Rob's Really Good - 23 Reviews

Rob's Really Good Zero Coconut

Rob's Really Good Zero Coconut
We've been hard on ol' Rob in the past and he has been very good to us. I should say, and we should say more often, that they gave us these drinks to try and they are glass, plentiful, and heavy so that was probably no easy task. It's hard to dis companies that are so nice to us that might put out not-so-good drinks. Credit where credit's due, Rob's is pushing the envelope when it comes to some of his flavors and he has to know that they're not going to be for everyone.

Now, on to this coconut water. Everyone knows the pains of coconut water. You have to drink it when it's ice cold otherwise it gets chalky and gross. Append that to the fact that they use Erythritol and you could have a dangerous mix on your hands. Was Rob able to man the wild horses, save the town and get the girl? Yes. Rob rode the blackest steed in all the land, tamed it and then fed it a friggin' carrot. He gave the bad guy a wedgie and also took his lunch money. He got the girl and the girl had a ten face, ten body and liked playing video games. This might be the best coconut drink I've ever had. It's got a good mix between real coconut and candied coconut shavings you would get on an ice cream or a Mounds bar. The Erythritol just kind of cools it all down while sweetening it up.

Rob deserves a pat on the back and all the gold in the land for taming that beast.
Coconut and Diet
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Mike Literman on 12/4/13, 3:48 PM
Buy It
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Rob's Really Good Zero Grapefruit Zero

Rob's Really Good Zero Grapefruit Zero
There's sugar in grapefruit, right? I mean I buy juices with no added sweeteners and there's always a decent amount of sugar in the juice, just from the fruit. The internet tells me that grapefruit has sugar, which makes sense, it's a fruit. According to Google half of a large grapefruit has 11.59g of sugar in it. So does Rob's somehow remove that sugar and replace it with erythritol, because the label on this clearly says there are zero grams of sugar. That would be some wacky science that just doesn't seem worth it.

I don't know how Rob's makes this, but this is tasty. It has the essence of grapefruit flavor without the extreme tartness. Sure it has a zero calorie sweetener in it, but it doesn't have a gross diet taste. I think the grapefruit flavor balanced it out nicely. My real question is was the erythritol really needed? Was it just used to round off the tartness? Only Rob knows and he's not talking. He's too busy with his Pirate's Booty (seriously one man, two great products. I'd give him a high five).
Diet and Juice
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Jason Draper on 11/18/12, 5:07 PM
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Rob's Really Good Zero Cucumber

Rob's Really Good Zero Cucumber
Cucumber, eh. I'll try it. Zero, eh. Alright. I don't hate Stevia and/or equivalents. Together at last? We'll see about that. After some scientific discovery, I have come up with the following conclusions. This starts off well. It's promising. It smells like cucumber and tastes like cucumber until...oh...there it is, the badness. It's overly sweet. Too sweet, even. It's that fake sweetener "too sweet" where it's sweet and cold at the same time.

Remember when you were in your freshman year of college and there was that adorable little girl that, for some reason, liked you? She was like five foot naught and somehow, without access to a legitimate kitchen, would make you cookies and cupcakes but out of the genuine sweetness of her heart and not because cupcakes are "cool" and a fad. She makes them because she wants to be noticed. She is truly sweet and was probably unfortunately taken by some dirtbag on the lacrosse team who just didn't treat her right. That simile is not like this drink. The simile to this drink is the girl you ended up with for six unfortunate days that loved light beer and was not shy to show a little too much skin and was a bit of a floozy. You knew that you made a mistake. She never made you sweets but she once bought you a cake that she got from a college party that somehow was still in one piece but had a ridiculous amount of the world's worst frosting ever one it. That's this drink. Frat cake. Too sweet. Promising on paper but just too much.
Diet and Juice
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Non-GMO Sweetener Blend
Mike Literman on 11/15/12, 4:43 PM
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Rob's Really Good Zero Black Plum

Rob's Really Good Zero Black Plum
Plum flavored drinks are not something that you see too often. Well, outside of an Asian market, and the plum drinks you find there are entirely different beasts that you simply want nothing to do with. They tend to taste like smoked mold. They are perhaps the worst beverages I have ever tried. I couldn't even swallow a single sip.

