Positive Energy - 7 Reviews

Positive Energy Lemonade

Positive Energy Lemonade
A kid I work with doesn't really know what lemonade really tastes like. I don't know how. If you have made it to your twenties, you should know what lemonade tastes like. I asked if he wanted this. He declined. I don't know why. Maybe it was because I told him not to judge all lemonades by this "functional" lemonade. I'm not judging this based off lemonade but just saying that since this is not trying to be "just lemonade," it should not be reviewed as such.

So how is it? It's surprisingly good. Smooth. There is no bite. It's clearly lemonade but is smoother and doesn't have any of that natural sour bite that something derived from lemons would have. It splits sweet duty with Stevia so there is a little bit of that but way down in the mix like when you said your girlfriend could sing backups in your bands recording and you potted her way down in the mix where it's almost negligible whether she is there or not. Sure, she can tell her friends she's on the record and sure she'll get credits in the linear notes but she gave an "old fashioned" to the drummer so she can do whatever she wants because she sucks.
Energy Drink and Lemonade
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 10/8/15, 4:48 PM
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Positive Energy Peach Mango Lemonade

Positive Energy Peach Mango Lemonade
Like I said before, Positive Energy's lemonade line is way better than their juice line. Both have caffeine from green coffee beans added to them, but the difference is that the lemonades also have added sugar (and stevia), which is really kind of necessary to mask the taste of the caffeine.

It does seem odd to me to add caffeine to lemonade, since in my mind it's a relaxing, refreshing beverage. I never think of lemonade when I'm being active, or need an extra boost of energy. Actually the only time I really think of lemonade is when it's blistering hot out and I've been in the sun (and probably resemble a lobster as a result). Maybe I'm just not as big of a lemonade enthusiast at others.

This has a really strong peach and mango flavor to it, with the lemonade aspect f it coming mostly as an aftertaste. Again, it's not what I think of when I think of lemonade, but that doesn't make it a bad thing. I actually really like the non-lemon fruit flavor that's in here. It covers up the caffeine even more than the sugar, and the stevia taste is all but nonexistent. This is certainly my favorite product that Positive Energy has put out. I wish the others were this good as well.
Energy Drink and Lemonade
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/5/15, 7:01 PM
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Positive Energy Lemonade Tea

Positive Energy Lemonade Tea
Unfortunately, I have not been a fan of Positive Energy's line of energy juices. The taste of the caffeine from the green coffee is just too strong to my palate, and it takes me away from my enjoyment of the juice itself. Luckily for everyone involved this half and half is a whole different story. The cane sugar they use to sweeten it masks the taste of the caffeine nicely. One top of that the tea taste in here is fantastic. It tastes like tea that was brewed from a bag and not the garbage sugar water that a lot of companies pass off as tea. It's always nice when a beverage tastes real, like it should. The strange thing about this is that it contains orange juice as well as the lemon juice, and it really takes this “classic” drink to a whole new level. I want more orange juice and tea combinations now. I bet they would be fantastic, just like this bottle of liquid refreshment.
Energy Drink, Iced Tea and Lemonade
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/23/15, 10:39 PM
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Positive Energy Strawberry Lemonade

Positive Energy Strawberry Lemonade
Flavor-wise, this is nice. It's pretty smooth and I personally like the Stevia taste mixed with the coffee extract. It's a welcome bitterness to a sweet and fruity lemonade. What I don't like, and this just me and not at all affecting my rating, is the intense jitters I'm getting from the caffeine. It turns you into a masochist because I'm enjoying the flavor but not the after effects of it. As I said, not affecting the review.

Flavor? Yeah. Chocked full. Nice genuine strawberry flavor with a little sweet and sour from the lemonade. It's actually pretty good and would be really good in itself. I wonder why Stevia is in there at all; probably to cut down on calories. Yeah, that's probably why. I could start a juice company. I'm like a detective. Or an assumptive moron who should keep his mouth shut if he knows what's good for him.
Juice and Lemonade
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/17/15, 3:53 PM
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Positive Energy Cranberry Juice Cocktail

Positive Energy Cranberry Juice Cocktail
Cocktail is a loose term for juices. It has the main ingredient in it, but any other juice is also fair game. This cocktail includes white grape, apple, and dark cherry juices as well as the named cranberry. That's a lot of different juices to combat for flavor, and yet the strongest flavor is the caffeine from green coffee beans. Next in line for top flavor would be the cherry and then the cranberry comes in third. There needs to be a way to disguise the taste of the caffeine better.
Energy Drink and Juice
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 3/30/15, 9:40 PM
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Positive Energy Orange Juice

Positive Energy Orange Juice
Most orange juices taste the same. Just like Jay said for the apple juice review for Positive Energy, they taste the same. This one is different. It's got caffeine in it, which I don't need honestly, but thanks for putting it in. What's different about it is that it has green coffee bean in it. I have grown to like that stuff. It's in the Bai, which I actually really like. It's apparently chocked full of antioxidants that you've got to be a fool to turn down. It's got a nice, slightly bitter taste that's more a different flavor than an actual "bitter" flavor but it's got a solid orange juice taste to it first which is important.

I wonder if antioxidants are going to be the new antibacterial stuff that people are worried about turning bacteria into super-bacteria with adorable little capes. Our bodies are slowly going to be immune to antioxidants and be filled with whatever antioxidants fight, probably oxidants, whatever they are. It's an endless struggle.
Energy Drink and Juice
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 3/26/15, 12:23 PM
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Positive Energy Apple Juice

Positive Energy Apple Juice
There have been many reviews on this site where Mike or I have proclaimed that apple juice is one of the hardest drinks to write about. Unless it solely from a specialty apple, most apple juices taste pretty much the same, with various degrees of being watered down.

I can unfortunately say that this is not the case with Positive Energy. Sure it has a general apple base, but the addition of caffeine from green coffee beans leaves it tasting like the juice is going bad. We've been sent a jug of straight caffeine in the past, so I know what it tastes like all on its own, and I'm sad to say that the caffeine taste is stronger than the apple taste in this beverage. That is too bad because it only has the same amount of caffeine as one cup of coffee. The loss of flavor hardly seems worth it.
Energy Drink and Juice
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 3/22/15, 3:08 PM
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