Sierra Mist - 3 Reviews

Sierra Mist Natural Strawberry Kiwi

Sierra Mist Natural Strawberry Kiwi
Pete waited too long to get his daddy something for Father's Day. Way too long, like the day after Father's Day too long. He had to make it up to him. After all, his daddy let him stay at home well into his twenties, fed him, gave him a job, gave him a car, and so much more. He really blew it this year. Last year he bought him a "Make Your Own Tie" kit, which sucked but was at least delivered on time. This year though? Nothing. He had to do something. Pete didn't think about it until he got back from work. He was one block from his house, totally empty-handed. He went to the corner store and grabbed the first thing he saw. Since it was a nothing corner store, they only had big name drinks and no name meats.

He ran home to try and get home before his daddy but it was too late. His daddy was sitting down with a mouth full of meatloaf. Now, not only did he not get him a Father's Day gift, but also he was late for dinner. His dad gave Pete a look and said, "Son, why don't you get me something to drink since you're up?" and that was the perfect time to give him his gift. Pete gave him a Natural Strawberry Kiwi Sierra Mist still cold from the store. His dad looked up at him knowing full well what Pete was doing. His dad took a sip, looked at his son, and said "Thanks, buddy. This is better than last year's Father's Day gift even if it was late." Pete sat down and his dad poured him some Sierra Mist. Pete took a sip and saw how it was redeeming. It was good. Possibly better than regular, original Sierra Mist. The strawberry and kiwi both shined and it was sweet, but not too sweet. They both talked about how they appreciated how it was made with real sugar and actually was the perfect compliment to meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and peas.
Soda Pop
Sierra MistWebsite@SierraMist
United States
Mike Literman on 6/18/12, 3:14 PM
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Sierra Mist Diet Lemon Lime

Sierra Mist Diet Lemon Lime
Lemon-lime sodas are generally pretty substandard in my book. If there is a big cooler full of random sodas the lemon-lime would be the last one I picked. It's not bad, but it's just kind of there. It's rare that any of them really even taste any different. That apparently goes for the diet variety. This is diet lemon-lime and the flavor only slightly differs from the regular variety. It tastes like fake lemon and lime with some sweetener added. The aspartame doesn't have an overly diet taste at all. Normally that would be awesome and I would be super pumped. Too bad it's a flavor of soda I would never want to drink, diet tasting or not.
Diet and Soda Pop
Sierra MistWebsite@SierraMist
United States
Jason Draper on 1/8/12, 5:41 PM
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Sierra Mist Diet Cranberry Splash

Sierra Mist Diet Cranberry Splash
Is this our first diet drink? I think it might be. My review? Tastes like a diet drink. Aspartame has the "too sweet" bite aftertaste to it. I typically don't drink things like this, but with any new drink, it has to be reviews. Sorry friend, but you too have to enter the gauntlet.

Sweeteners aside, it give you a good initial kick of flavor. Even though it is still, at its core, lemon and lime, you really get a cranberry taste.

Far from my least favorite diet pop, but I honestly don't have a favorite so you can take that however you would like. It tastes a lot less like poison than a lot of the other diet's I've tried in the past.
Diet and Soda Pop
Sierra MistWebsite@SierraMist
United States
Mike Literman on 9/22/10, 1:27 PM
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