Real plums are great though. I went to a flea market a few weeks back and the fruit vender was closing up so he sold me 10 plums for a dollar. It was a good couple of days. I miss those days. Rob's does a great job with this drink and it actually tastes like you juiced a plum (well and then added some erythritol). I can't think of any other drink I've had that tastes so much like a plum plucked out of nature. The sweetener isn't too over powering and it actually gives it that specific bubble tea flavor. That is a taste that I will always love.

Rob's knows what they are doing with drinks, especially diet drinks. Diet no longer means absolutely terrible in this day and age. With the amount of obesity in this country it couldn't have come sooner.
Diet and Juice
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Jason Draper on 10/30/12, 9:29 PM
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Rob's Really Good Zero Tart Cherry

Rob's Really Good Zero Tart Cherry
I've had this drink spilled on me and I've spilled this drink. I handed it off to my girlfriend to try and she thought that handing it to me at mach 3 with the lid off was a good idea. That was how it was spilled on me. I spilled it on myself because I over chugged. I didn't know what my mouth limit was and just kept chugging until I overflowed. That's a good thing for good ol' Rob. I simply couldn't get enough and threw limits out the window like an unwanted apple core. That is the only littering I do is apple cores. You will never see me throw as much as a crumpled gum wrapper out of the winder of my car. Yeah, this is the only planet we have, for now at least, but more importantly is that I'm not a scumbag.

Anyhow, this drink is good: a little tart, as advertised, and a solid juice throughout. It's quite laden with that Stevia taste that I like and if you do, too, you'll be down with this drink. If I hadn't just brushed my teeth, I would have slammed the rest of that leaving my face, torso, and floor beneath me all sticky.
Diet and Juice
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Mike Literman on 10/14/12, 12:15 AM
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Rob's Really Good Zero Coconut Pineapple

Rob's Really Good Zero Coconut Pineapple
For those of you who grew up Southern Ontario, or Western New York any time from 1888 until 1989 probably remembers Crystal Beach (I can't believe it was around for a hundred years). It was a great amusement park, which was basically Coney Island on Lake Erie. Growing up in the 80's, the 1980's, we hand a handful of amusement parks within an hour drive of us. My favorite was always Crystal Beach. It had great rides, but on top of that it also had a beach, which gave the park a completely different feel than Darien Lake, Fantasy Island and the other smaller parks. It always felt like I was traveling back in time, or stepping into a completely different world when I was there. We would always go early, hit up some rides, and then head to the beach for a few hours before finishing up the night with some more rides. The world famous roller coaster The Comet was always ridden as much as possible. Every trip to the park would be concluded by getting one of the fancy suckers they sold there and going on the “umbrella ride” that carried us in a cart over the park and over part of the beach. Once I was on that ride I knew my day of fun was over, but it was always a fitting end to a great day.

Now I've hated coconut since I was a kid. I just recently started to like coconut water, but I did and still do despise the candied and toasted coconut flavors. For some reason I really liked the pina colada suckers they had at the park. I don't know if I just got them because I thought I was being a rebellious kid getting a sucker named after an alcoholic drink or what. All I know is for some unknown reason these suckers got a pass from my hatred. When I took a sip of this beverage my first thought was “oh gross candied coconut.” Then a second later I realized it tasted exactly like those suckers, and I was okay with it. It has a watered down pineapple flavor that gets overpowered by coconut at the end. It tastes nothing like coconut water though. In reality it has the coconut flavor that I can't stand in most cases, but it brought me back to some great family outings from my childhood, and I can't hold a flavor I don't like against it.
Coconut, Diet and Juice
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Jason Draper on 10/11/12, 12:41 AM
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Rob's Really Good Pomelicious

Rob's Really Good Pomelicious
Craig loved raspberries. He lived in the country where there were fields that he spent many a summer day foraging for raspberries. He knew how to spot good ones and which ones to leave for another day. He brought some home sometimes to make raspberry juice which was just him crushing raspberries in a mortar and pestle and then pouring the juice through a strainer. It's poor man's juice, sure, but it was also delicious. His mom came home from the market with a pomegranate one day and gave it to him. He had no idea what it was but his mom told him to open it and take the seeds out.

