Stevia Leaf Extract - 14 Reviews

Motts Wild Grape Surge

Motts Wild Grape Surge
Motts, I have some questions for you. This product boasts that it has 40% less sugar than your average fruit juice, which I think is a good thing. Now, I'm assuming you didn't perform some sort of magic and remove the natural sugar from the apples and grapes that are the base of this drink. Maybe I'm wrong; maybe you have employed some sorcerers for your bottling plants. I'm going to guess that you just didn't add any HFCS or sugar to the juice. Instead you added stevia, which is healthier but still seems unnecessary. You did a good job with having this particular all natural zero calorie sweetener not taste overly diet in this juice, but you can still tell that it's there. My main question is this: why add any addition sweeteners at all? Why not just let the apples and grapes speak for themselves? Have we really come to a point in society where the natural sweetness of fruit is simply not enough? Do the majority of your customers really prefer that a perfectly sweet beverage be even sweeter? I just don't get it. You can taste the actual fruit behind the stevia, and I can tell you it's doing fine on it's own. Grape is running the game, but it invited apple along for the ride. I understand that grape juice in the raw if you will, can be a bit harsh for some people, but isn't it apple's job to keep it toned down?

In my opinion this would have been perfectly fine, if not better without the addition of a sweetener of any kind. I still enjoy it, but it leaves me wanting something more pure. If you are a person who likes their sweets sweeter, I suggest this. Why take on those extra calories when they are completely unnecessary?
Diet and Juice
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 3/7/14, 12:45 PM
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Motts Fruit Punch Rush

Motts Fruit Punch Rush
This is a good juice. This is a very good fruit punch. Fruit punch is a bit of a jerk, if I'm being honest. For the most part, fruit punch is an overly sweetened mess that makes a mockery of the fruits it claims to be made from.

This though, this isn't too bad. There is a very strong taste of cherries, which I enjoy, and a handful of other fruit that kind of blend together nicely. Apples and grapes kind of mush up into a flavor themselves as if someone just angrily let it all out on them when they weren't looking. A horrible mugging that they didn't see coming. Just mushed. Their loss is your gain because this is pretty good. Even the Stevia does a fine job of keeping things sweet but also in their place. It's like a nice but stern history teacher. Ahh history teachers; the oldest teachers in the game.
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Mike Literman on 3/4/14, 5:13 PM
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Spree Sparkling Water Kiwi Kumquat

Spree Sparkling Water Kiwi Kumquat
Mrs. Mulvaney we are happy to announce that you have won a shopping spree. We understand that you are a 68 year old mother of four children who have left the nest to have families of your own. We also have down here that you are diabetic and that you have a passion for kitten sweaters. After compiling all of that data, we have decided to grant you a seven minute shopping spree at Home Depot. It seemed like the most fitting establishment on our list for your lifestyle. Remember to grab all of that lumber you'll need for those renovations you would like to do to your house, if you didn't live in a third floor apartment.

By our calculations your frail frame should be able to push a shopping cart that weights about 300lbs. So make sure you stock up on power tools while you have the time! By law we are required to furnish you with a beverage during your spree, as to avoid any allegations of neglect in case you die from exhaustion/dehydration. Our team of specialists has determined this bottle of kiwi kumquat sparkling water will be perfect for the job. Oh look at that, it's sweetened with stevia, so you also won't have a diabetic episode because of it. Our specialists really are on their game here.

This thing actually tastes pretty good for being diet as well. I think I might have to contact the head office and have them send me a case. It smells more like kiwi than it tastes like that magical green fruit, but it still has a nice general tropical fruit taste to it. It's rare that you come across kumquats in a drink, but I'm all for it. It's like a tiny fancy orange, with a slightly different taste. I much prefer them to the strawberry that normally accompanies kiwi. Overall it's light, it's fruity and the stevia doesn't make you feel like you're poisoning yourself just to lower your sugar intake. I mean sure it taste more like stevia than any fruit, but that is the nature of the diet game.

