Slim Fast - 2 Reviews

Slim Fast 321 Plan Creamy Milk Chocolate

Slim Fast 321 Plan Creamy Milk Chocolate
Dear Slim Fast,
What is your name in reference to? Does it mean that by drinking your meal replacements one will lose weight quickly? Or perhaps you means that you will drink this and then refrain from eating other foods aka fasting? Perhaps it's a combination of the two. Whatever your origin story, I think it's a good choice for a moniker for a beverage that is supposed to help one lose weight.

Is it a good flavor name though? Creamy Milk Chocolate? I initially thought no, because I prefer dark chocolate so much more to milk chocolate. I then remembered that I'm a snob and a majority of the world loves milk chocolate, and referring to it as creamy is enticing. Bitter Dark Chocolate just doesn't have the same allure. I mean, I would be all over a drink named that, but I'm a maniac apparently.

The name is very appropriate for the flavor. This is very creamy and very chocolaty. This is what I wish chocolate milk were like. It's a little thicker than milk, due to the protein, but the flavor is also stronger. I would happily drink this instead of eating. Problem is I drank this about an hour ago and I am already hungry again. I think I need to starve myself so that my stomach shrinks down. I eat way too much food.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Slim FastWebsite@Slimfast
United States
Jason Draper on 4/3/14, 12:35 PM
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Slim Fast 321 Plan French Vanilla

Slim Fast 321 Plan French Vanilla
Oh Slim Fast you were the bane of everyone who enjoyed sweets in the 80s. Okay that's pushing it, but those of us who were kids at the time hated you. Our parents (my mother) bought them to try and help them to lose weight and the promise of a wonderful chocolate drink led countless of us to steal them for our own glory. Unfortunately for underdeveloped taste buds all around the country those beverages were not the treats we wanted at all. Everything about them tasted wrong. I'm assuming it was due to some sort of artificial sweetener. Ugh.

Here I sit, more than 25 years later and I just did not want to drink this, even though it's my duty as a Thirsty Dude. Sometimes you just have to suck it up. That is exactly what I did, literally, and this is much better than I ever remember. Perhaps it's my more refined palate at a later age, and perhaps it's that they use sugar along with sucralose to sweeten it. It tastes like a melted vanilla milkshake with some protein in it, and it has that consistency as well. It's a bit on the thick side, but it's not all chalky from the protein, so I'll take it. Everything in here does a good job to mask the taste of the sucralose, which was my main concern with this drink. Sucralose has overthrown aspartame as the new king of hell.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Slim FastWebsite@Slimfast
United States
Jason Draper on 2/20/14, 5:39 PM
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