Salad Power Original

Salad Power Original
It's no surprise that I need to eat more vegetables. It's true. I need it. If I could drink this all the time, I would be sure to lose weight and probably be in better shape than I am now. I love to eat, man. What do you want from me? I live in a city that has great food. Enough about me, though. Let's talk about you.

You're a real chunker, man. You need help. I shouldn't be drinking this. You should. Here. What do you think? It's good, right? A little strange, right? It almost tastes like there are onions in there but I think it's a mix between the kale and the tomato. That gives it a little strange taste. Once you get past that, it's decent. Yes. Decent. I feel the heath surging through my veins and it's doing my body good.

I think that after drinking this for lunch, I can slam a killer dinner involving steaks and potatoes and some sort of chocolate molten lava cake. Yes. It has been decided.
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No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 9/11/15, 5:17 PM
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