Now Mrs. Mulvaney, take off that house coat and grab some comfortable shoes. You're got a store to ransack.
Diet, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 2/18/14, 12:23 PM
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Core Power Natural High Protein Milkshake Strawberry Banana

Core Power Natural High Protein Milkshake Strawberry Banana
Seeing as Derek is vegan and Mike doesn't believe in strenuous activity I have become the de facto protein shake reviewer here at the offices of Thirsty Dudes. Of course by offices I mean my computer room in my apartment, Mike's desk at his day job and wherever it is what Derek does his writing. We live the glamorous lives of the beverage reviewer and there is no one that can take that away from us.

I got done with my work for the day early, but no one else was around, so I decided to go on a bike ride. I meant to just ride around for an hour or so, and maybe check out some neighborhoods that I've never been to around my house. That led to a much longer ride that took me over nearly 30 miles of road. Did I mention it was ridiculously hot and humid as well? I don't know if I have ever sweat so much in my life. I was literally able to ring sweat out of my clothes after I got home. After bringing my bike into the house I dragged myself to the kitchen and grabbed this out of the fridge, because of course what you want when you're ridiculously dehydrated and are so tired that you don't think you'll be able to move much more is a nice milkshake that has bananas in it aka the worst fruit ever.

The protein gods were shining down upon me as this is the first beverage that I have ever had that contains banana that didn't taste exactly like the grossest of all fruit. This has more of a creamy base with a nice strawberry flavor added to it. It's light in flavor, but for some reason the banana flavor is hardly there. I certainly wish it would have been just strawberry in flavor, but I can't complain about the minimum banana that I was presented with. It's also sweetened with stevia, so perhaps it was that natural zero calorie sweetener that hid the banana for me. It also didn't end up tasting very diet at all. This was actually down right enjoyable for a protein drink. I'm sure I would have liked it even more had I had more moisture in my body.

Of course as soon as I was done with this I downed a gigantic coconut water to rehydrate. It took about a half hour after that for my muscles to work again and then I was ready for new adventures.
Diet, Milkshake and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Core PowerWebsite@CorePower
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 7/6/13, 3:56 PM
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Pom Coconut

Pom Coconut
It's a beautiful day out, so you decide to lay out in the back yard, while listening to a little Air Supply and get your self a tan. Oops, you almost forgot two crucial items before you walked out the door; your tanning oil and a nice refreshing glass of pomegranate juice. As you sit down in your weird plastic tube lawn chair that has existed since the same year you bought that Air Supply cassette, you start lathering up. It's been so rainy and cloudy lately that you haven't been able to work on your tan as much as you wanted. You were so excited that you didn't even notice that a huge glob of your coconut scented tanning oil fell right into your cool refreshing beverage.

There you go. Now you have a vivid image of what my ladyfriend told me this drink tasted like. I can't argue with her. I had high hopes for this, but unfortunately the coconut in here falls too close to the toasted coconut taste that I despise, which leaves it tasting like your at the beach and you licked your lips after the tanning oil you slathered on your face dripped down a bit. I really wanted this to taste more like classic coconut water, but it wasn't meant to be. At least it has a great tasting pomegranate base.
Coconut and Juice
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 6/19/13, 12:37 PM
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Kona Red Hawaiian Superfruit Antioxidant Juice

Kona Red Hawaiian Superfruit Antioxidant Juice
Up before dawn; that is the life of a surfer. Sure getting up that early blows, but that is when the waves are the best and more importantly when the beach is free and clear of tourists. ItÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’s bad enough having all of those people gawking at you, but the true hell is when one of them thinks that they know what they are doing on a board and comes out, gets in your way and inevitably needs to be escorted back to the shore before they drown. So yeah, the result is that I have to wake up far to early for one who lives a partying life as I do. Surviving on 4 hours of sleep a night, you would think that my immune system would be shot. It would be if it werenÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’t for my secret weapon: Kona Red.

My buddies go out to the coffee plantations and gather up the discarded coffee fruit. You see when you make coffee you cut the beans from the center of these little red berries. You didnÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’t know that? Well that is because you are more than likely a touring staring at me from the shore while IÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’m carving those waves. Anyways, that leftover fruit is chock full of the antioxidants that help keep me healthy. My friends take the fruit, juice it and add some pineapple and apple juice. The result is akin to a smoothed out acai juice. It has a very dark taste, but the pineapple and apple juices liven it up a bit. ItÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’s a fairly strange taste that grows on you the more you drink. It tastes absolutely nothing like the coffee that you brew, and has no caffeine (but oh how that would help me).

