Powerade - 8 Reviews

Powerade ION4 Melon

Powerade ION4 Melon
I was had. I am in Florida, Cape Canaveral to be exact. No, I am not here to see space stuff. NASA stuff would be cool and it's actually pretty close but I'm here for a cruise. An exotic cruise to the Bahamas. Part of me thought that the Bahamas was a place that only rich people went to. Since I'm able to go, it couldn't be further than the truth. So, back to why I was had.

It's night time. I am in a hotel the night before the cruise. I need to look around for drinks when I am away from home. There isn't much to pick from around here and I do not know the area. There was a gas station a quarter of a mile away and a 7-Eleven a half mile away. I made the poor decision of taking the shorter route. I'm overreacting, of course, but there was nothing here. I chose a melon Powerade because Florida. We had done sour melon so I thought; I'll do the regular variety. I am pretty sure that the execs at Coke said, "You know what, Johnny? We're not selling anything to those weaklings as "sour melon" so let's drop the "sour" part of the name and keep selling the same thing." This is sour and tasted like the melon did. I'm going to call it a different review because in the case that it is different, you now know what the non-sour one tastes like. In short, this tastes like sour...I don't know...honeydew? I don't know what melon it actually is. Picking from watermelon, honeydew and cantaloupe it is closest to some sort of man-made honeydew. It's that mixed with the same thing that makes sour apple Jolly Ranchers sour and you've got it.

Florida. You're mostly fine. Don't try to pull one over on me. You're fine.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 1/10/15, 8:45 PM
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Powerade Zero Grape

Powerade Zero Grape
You like sports, bro? I love sports. I love them. I love winning. Hashtag winning, right, bro? Remember that? Charlie Sheen? That dude rules. Yeah, present tense. He still rules. You know who else rules? Our local sports team. They're awesome. Hey, I'm thirsty. You know what a thirsty dude drinks when he's thirsty? No. Not water you munch? Water is for chess players. I mean a real sportsman like you and I. Powerade, that's right. Specifically grape Powerade. This stuff goes down smooth, doesn't taste like poison and tastes like regular grape drinks should. It's good and really helps me when it comes down to baseball time. I'm permanently in the mental state of a homerun derby, bro. All day every day.

What did you say, Miss Catherine? We're done role playing for the day? Oh, man. Thank you. I don't know how much more of that I could have done. Maybe I don't want to play the role of "the jock" in the school play. Can I keep this grape Powerade, though? It's pretty good and actually does taste good. For a diet drink, it's not gross at all.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 11/17/14, 5:12 PM
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Powerade Zero Drops Mountain Berry Blast

Powerade Zero Drops Mountain Berry Blast
Are you a weakling? Do you wish you were strong like the muscle men on the TV? Are you afraid of hair loss and shrinkage? Well do we have the steroid alternative for you! Powerade gives you the “aid” to need to get “powerful.” See what I did there? The dumbest spelling out of a name's origin you will ever see.

You may find yourself saying, sir I have seen Powerade around for years. Isn't it just a knock off of Gatorade? Yes you would be correct, but Gatorade does not have these fancy little concentrate bottles that you can keep in your purse/fanny pack. This way you don't have to worry about the bulk of the big bottles, and you can add it to water anywhere you go; your home, the gym, that fancy French restaurant you go to on your anniversary. Literally anywhere.

The real bonus of this product comes in the fact that you can squeeze to flavor it however you want. If you find regular Powerade too watery, you can just squeeze a little more in and make it a bit stronger. There are no calories and no sugar so there are no worries about how much you add.

This has that fake blue raspberry flavor that many drinks/candies have. You know what it tastes like, but it's got sucralose, so it's a tad on the diet side, but not much. It's actually much better than I expected and I will probably drink more than one cup of it before passing it on to someone else.
Mix/Concentrate, Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 7/15/13, 12:57 PM
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Powerade Zero Drops Orange

Powerade Zero Drops Orange
Stephen loved to run. His mom went to the grocery store to buy him some Powerade before he ran a marathon. She saw the Powerade Zero Drops, thought it was a drink, and bought it. When she got to the race, Stephen was getting ready to go to the starting line. She handed him the drink and he told her that it was a concentrate. She was overly apologetic because she knew that this race was important. He told her that every so often there were people that handed him water that he could add it to so it was alright. He stood at the line and the man shot the pistol and Stephen took off.

Five, ten, fifteen miles. He was doing well but getting thirsty. Where were all the people with the water? Wasn't there supposed to be people out here handing cups of water? It was getting hot, too. Stephen was slowing down and sweating. Just then, it started to rain. Hard. Downpour. As soon as Stephen hit mile eighteen it was torrential down pouring. Just then, he remembered the Powerade Drops that his mom gave him. He squirted a little in his mouth and opened his mouth and took in the rain. It mixed up nicely and tasted like a vitamin C pill or a watered down orange Vitamin Water. He's got electrolytes and is cranking through the wettest race of his career. Mile twenty he's still running and it's still raining. He's soaking from head to toe but it was hot outside so although hindering and increasingly heavy, refreshing. Every mile or so he'd squirt a little bit in his mouth and drink some water. He was happy that it wasn't gross and actually didn't taste diet at all.