He opened the fruit and his eyes lit up. He had never seen so many seeds in all his life. He crushed them up, poured that juice through a strainer and drank it. It was fruity but it was bitter. He tried to mix it with his raspberry juice but he couldn't get a good mix. It was too sweet and too bitter. He tried mixing it with water but, as he expected, it just lessened the flavor. He needed something else. His grandma would make a wonderful, lightly sweetened black tea whenever he came over so he went over there and got a big gallon of it to bring home. He mixed all of the juices together and had it: a lightly sweetened tea with real raspberry juice in it. A little bitter, yet a little sweet with a strong fruit juice flavor that he would drink as much as he could.

His mom couldn't always get pomegranates, but when she could, she did because she actually really liked Craig's concoction. The whole family did and that made Craig very happy.
Iced Tea
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/23/12, 3:33 PM
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Rob's Really Good Agave Mate

Rob's Really Good Agave Mate
Welcome back to the country club Mr. Underhill. You've been away for awhile, and I haven't been able to apologize for the whole “John Cocktosen” incident. The waiter that served him was new and had o idea he was not you. Of course he was immediately terminated from his position when we discovered what had happened. Unfortunately Mr. Cocktosen could not be located. What can I get you sir? May I recommend the water buffalo? Oh you're just here for a quick drink before you jump in the pool. That's very understandable sir. Oh I'm sorry Mr. Underhill, we no longer carry sweet tea. Some of the elder patrons were complaining that the sugar in it was deteriorating their dentures. It became quite unseemly. We also decided that sweet tea was a drink for country bumpkins, so we brewed up the rich person's version which we call agave mate. To be honest sir, I personally love sweet tea, but the owners of the club, wanted to give the patrons the illusion that this was a truly fancy drink. To break it down in a nutshell for you we take some premium organic yerba mate, which is naturally rich in caffeine and sweeten the hell out of it with organic agave nectar. Everything about the drink it natural and organic, just the way things should be in paradise. The taste is very similar to that of sweet tea, but it's a bit more refined and adult. I'm sure you will love it Mr. Underhill. Shall I charge it to your account then?
Iced Tea
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Agave Nectar
Jason Draper on 2/25/12, 11:59 AM
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Rob's Really Good Blueberry Tea

Rob's Really Good Blueberry Tea
I have been sick. Sick as a dog even though I have never seen a dog with anything other than a runny nose and, unfortunately, worms. Ugh, that was a day. Looked like someone spilled a can of Chef Boyardee spaghetti on the rug. I didn't want you to think that I quit and went and worked for some other website reviewing things like slacks. I have had and am slowly conquering strep throat. Accompanying strep throat, if you've never been privileged enough to have it, is a headache that is murderous and the inability to breathe due to a sinus infection. Breathing out of your mouth for like four days straight does a couple things. One, and most frustrating is that it oxidizes your teeth and you get white spots on your teeth that only time will heal but make it look like you don't give a rip about dental hygiene. It also dries out your mouth like crazy but due to the inability to swallow, it makes it hard to drink to fix it.