Okay itÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’s 4am. I should wax up my board and meet the guys down at the beach. The pipeline waits for no man.
Coffee, Diet and Juice
Kona RedWebsite@KonaRed
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Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 12/6/12, 10:48 AM
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Fresh Healthy Stuff Energy Pomegranate Acai

Fresh Healthy Stuff Energy Pomegranate Acai
Let me start off by saying that I don't like reviewing mix drinks. When we started doing this site, I wanted it to be for ready to drink beverages only. I don't like that there can be so many variables that can affect the taste of a mix drink. Mike started reviewing some, then we got sent a couple more, and here I am reviewing a drink mix. I know that just blew your collective minds.

I figured since this was just going into a specific sized bottle of water (160z) there really isn't much that could go wrong. Well there was my first problem. The Powercap didn't attach correctly to the top of my water bottle. It has one of those shorter caps that use less plastic, and it apparently didn't leave enough room for the cap to latch on. I held it in place, pushed the thumb dispenser and when I was certain all of the powder had made it into the bottle I replaced the Powercap with the original cap and shook it up. Problem = overcome.

I like the idea of these caps, because you can easily bring them everywhere without having to carry around bulky bottles. My problem with them is that they are generally all 0 calories so the sweeteners they use are of the diet variety. This cap used stevia, which is the least offensive 0 calorie sweetener in my eyes. That doesn't mean that I thoroughly enjoy the taste of it though. While the contents of the cap do give the drink a mild pomegranate/acai taste (more than I expected) the stevia aftertaste turns me off. It's pretty strong and it overpowers the actual flavor the drink it supposed to have. My ladyfriend thinks that it tastes like medicine, but if you're used to diet drinks, you probably wouldn't mind it at all.
Diet, Energy Drink, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Mix/Concentrate
Fresh Healthy StuffWebsite@fhstuff
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Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 7/3/12, 5:34 PM
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Fresh Healthy Stuff Multi-V Lemon Lime

Fresh Healthy Stuff Multi-V Lemon Lime
Sprite and 7-Up. That's what we think when we hear "lemon lime". To drink something lemon lime that isn't carbonated is just kind of strange. It's not the non-pop company's fault; they were just there first and more prominently. Now the new jacks have to make up for lost time. Fresh Healthy Stuff helps themselves to the cake by making a cool, interactive cap that snaps on any bottled water. Surprisingly, it doesn't spill when you shake it. I am notorious for using too much water, having to take the cap off to compensate, and then spilling some water, but that's because I'm a dumb dummy.

One thing I will say is that it is so hard to get the cap to push the mix in the drink. First one I didn't have a terrible time. My girlfriend couldn't do it. The one that I had last night though, brother. No way. I was pushing so hard and couldn't get it. I eventually had to put the cap on and slam the cap against the bottom of my cabinet to get it to go. It did, it mixed and I drank it.

Flavor hour? It's good. It's a bit...vitaminy, but it's not terrible. The orange was better. It was an expectant flavor but was a bit...tingy. Is that a word? It's underlined red which means that it isn't but you know what? It, like Yiddish, translates.
Diet, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Mix/Concentrate
Fresh Healthy StuffWebsite@fhstuff
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Stevia Leaf Extract
Mike Literman on 4/18/12, 1:08 PM
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Fresh Healthy Stuff Immune Support Orange Cranberry

Fresh Healthy Stuff Immune Support Orange Cranberry
Honey, I think that I picked a poor career decision. Look, I love kids. They are adorable and having them as toddlers really allows me to instill good morals and watch them learn from nothing to something. That's all well and good except those little buggers are always sick. There isn't one day when at least one kid isn't sick.

I am fully aware of this and I do what I can to take care of myself. I wash my hands like a dozen times a day. I drink orange juice all the time. I eat apples in hopes that it truly keeps the doctor away. I even have tried and still occasionally try Airborne since it's from a teacher to a teacher.