Stephen saw the finish line and ran hard with whatever energy he had left. He finished in the first group of runners and was psyched with the results. He found his mom and told her that he drank rain water and mixed it with the Powerade and it was good. They both went home happy because they did well. Stephen always carried a bottle of this when he raced and thanks his mom for introducing him to it.
Mix/Concentrate, Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 5/20/13, 5:19 PM
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Powerade ION4 Mountain Berry Blast

Powerade ION4 Mountain Berry Blast
I've always had a great dislike of Powerade. No, that's not right. I have always had a great disinterest in Powerade. When it first hit the market in Western New York I was in high school and I remember getting one and thinking that it tasted like Gatorade, with even less flavor. Back then there weren't many varieties of Gatorade and I wasn't a huge fan of it to begin with, as it lacked in bursting flavor that my teenage taste buds craved. I curbed that craving by making my own iced tea at home with a mix and about seven times the recommended amount of sugar. I should have a giant hole in my head where my teeth should be. Back to the point though, I had Powerade once, wasn't impressed and this may be the first time since then that I've had it. You know what? I was wrong. This tastes pretty much exactly like blue Gatorade. It's a watery berry drink with a bunch of sugar in it, but not enough to think that it's insanely sweetened. I can assure you that there is probably 1/20 the amount of sugar in this than what I put in my high school tea. God, I'm so disgusted with myself for that. Ugh. I'm lucky I don't have diabetes.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 10/11/12, 6:27 PM
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Powerade Zero Fruit Punch

Powerade Zero Fruit Punch
I liked high school. That doesn't mean that I was great at it, but I liked it. I took a lot of great technology, shop, and music courses my senior year and it was like the school I always wanted. In hindsight, I wish I had gone with a trade school versus a traditional...or three colleges.

Back to high school: In high school we only had a Powerade machine. One. Singular. That was the one and only vending machine in the entire school. I would talk to other kids that would have all these pop machine and snack machines and stuff. I was jealous. For this reason, since I was 16 (1998) I have had a bad taste in my mouth. Yes, Powerade, it's because I'm a dumb idiot. Also, for no reason, I thought that Powerade was slightly carbonated regardless of how many times people told me that it wasn't. Without exaggeration, I have not had Powerade since I was a junior in high school; Today that all changed.

Jay and I came across it and I knew that it was time to change everything. Why should I hold a grudge against a company because they offered us something when no one else would? I should have loved Powerade these past few years. After today I have these regrets. This whole time I was missing a decent line of drinks that, yes, is like Gatorade, I'll say it, but it's good. I think that the fruit punch was good. Maybe the "zero" of it all calmed down the sweetness but I did a good job clobbering nearly thirty-two ounces of it. It was good. If you like fruit punch but don't like the strange bite that it sometimes has and like the drinkability of Gatorade and hate calories, this is the drink for you.

I'm sorry, Powerade. My alma mater thanks you and that's coming from a cynical jerk. It's been a long time coming. Sorry, guys.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 8/16/12, 10:58 PM
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Powerade Zero Mixed Berry

Powerade Zero Mixed Berry
Oh Powerade, you fall into a weird subsection of my desire for drinks. I have never gone out of my way to buy a bottle of Powerade. That being said, I have never been unsatisfied by any flavor. I know some people say it's a weak Gatorade rip off, but it's what Coca-Cola is to Pepsi: a similar tasting competitor.

I thought their coloring choice of this "mixed berry" drink was interesting. When I look at Windex I don't EVER think of any berry, let alone a mixture of different ones. This doesn't have much flavor to it though. There's a slight raspberry taste, but it truly just tastes like "mixed berry" as generic as that may be. The good thing about it is there is no gross diet taste at all. Now that I know that, I might actually go out of my way to find more flavors in the Powerade Zero line of drinks.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Derek Neuland on 8/10/11, 5:06 PM
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Powerade ION4 Sour Melon

Powerade ION4 Sour Melon
When I was in high school, I drank Powerade almost every day because it was the only thing besides water in the vending machines before 1pm. I know a lot of people hate the taste, but I don't mind it at all.

Nowadays, I only drink Powerade (or Gatorade) when I'm sick. I made an exception today because I am a big fan of sour drinks so I had to try this. While it does have a slight sour flavor, it's definitely not as strong as I hoped it would be. When I drink/eat something sour I want my lips to pucker. Sadly this didn't happen.

Also, this really doesn't taste like melon. It might be the color that's throwing my taste buds off, but it tastes more like green apple to me. Overall it's a decent drink, and probably the best Powerade flavor I've ever had. It's super refreshing and makes me feel like I should be playing kickball at the park with a bunch of my friends.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 10/13/10, 11:04 PM
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