Santa Cruz - 8 Reviews

Santa Cruz Organic Orange Mango

Santa Cruz Organic Orange Mango
You put the orange in the mango and you drink them both up…€¦wait…€¦that's not right. Oh well they are already mixed together so I might as well go with it. I mean I already checked out and the cashier gave me the weirdest look because I was singing. I didn't really want anything coconut flavored anyways.

Okay, now that I've tried this I'm pretty happy that I messed up. It tastes like tiny mandarin oranges were juiced and then filtered through some mango puree. The flavor starts off completely orange and by the time the aftertaste has faded away it had gotten to a point of pure mango. Somewhere in the middle it tastes like someone spritzed in a little lemon juice, you know the way you add limejuice to guacamole so it doesn't turn brown. No one wants their sparkling juice to turn brown, so make sure you add a little lemon.

As an after thought what the heck was Harry Nilsson talking about? Who wants to have lime and coconut mixed together? It just seems like it would curdle and that is way gross.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Juice
Santa CruzWebsite
United Kingdom
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 8/31/12, 10:00 AM
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Santa Cruz Organic Limeade

Santa Cruz Organic Limeade
Anyone from the North East sector of the U. S. of A knows that it's been blazing hot these past couple days. It's record breaking hot. I went to the flea market with Editor Dan and Jay and when we were outside, Dan saw a cool, brass buffalo bank that he couldn't pick up because it was roasting in the sun. What better thing to beat the heat than limeade. Sure, lemonade is right there but sometimes that's old news. I wouldn't mind if this was the summer of limeade and everyone drank it like limeade was "so last year."

This limeade might be the best I've ever had. Reason being is that it's not ultra tart or ultra sweet. It's light and actually drinkable. Could you image? I like being punished by my beverages as much as the next guy, but this is just a lovely drink. I know there isn't cinnamon in it, but I kind of get the taste that there is. It might be the natural, rind-y lime taste that's confusing me with cinnamon. That is my tongue playing tricks on me. I'll take it because it's good.

Santa Cruz, if you want to buy that idea from me about making organic (of course) cinnamon limeade, it's up for grabs. I have very reasonable rates and am easy to talk to. I also have a fantastic phone voice if I may say so myself. We'll have a great time in our negotiations.
Santa CruzWebsite
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 5/21/12, 3:53 PM
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Santa Cruz Organic Peach Lemonade

Santa Cruz Organic Peach Lemonade
My ladyfriend and I moved into a new place. I expected to move stuff Saturday and be done with it. I figured one vanload of furniture and one of everything else. We're simple people we don't own much stuff. Everything I owned was basically stuffed into my bedroom of the past six years. Four days and five vanloads and four carloads later we have everything moved in. Where and when did I acquire so much stuff? I knew I had a lot of CDs/records/books/DVDs but those all fit into maybe 6 or seven boxes.

It didn't help that it was sweltering hot and the humidity was ridiculous. The amount of water I have consumed in the past 96 hours is obscene. I would down a monstrous glass and five minutes later feel like I had sweat it all out. Once things started to calm down I celebrated with this lemonade. It was worth the wait and worthy of a celebration. The peach flavor is out of control good, but it still tastes very much like lemonade. I think the secret is that they use peach puree instead of just juice. It's fairly thick in the best way possible. It hit the spot exactly when I needed it to.

There are two things that Santa Cruz is known for and they don't mess around with either; skateboards and lemonade. Now that I think about it I've never owned a Santa Cruz deck. I had a bunch of t-shirts, but never an actual board. How great would it be if this was the same company? I'm 99% sure it's not, but it would rule if there was a bunch of aging skaters putting out some of the best lemonade you can get your hands on.
Santa CruzWebsite
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 8/3/11, 12:49 PM
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Santa Cruz Organic Mango Lemonade

Santa Cruz Organic Mango Lemonade
Mike's baby mama has gotten into "extreme couponing." Okay, she's more than just his baby-mama; she's his "live in girlfriend." Okay, they own a house together, have a kid and are as happy as two people who have a screaming five-month-old baby can be. It doesn't matter. What does matter is that she used her newfound magic to get like 30 bottles of these for free. The thing is that Mike never let me know, so I went out and bought a few bottles like a chump.

I know everyone is complaining about it, but it is obscenely hot out. It got up to 91 degrees in Buffalo today. I know to a lot of other areas that probably sounds like a joke, but I am in no way accustomed to the heat and the humidity is the worst. I also spent way too long in an attic today that easily broke 100. I really need to put a thermometer up there to find out for sure. Due to this heat/humidity my normally obscene beverage intake is even higher.