I don't know what else to do. There has to be something else. I can't get sick. If I leave, then I have to call a substitute and that never goes well. These kids are less than one year old and they are downright evil to subs.

What's this? Immunity Support? I need that! I love that! Where did you find this? Oh, the store. Well, why did I even ask? I'll try it right here and now. Can you hand me that bottle, please? I can't wait to smash this cap and drop the mix in the water. I love interactive drinks. Dear, I'm liking this drink. It's nicely sweetened and tastes like orange and maybe cranberry but it's good. It doesn't really taste medicine-y and, if anything, might taste a little Flintstone vitamin-y. I love them, though so it's alright.

I can feel myself getting stronger. I can feel those little sneezes and snots just bouncing right off me. Thank you, honey. You are the best.
Diet, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Mix/Concentrate
Fresh Healthy StuffWebsite@fhstuff
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Mike Literman on 2/24/12, 9:59 PM
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O.N.E. Active Grape Berry

O.N.E. Active Grape Berry
It's Groundhog Day. You've run into Ned Ryerson more times than you can even remember. The same goes for that ungrateful brat who keeps falling out of the tree. The perpetual winter has got you down, so very down. You've learned piano like a pro. You've creepily stalked the girl you like to find out every last detail about her, in order to finally win her over. You've done everything you could think of, but you're still in a rut. You blame the constant grey skies that plague your eternal life. To try to combat this you start taking vitamins and working out. It actually works. You start to feel better about yourself and life in general. You're beginning to have a more positive out look because you're no longer a lazy slob. It feels great to be in good shape. The only problem is that you get so darn thirsty when you work out and the water in this town just doesn't cut it. You read that coconut water is good for replenishing electrolytes. The local health store only carries one brand and one flavor. Oddly enough it's called O.N.E. The flavor that you are stuck forever is grape berry. At first you don't really like it. It has a strange harshness to it that is not quite the same harshness as grape juice. The more you drink the more you become accustomed to it. You realize that it tastes like watered down grape juice with a tinge of berry thrown in. It shouldn't be good at all, but it is and it's refreshing. After a couple of sips you no longer even notice the flavor of the coconut water. All you taste is watered down grape juice with a slight stevia aftertaste. It's not great, but it will do the job. It's too bad that you'll never be able to get the shop to order other flavors for you because the day of their arrival will never come.

If you would like one of the greatest comedic movies of our time to be turned into a tragedy for you read this article. The folks at What Culture use science to determine that Bill Murray's character was stuck in the same day for 33 years and 358 days. As we learn in the movie he has tried to kill himself several times. Who could blame him?
Diet, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Coconut
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Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 2/2/12, 12:58 PM
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O.N.E. Active Cranberry Grapefruit

O.N.E. Active Cranberry Grapefruit
It's an important day. You need to be at the top of your game. You need a drink that will not only refresh you but also boost your focus, energy and stamina. There is going to be a lot of battling going on and there is a good chance things could get brutal. Lucky for you that O.N.E. has released an active line of their coconut water. It's fruity, sweet and tastes decent. You know you have a decent drink on your hand when you drink have a carton, and then you are shocked to discover that it is sweetened with stevia. Now that I know I can taste it, but I never would have guessed before I read it. Cranberry and grapefruit make a great team. Other companies should really pick them for their hypothetical touch football teams.

Now I know what you're thinking; how did the big day pan out? More importantly, what did the big day entail? Well I will tell you, the big day was going with my friend so that he could go to adopt a cat. Seems dumb right? Why would anyone need any of the skills I mentioned just to go to a car adoption center? The answer is that I have a problem with cats. I fall in love with every cat that I see and I want to bring them all home and live in a house with a million cats that will follow me around everywhere. Yes I am crazy, but I also understand the disgusting aspect of that. I don't want to smell like a million cats. We went in, hung out with a bunch of cats. I fell in love at every turn. Specifically a huge fat cat named Pauly took a firm grip of my heart. I was inches from adopting him. The lady even tried to give him to me for free. He is eight years old and has a deviated septum so he makes the worlds most hilarious noises. I stood strong though and remembered how needy my cat Manny is and how she would hate me if she had to compete for my attention more. I sadly left Pauly and about 40 other cats behind. My friend, he got an adorable little kitty with a mustache that is now named Natas (so very nearly called Patricia Aracat).

