none of them were the General. He was nowhere to be found. Maybe he was laying in wait to build up his armies, or maybe he swam out into the lake. I doubt we'll ever know for sure. One thing that I do know is that I worked up one hell of a thirst on this adventure. I had hoped to quench it with the previously mentioned "ultimate tea" I was going to gather from the gullet of General Sherman, but since I failed I had to resort to POM tea.

To be fair it wasn't really a resorting to it, as POM makes some incredible tea. This flavor has the perfect blend of pomegranate and blackberries. I am a sucker for anything with blackberries in it, they are your money berry. Something strange happens in this tea. There is the great fruit and tea flavors, but there's something else. It almost tastes like mint. It has the same cool crispness, but without the actual mint flavor. I had never experienced this before this week, but this is the second drink I've had with this effect. I have to say I really enjoy it and it makes the drink that much more refreshing.
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 7/24/11, 11:53 AM
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Pom Iced Coffee Chocolate

Pom Iced Coffee Chocolate
Fruit mixed with coffee sounds like one of the strangest things ever. It seems like two things that really should just not be mixed. Somehow Pom has done it successfully. They managed to create an extract of the antioxidant properties of pomegranate juice and mix it with coffee in a way that it's barely noticeable.
This really just tastes like nice rich chocolate milk with only the slightest coffee aftertaste. When you really think about it, you can detect a hint of fruit, but I am convinced that if you poured this into a glass and served it to someone they would never notice it.
Coffee and Juice
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/30/10, 8:20 AM
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Pom Wonderful Pomegranate Mango

Pom Wonderful Pomegranate Mango
This is health in a bottle, or so I'd like to believe. This is nothing but pomegranate and mango juice. It's bitter and harsh the way pomegranate juice should be. For those who are unfamiliar, pomegranate tastes like a very intense grape juice. I wish the mango juice were a bit stronger. It's hard when you're dealing with so much pomegranate juice. Let's hope this helps to kick my cold in the butt.
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 11/14/10, 12:04 PM
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Pom Tea Pomegranate Peach Passion White Tea

Pom Tea Pomegranate Peach Passion White Tea
Like most people around Buffalo this time of year, I have come down with a cold. I've been downing an obscene amount of juice, and I thought I'd switch it up a bit and try this Pom tea.
Even though my nose is clogged and my taste buds are suffering, the pomegranate, peach and passion fruit flavors cut right through. The fruit makes it really sweet, but there is also a bitter hint of the white tea mixed in. You can really make out each of the separate fruit flavors in each sip. I really love this, and hopefully all of the antioxidants will help clear the sickness out of my head as well.
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 11/12/10, 10:07 AM
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Pom Tea Pomegranate Lychee Green Tea

Pom Tea Pomegranate Lychee Green Tea
When I picked this up I, of course, didn't really look at it. I saw that it was Pom Tea, and I figured it was Pomegranate Green Tea. When I got home and opened it, I could instantly smell the lychee, which was a nice surprise. This is a nice blend of pomegranate and lychee. The two fruits combined create a rich bitter yet sweet flavor. I've had lychee tea before that a friend described as tasting like "sucking on an old ladies dirty clothes." Luckily this tastes nothing like that at all. Pom can be a little expensive, but it's a specialty drink with insane antioxidant properties. It's worth every cent.
Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 10/9/10, 10:50 AM
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