Shockwave - 3 Reviews

Shockwave Sugarfree

Shockwave Sugarfree
Can someone please tell me when the energy drink consortium signed an exclusive deal with the Wonka corporation for all energy drinks to taste like someone shot candy with a laser to make it a liquid. One would think it would be a normal flavor, but it is one that is exclusively used in sugar-based candies and in energy drink. It's the strangest thing. Even though this is a sugar free drink it still tastes like candy. How can something with no sugar taste exactly like something that is composed entirely of sugar? That is the “shock” in Shock Wave. It's a shock that this can taste so sweet and candylike, but be sugar free.

Oh and yes, this tastes like a variant of 95% of all energy drinks out there. It tastes slightly diet, but mostly like candy. Sweet, sweet candy.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 4/5/12, 10:40 PM
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Shockwave Orange Mango Juice

Shockwave Orange Mango Juice
It's a little known fact that after the robot wars died down Shockwave, the second in command of the Deceptacons, started dabbling in the energy drink game. He got so into it that he altered his laser arm to be a drink dispenser (you know like in a fast food restaurant). It was strange times. After several failed attempts at classic energy drinks he decided to take it in ta-other direction. He realized that the United States is slowly becoming more health conscious, and while they still don't care about adding extra stress to their hearts they want healthier alternatives to their beverages. He then designed a carbonated energy juice. He basically carbonated some orange juice (with a handful of other fruit juices mixed in for an extra kick) and added the usual suspects of energy giving supplements; taurine, caffeine, b vitamins and others. His past creations were fairly average because he didn't have a group of human taste testers, but for this he fed it to elementary school kids who then finished recess in record-breaking time. He realized that he had made something very special. As a single robotic tear formed from his one digital eye, Megatron showed up and turned into a giant gun and shot him in the face. Tragic really. The world will now never know what future wonders this drink guru would have come up with.
Energy Drink and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 11/19/11, 6:34 PM
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Shockwave InfraRED

Shockwave InfraRED
I found this in a gas station between Bloomington, Indiana and Cleveland, Ohio. There were 4 different flavors and they were $1 each so I decided to get all of them because they were cheap and I had never seen them before. It turns out this is an exclusive energy drink to Speedway gas stations. It's a pretty standard energy drink. It tastes like Mountain Dew Code Red with an energy drink aftertaste. I'm glad this was only a dollar because it's not worth much more than that.
Energy Drink
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 10/13/11, 11:33 PM
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