I might have made an exception if I had this at my bedside table. This has a wonderful blueberry taste, possibly the best blueberry taste I've ever had in a tea. There is also a fantastic sweet black tea taste behind that. I really get a sense that Rob, the mad scientist that he is, has trucks of blueberries coming to the HQ and he's crushing them using just handfuls of mallets. He just grabs like four to six mallets and crushes hundreds of pounds of blueberries, punches out, and then goes home purple, sticky, and smelling rather good to bees. Rob has forearms of steel due to his hours of fruit crushing. He makes it hard to wear shirts because he's also busting through sleeves. Lots of tank tops and sleeveless T-'s for Rob. He's a nice dude who makes great tea but wears an uncomfortable amount of tank tops due to his comically large biceps.
Iced Tea
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/19/12, 10:33 AM
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Rob's Really Good Chocolate

Rob's Really Good Chocolate
For the first time on US soil, we bring to you, chocolate tea. "Oh, that's so American." you say to yourself. "They'll put chocolate in everything." and to that I respond with this:
Chocolate is delicious, can be good for you, and is no different than adding fruit to flavor your food so get off your high horse, a phrase that has never made sense to me, and drink this.
Are "high horses" a breed of horse? Are they just tall horses? If you have the tallest horse in a pack of horses...herd of horses...gaggle of horses, does that mean you have the "high horse"? I don't really care if I'm right or wrong because I'm picturing people getting out a piece of wood and drawing lines on it like you would every year your kids grow up and you want to make a growth chart just to see who has the tallest horse. It's a hilarious vision that I would like to retain for quite some time.

You like sweet tea, right? You like chocolate, right? You like experimenting by assuming that putting two things you like together can't be wrong, right? Welp, so does Rob and he made something really nice. Essentially, all he did is make some quality black tea and put some cocoa powder in it and make this gem. Yes, more happened than that, but I'm guessing that you could do close to this by doing what I described above. It's really good. Better colder than now, but nonetheless, pretty exceptional and quite different than any tea you've ever had before, unless of course, you've had this before and in that case, it's quite parallel.
Iced Tea
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 10/17/11, 3:50 PM
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Rob's Really Good Mango Tango

Rob's Really Good Mango Tango
It's a little known fact, but this beverage actually inspired the Ted Nugent song "Wango Tango." You may say, "but Thirsty Dudes the timeline is way off. "Wango Tango" was released in 1980, Robs is a fairly new company." That may be true my friends, but the mango drink was actually created by Rob's mother, it is the drink that made Rob want to create drinks of his own. His mother also had a tryst with Senior Nugent back in the late 70's. Theodore was obsessed with this sweet treat of hers and she made a jug of it for him every time he went out bow hunting. Momma Rob was also very concerned with being "green" and the environment, so she would only eat meat that Teddy hunted. She's the one who always said, "You gotta kill 'em to grill 'em." She taught the Nug oh so much about life.

After she broke off the brief relationship Ted tried to win her back by writing "Mango Tango" for her (the producer made him change the name due to the unpopularity of the fruit in the late 70's). Her response was that he could have her again, but only if the song about her and her nicely thinned out mango juice (it really was a precursor to the flavor/consistency of Vitamin Water) made it into the Billboard Top 10. Unfortunately it only got to number 86, and they were never to meet again. The only question there is left to answer is "Could Ted Nugent actually be Rob's biological father?" Come back never round of flavors to find out!
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/30/11, 9:46 AM
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Rob's Really Good Moroccan Orange Spice

Rob's Really Good Moroccan Orange Spice
I drink so much water. So much water. I like it. Nix that. I love it. It's crisp, it's refreshing and it's healthy. Sure I pee an obscene amount, but who cares about that. I've often thought about trying to flavor the water with random things around the house. No not like dirty socks or DVDs. I mean with herbs and spices. Just add a little to give the water a hint of flavor. I then realize I have no idea what I'm doing and that it would probably taste disgusting. No one wants disgusting. Everyone wants tasty.

Rob's has done what I wanted to do, and they've done it correctly. This is water with hibiscus, orange peel, ginger, cinnamon and cloves. I eat the foods of many cultures. That's right, I eat pasta as well as tacos. Seriously though I drink a lot of drinks, but I also like trying foods. I'm not one to say that something tastes exotic, but that is exactly how I would describe this. It's so simple yet complex at the same time. Flavored water with no sweeteners, just herbs and the like.