Thank you O.N.E. for helping me keep my head, and therefore keep my household down to two humans and two felines.
Diet, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Coconut
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 1/2/12, 9:51 PM
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FunctionALOE Cleanse Cucumber

FunctionALOE Cleanse Cucumber
I just finished off a container of hands down the best salsa I have ever tasted in my life. Christine Mackie's mom made it, and I will love her forever for her salsa skills. The mass amounts of basil in it made it absolutely incredible. I am going to have dreams for months about this salsa. It will haunt me that it is not readily available in my life.

Now that it's gone I just want a nice crisp tasting beverage. Cucumber drinks have never failed me in the past. They are always refreshing and tasty. Now you mix cucumber with aloe and you should have an award winning drink, right? Wrong! If I were a dirty child at some crazy strict olde timey Catholic school a nun would have smacked me over the knuckles with a ruler for that incorrect answer. Yes in theory it should have been amazing. In the world of functionAloe it was down right terrible. It tastes like neither aloe nor cucumber. It does taste like it should be some sort of cleaner. I really couldn't get more than a few sips down before I started contemplating if I needed to call poison control. If I downed this entire bottle I think I might have to get my stomach pumped. I guess they weren't kidding when they named this “Cleanse.”

Some people may blame the taste on the fact that it's sweetened with stevia, but I can vouch for that little guy. I've had plenty of drinks that he has sweetened and he is my favorite “diet” sweetener. Also, there are no chunks in this. What is a point of an aloe drink without fun chunks?

For something that had the potential to be one of my favorite drinks ever this went in completely the wrong direction. It would have been hard for them to make it any worse. I really wish I had more of that incredible salsa to kill the poison on my tongue.
Diet, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Aloe Vera
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 6/28/11, 10:49 PM
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Aura Botanical Water Orange Basil

Aura Botanical Water Orange Basil
I have never had such a clear view of what I expected a drink to taste like in my mind as I had with the contents of this bottle. I pictured a serrated knife cutting into a whole orange with little sprays of juice spewing forth. The smell of the rind lays heavy in the air. Then a few leaves of basil are plucked from a plant. They are sliced up and laid on the orange slices. I could smell and taste it before I even opened the bottle. I couldn't wait to try it.

When I opened the bottle the scent of oranges greeted my nostrils, but the basil was only faintly there. The taste was about the same. It was strongly orange, with faint hints of basil. I really wanted there to be an extremely strong herbal flavor, but you can't get everything you want in the beverage world.

This is made by Bolthouse Farms and it's like a more natural version of Vitamin Water. It tastes really good, but the name led me to expectations that were never met.
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 6/12/11, 6:37 PM
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FunctionALOE Immune Lemon

FunctionALOE Immune Lemon
Guys, thanks for coming over and helping me clean up the house. As you know I have this big party coming up for some foreign dignitaries and I want everything to be perfect. You guys have made that possible. This place is spotless. I can literally see my reflection in the floor. I think I finally have the proper setting to hammer out those peace treaties. I'll tell you this though; I am parched from all that work. Luckily I have this bottle of lemon-flavored aloe. This is going to be refreshing to no end. *twists off cap. chug. spit take.* Okay which one of you wisenheimers switched out my aloe for cleaning products!?!?! Guys this isn't funny I could get really sick! You swear you didn't? Well now that you mention it the freshness seal did check when I opened it. Apparently Lily of the Desert wanted this drink to takes the way that Lemon Pledge smells. It even smells strange. This is my first time around with this company and it's also my first time being disappointed with an aloe drink. The chunks are more like the pulp in orange juice than normal aloe chunks. I thought it might have just been me who didn't "get" this drink so I had five other people try it, and everyone had an identical reaction. The stevia and the lemon just do not blend well together.
Diet, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Aloe Vera
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 5/23/11, 10:47 AM
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