Positive Energy Strawberry Lemonade

Positive Energy Strawberry Lemonade
Flavor-wise, this is nice. It's pretty smooth and I personally like the Stevia taste mixed with the coffee extract. It's a welcome bitterness to a sweet and fruity lemonade. What I don't like, and this just me and not at all affecting my rating, is the intense jitters I'm getting from the caffeine. It turns you into a masochist because I'm enjoying the flavor but not the after effects of it. As I said, not affecting the review.

Flavor? Yeah. Chocked full. Nice genuine strawberry flavor with a little sweet and sour from the lemonade. It's actually pretty good and would be really good in itself. I wonder why Stevia is in there at all; probably to cut down on calories. Yeah, that's probably why. I could start a juice company. I'm like a detective. Or an assumptive moron who should keep his mouth shut if he knows what's good for him.
Juice and Lemonade
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/17/15, 3:53 PM
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