It tastes faintly orange, but the cloves and cinnamon stand more towards the front. Not in a gross "oh god I have a mouth full of spices" way, but in a pleasant exotic way. If you like unsweetened drinks with a good amount of flavor listen to Rob's sirens call.
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/3/11, 3:06 PM
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Rob's Really Good Cucumber

Rob's Really Good Cucumber
It tastes like cucumber and that's strange to you, huh? Never had a vegetable juice that is sweet, huh? Well guess what? It happens, brother or sister depending on what sex you are. It happens. Sometimes is happens well and sometimes it happens...not so well. This time, Rob's did a good job. It's not a juice, technically, but it's sweeter than you might expect.

I will say that the sweetness might "common folk" it up. You know, make it so Joe Everyman can come home from the ol' Packard Sawmill and drink something healthy, even though this isn't really healthy as much as it is just low in calories.

For me, I'm more of a man that is on the fringe, the bleeding edge. I am not scared of just something that tastes like liquid celery, because that's what I expected when I drank this, although I do congratulate Rob on making something that is still in the essence of cucumber and tastes so much like it but is still quenching.
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/2/11, 4:28 PM
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Rob's Really Good Love Potion

Rob's Really Good Love Potion
Rob's has really stepped up their game with their newest line. They are all way more flavorful then their predecessors.

The Love Potion name of this drink is truly appropriate. After just one sip has "definitely cast a level 5 charm spell on me." At first I just thought it was a unique deliciousness. Then my ladyfriend said that it tastes like bubble gum. Instantly I realized the flavor and I narrowed it down to specifically strawberry Hubba Bubba gum. Somehow Rob's has melted a gum flavor from my youth down into a delicious 14fl oz bottle. Who knew that flavor was just composed of strawberries, roses and passionfruit. It makes sense that all of said things would be in a love potion, but who knew gum. I guess that makes all of my awkward unrequited preteen crushes make sense. Thanks a lot Hubba Bubba, you jerk
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/30/11, 1:27 AM
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Rob's Really Good Watermelon

Rob's Really Good Watermelon
I was pretty skeptical at first when I saw this bottle. I don't think I've ever seen a watermelon drink, let alone any juice that is completely clear. Then I took a look at the ingredients, the first two are purified water and organic cane sugar. When the first sign of juice is #3 on the ingredients list, I am weary, and rightfully so. This tastes like sugar water with a hint of watermelon flavor. I suppose this is good for people who want a light watermelon juice, but I'm not one of them. When I think juice, I want tons of flavor. This is like watermelon sugar water. No thank you.
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 7/20/11, 5:50 AM
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Rob's Really Good Peachy Keen

Rob's Really Good Peachy Keen
Up until this point nearly all of the Rob's Really Good Flavors have been discontinued. It's funny because I had stated before that I always expected more from this company with the exception of the blueberry tea, which is the only flavor that made the cut in the switch to their new line. I'm glad that the company held the same opinion as us.

This is my first go with the new line, and I have to say after my first sip I already knew it was far superior to their old flavors. If a sweetened tea company wants to win me over with their products the best course of action is to use a decent sweetener and actual fruit juice for flavors. Rob's Really Good has done both of those things. I also want to applaud them for their use of oolong tea instead of the classic black variety. It adds just a little bit of kick that makes it stand out. In essence this is a southern sweet tea made with oolong with some real peach juice mixed in. I can't wait to try the other new flavors.
Iced Tea
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/14/11, 5:38 PM
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Rob's Really Good Orangeade

Rob's Really Good Orangeade
So the world knows that lemonade is simply a squeezed lemon with some sugar added to it. It's not a secret. It really is just common knowledge. The real question is why did I not realize that orangeade was the same thing except with the fruits switched? Really I always just thought it was just some garbage “orange drink.” I guess I was right in the case of the Arizona version.

