Salad Power - 4 Reviews

Salad Power + Pineapple

Salad Power + Pineapple
This smells terrible. It doesn't make sense because it tastes totally different. I hate to describe it to V8 but it's essentially a slightly sweeter V8. So why didn't I finish the carton? It got old. I don't know what makes V8 different. It could be the viscosity. This is thin. Almost like a more traditional juice. I have no idea short of them super juicing everything that comes through the front door about how they get it so thin. What's the advantage of that? Leave a little oomph in there, why don't you? The thinner the juice, the more waste you probably have. What are you doing with the waste, huh? Hopefully feeding it to turtles. Turtles love juice waste. I know this for a fact. I know that this an average drink that tastes better than it smells and that turtles love to eat the waste of juicing.
Salad PowerWebsite@SaladPower
United States
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Mike Literman on 9/18/15, 3:46 PM
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Salad Power Original

Salad Power Original
It's no surprise that I need to eat more vegetables. It's true. I need it. If I could drink this all the time, I would be sure to lose weight and probably be in better shape than I am now. I love to eat, man. What do you want from me? I live in a city that has great food. Enough about me, though. Let's talk about you.

You're a real chunker, man. You need help. I shouldn't be drinking this. You should. Here. What do you think? It's good, right? A little strange, right? It almost tastes like there are onions in there but I think it's a mix between the kale and the tomato. That gives it a little strange taste. Once you get past that, it's decent. Yes. Decent. I feel the heath surging through my veins and it's doing my body good.

I think that after drinking this for lunch, I can slam a killer dinner involving steaks and potatoes and some sort of chocolate molten lava cake. Yes. It has been decided.
Salad PowerWebsite@SaladPower
United States
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Mike Literman on 9/11/15, 5:17 PM
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Salad Power + Apple

Salad Power + Apple
Now Marty, I just came over to say how sorry I am about last night. We both know that things got out of hand, and under any normal circumstance I never would have hit you the way I did. You just have to understand I can be a passionate man, and when you go around literally yelling from a rooftop that the Red Hot Chili Peppers are the greatest American rock band of all time and that Anthony Kiedis is a god you have to expect a right cross to the chin.

I'm not here apologizing for punching you, but I am here to express regret that I broke your jaw, and that it is now wired shut. There's going to be a lot of time passing before you can eat solid foods again. I know how much you love your daily salad, so I brought you over a bunch of these Salad Power drinks. They are essentially what you would have if you made a salad and then threw it in a juicer, sans the dressing of course. Try this one. It's got kale, celery, carrot, bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, spinach and to mix things up a bit there is also a little apple in it. How does it taste? I can't understand you Marty, you just sounds like mumbles. Just hand it over and I'll give it a taste. Well that really does taste like a liquefied salad, and the apple gives it a nice sweetness that would take away the need for dressing that most people would probably have. You can really make out all of the flavors. The apple is definitely the strongest though. Also, this really does not smell very good, but at least you'll be able to get your nutrients and the taste of the salad you love. What's that? I still can't understand you. Why don't you write it down? “This would be better if it had chili peppers in it because RHCP are the greatest band ever!” Man, you really are asking for it Marty.
Salad PowerWebsite@SaladPower
United States
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Jason Draper on 9/5/15, 9:49 AM
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Salad Power + Mango

Salad Power + Mango
We do a lot of complaining here on Thirsty Dudes about false advertising. There are a good number of companies out there that are trying to pull a fast one on the consumers. Salad Power does not fall into that category. From their name to the statement that is 2.75 servings of vegetables per carton they are dead on. The only ingredients in this Tetra Pak are water, carrot, mango, kale, spinach, tomato, celery, green bell pepper and cucumber (oh and ascorbic acid). It is quite literally a drinkable salad. A commercial for this product could be someone painstakingly putting together a salad so that it looks visually appealing and just when it's perfect they dump it into a juicer. They would then smile as they are walking out the door drinking it with a straw. It's salad on the go people.

I like this and I don't like it at the same time. The concept of it is great, but the problem for me is there are things I eat around in a salad (namely tomato and celery). With this drink I can't do that and it kind of ruins an otherwise enjoyable juice for me. Let's be fair though, I am the weirdo in this aspect of my life and most people have no problem with those ingredients. The mango adds a nice sweetness to the liquid salad and makes it like some fancy salad from a nicer restaurant. I don't even know if that is true, as I rarely if ever go to anywhere except my 4 staples at home. I want to love this. I should love this. You will probably love this. Get healthy. Drink your vegetables. Next time can we just forgo the celery and switch the tomatoes out for beets?
Salad PowerWebsite@SaladPower
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/22/15, 11:22 AM
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