I opened this bottle to have just a glass to cool my down. Now it's all but gone. It's spectacular. The lemonade is tart without having too much of a cheek pinch to it. It would be top grade lemonade to begin with, but the mango is the real gem in here. The flavor is so strong and wonderful. It tastes like I mixed a glass of outstanding lemonade with a glass of
Looza mango juice. It definitely helped cool me down. I think I may need another bottle though. I'm sweating just typing this.sweating just typing this.
Santa CruzWebsite
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 7/18/11, 10:59 PM
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Santa Cruz Organic Root Beer

Santa Cruz Organic Root Beer
I'm not sure if it's actually the container that is the difference, but I've found that most soda in cans is not as good as bottled varieties. This is especially true of root beer. I have never had a canned root beer that was anything more than acceptable. Given this, I didn't think this root beer was going to be anything to write home about.

Upon first sipping this, I was surprised how good it was. The actual color of it was clear, which is uncommon with root beers. Since this is an organic drink, they probably decided to not add unnecessary coloring to it. Plus, most people who drink out of a can don't check what color a drink is, only obsessive drink reviewers such as myself. We should really come up with a term for drinks that are clear when they normally aren't. I'll have to think this over more. Any suggestions?

Anyways, this root beer is great. It's really smooth with a very light root beer taste. While I'm a big fan of heavy and complex root beers, a light but flavorful root beer is nice from time to time. The root beer taste was very close to root beer barrel candy, which I've stated many times that I love. Maybe that's the taste they were going for and was the reason they put the root beer barrels on the can's artwork.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Santa CruzWebsite
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Derek Neuland on 5/2/11, 11:03 AM
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Santa Cruz Organic Cherry

Santa Cruz Organic Cherry
When I was growing up I loved spending time at my grandfathers house. There was a pool table, a barn with tons of sweet tools that we would use to make rad stuff, not one, but two incredible tire swings, and most importantly there was tons of fruit growing all over his property. There were gardens full of strawberries and raspberries, an apple orchard, and my possible favorite a giant cherry tree. I would wait all year for those cherries to be ripe. Then I would fill up bushels of cherries, hide somewhere and eat them until I got sick. Let me tell you fruit gut rot is no joking manner. This soda is made with organic cherry juice, and it reminds me of those days in late summer, sitting on top of the chicken coup listening to EMF on my Walkman and pounding cherries. It's not overly sweet or overly carbonated. It's pretty great. That cherry tree fell down a few years ago in a storm, but since then bats infested the barn. Then an owl chased them out and it lives there now. So that's pretty sweet.
Sparkling, Soda Pop and Juice
Santa CruzWebsite
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 2/2/11, 5:45 PM
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Santa Cruz Organic Concord Grape

Santa Cruz Organic Concord Grape
At first, it tasted like your standard non-alcoholic, sparkling grape juice that you would use to ring in the new year. In addition, it didn't taste like concord grapes. Just like grape flavoring. Then it happened...

It started to taste like concord grape and started developing it's own taste. A crisp, fruity, sweet taste that tasted like that of a concord grape. Not as concord as the Aloevine Grape drink, which doesn't make sense, as there are actual concord grapes in this drink.

Nonetheless, this was good. Now, at any time you can celebrate the smaller things like:
  • Your dog not going to the bathroom in the house for a week.
  • Getting a raise.
  • Christmas.
  • Getting a new hat.
  • Passing a hard test.
  • Not dying.
Versatile and delicious. Like Parker Louis, this drink can't lose.
Sparkling, Soda Pop and Juice
Santa CruzWebsite
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 12/13/10, 7:19 AM
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Santa Cruz Organic Pomegranate Limeade

Santa Cruz Organic Pomegranate Limeade
I had seen these around in four packs for quite awhile. I didn't pick it up though because I was afraid of a seltzer water flavor, and I didn't want to be stuck with 3 extra cans that I didn't like. I finally found single cans in a health food store in Toronto. I should have tried it a long time ago. It's pretty great with zero seltzer taste.
Is there a better flavor match up than pomegranate and lime? They compliment so well that they almost become an entirely new flavor altogether. It becomes hard to distinguish the original flavors separately. I really enjoyed this. It's lightly carbonated and it tastes like a dream.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
Santa CruzWebsite
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 10/19/10, 11:14 AM
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