I have to say, is it necessary for it to exist? It doesn't taste bad in any sense, but it's orange juice we're messing with here. It's a classic and is amazing on it's own. I feel that by adding sugar it's cheapening the juice. It's making it into something that would be fit to be put in a juice box for kids. This is nothing against the Rob's version of orangeade. It's the best I've ever had, but like I said it just leaves me wanted some good old-fashioned orange juice with lots of pulp.
Juice and Lemonade
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/2/11, 11:58 AM
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Rob's Really Good Iced Tea with Lemon

Rob's Really Good Iced Tea with Lemon
"Baby girl, you annoy me."
by Mike Literman

Why are you talking so loudly on the phone?
Are you upset that you aren't home?
The speaker is on and I can hear,
all of the complaints that you have to bear.
You hold the phone around your dumb head,
so everyone can hear what is said.
You are also pushing your baby in the middle of the street,
and for that, you should be beat.
You should calm down and drink Rob's iced tea with lemon,
or I'm going to have to ship you off to Yemen.
The drink is cool, natural, and fantastic,
Laura Palmer was wrapped in plastic.
The taste of the drink goes down so smooth,
Your scratchy throat induced from screaming needs to be soothed.
So girl walking in the middle of the street like a dumb dummy,
why don't you grab some of Rob's iced tea with lemon because it's nothing short of yummy.

Yeah, I know that I rhyme like a twelve years old boy. Guess what? I probably haven't written a poem since I was twelve so I'm right on track.
Iced Tea
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/16/11, 11:04 PM
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Rob's Really Good Coconut

Rob's Really Good Coconut
Thirsty Dudes, as a whole, unfortunately do not fancy coconut drinks. I like Mounds bars as much as the next guy. I like coconut shavings on ice cream. I have never handled a raw coconut, but I feel like it's probably not that bad. Let's make a compliment sandwich for this drink.

Good: The added sugar in this drink makes it a more "candied" coconut like you might be used to in candy and sweets.
Bad: It's reminiscent of, and I'm quoting girls in the office here, watered down pina colata and sunscreen.
Good: This is the best coconut drink I've had.

It's more sweet and less...water than the Vita Coco or Zico. If you like coconut water, this might be a nice, sweet treat for you. If you don't like coconut, this still isn't the drink for you.

Now here's the kicker. I can't penalize due to me not liking something. I think that if you liked coconut you would like this. I'm going to give an extra bottle because I know some people will really like it. I don't want to discourage people from getting it.
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/26/11, 11:41 AM
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Rob's Really Good Blueberry Iced Tea

Rob's Really Good Blueberry Iced Tea
Just yesterday Editor Dan and I were talking about how The Rob's Really Good teas were decent, but that none of them have been as good as we had expected them to be. I mean when something is named "Really Good" it better live up to it. Also the artwork on the labels at first glance looks cheesy, but the more I look at each of them the more I like it. On top of that it's all organic. So yeah, they haven't been bad (well maybe the Drink Your Salad one was a bit gross), but we wanted more from the company.

Today I drank their blueberry variety and I would like to append our conversation from yesterday. It would now read "Yeah they are okay, but I really expected more from them, except that blueberry one. That one is fantastic." It's a sweet tea with actual blueberry flavoring in it. The label calls it "organic blueberry essence." So if I'm any sort of scientist, which I am, I can tell you that means that the life force that lives in all blueberries runs through the ions in this drink. Once you drink it, that life force becomes a part of you. I'm not positive but I think that means that once you drink this you can actually talk to blueberries and those happy little buggers will talk back. There is even an artist's rendition of how they look after you drink this on the bottle. Unfortunately the life force will only remain in your system until you pee it out. Too bad I don't have any blueberries on hand to talk to. I'd like to see what their take of Lost Highway is.
Iced Tea
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/18/11, 5:08 PM
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