Smart Juice - 6 Reviews

Smart Juice Organic Pomegranate Tart Cherry

Smart Juice Organic Pomegranate Tart Cherry
If Smart Juice isn't one thing, it's a gaggle of liars. Everything I've had from them has been 100% accurate? Now, I'm a world-class scientist, yes, but you don't need to go to school for as long as Jay and myself to know why that is. There is nothing but juice in this here bottle. It's not watered down, sugared up, syruped down, or artificialed. It's just what it is. Pomegranate that makes you tongue shrink and tart cherries that squeeze your cheeks like your great aunt did that you never liked but missed when she stopped doing it.

This was sent to us as a generous gesture and I've been sitting on it for quite some time. Luckily for me, I caught it two months before it expired. It doesn't taste bad, but defiantly has an earthy tone that you would only get from eating a real fruit. Eat more real fruit. If you can't eat it, drink it. If you can't eat it or drink it, draw fake fruit and wish it was real fruit that you could be eating and then wonder what you're doing in Drawing 1 because you are an economics major who isn't even good at painting.
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No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 3/12/12, 2:44 PM
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Smart Juice Organic Pomegranate

Smart Juice Organic Pomegranate
Organic pomegranate juice is the only thing contained in this bottle. It's the way god, or whoever, planned for juice to be served. I love pure juice. No sweeteners or preservative added. Nothing is reconstituted. It is just mashed fruit with all of the solids strained out. It's insanely strong and tart, but why mess with a pomegranate unless that's your desired effect. For those of you who have lived under a rock for the past ten years awaiting the upcoming rapture (that didn't happen), I will now describe what pomegranate juice tastes like. It is darker than the darkest purple grape. It is actually similar to a purple grape juice, but 100% more concentrated. It also has a certain dryness on your tongue. Overall it's very enjoyable, but it's not something that you can drink a lot of in one sitting. The Folks at Smart Juice are not dummies. If they were their company would be named Dumb Juice. As a result they have these nice little 8.4oz bottles of juice. It's just enough for a little treat.
Smart JuiceWebsite
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 5/25/11, 8:33 PM
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Smart Juice Organic Tart Cherry

Smart Juice Organic Tart Cherry
It's a lazy Sunday morning/afternoon. Just laying around and not doing much. I decided I needed a little lunch and what better way to celebrate mid day than with a pumpernickel bagel and a bottle of cherry juice? I love cherries as a fruit. They are tasty and fun to eat due to all of the pits you get to spit out. This should be incredible. It's nothing but cherry juice. No preservatives. No sweeteners. Absolutely nothing else is in this bottle. As it turns out when you compress so many cherries and don't cut it with water it is intensely strong. Cherries are ridiculously sweet. Even though there is no sugar added to it, it tastes like the filling in a cherry pie. It seriously is that sweet.

If you're a passive cherry fan, you may want to water this down a bit. On the other hand if you are a cherry enthusiast this is probably just what you're looking for. I will admit it was a little too strong for my liking. The bagel on the other hand was pretty stellar.
Smart JuiceWebsite
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 4/10/11, 10:49 AM
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Smart Juice Organic Apricot - Peach

Smart Juice Organic Apricot - Peach
100% juice is just the way I like it. There is some peach in this mix, but it really doesn't stand a chance with such an overbearing partner like apricot. If this were the DC universe, apricot would represent Batman and peach would be filling the role of Robin. I take that back. Everyone loves Batman, but who really cares about Robin? Peach is far too delicious of a fruit to be Robin. I need to come up with a better superhero team where the sidekick is better than the hero, but where the hero is the center of attention. (I know Batman is not a superhero. In fact, that's what makes him so much better than other heroes). How about Kato and the Green Hornet? I guess that works.
Smart JuiceWebsite
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 3/27/11, 9:21 AM
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Smart Juice Organic Fig

Smart Juice Organic Fig
Friends. Ladies. Do you know what is absolutely awful for you? Fig Newtons. I don't know why because I don't think I've ever read the label and I certainly don't work in the factory at night, moonlighting as a janitor only to steal industry secrets.

As rad as that would be, except that every secret spy knows that if they take the job of a janitor, even for one day, they will at some point in their mission have to clean the ladies bathroom which, as we all know, is much worse than the men's bathroom.

This has a peculiar taste. Not bad, just different. I'm not familiar with figs outside of their delicious casing. It's almost like a black current or perhaps a red grape. It's not bitter but it is a sipping juice.

Next time you are doing espionage work at the Fig Newton factory, stop in to the juicer room where I assume they juice real figs to use down the line, and steal a sip.
Smart JuiceWebsite
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 3/13/11, 3:03 PM
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Smart Juice Organic Pomegranate Purple Carrot

Smart Juice Organic Pomegranate Purple Carrot
I can't express how excited I was to get a package full of Smart Juice. So much soda and iced tea gets poured down our throats that it's nice to have a break to enjoy some natural juice. There are two ingredients in this bottle; Organic Pomegranate and Organic Purple Carrot Juice. I've said it before, but this is how juice should be made. Fruit doesn't need sweeteners added to it, and concentrate is just a cop out. Keep it whole. Keep it pure.

This is an intense juice. It's very strong. Mike Tyson strong. This juice could go for the belt and win it without trying much. I could see a lot of people wanting to water it down a bit to suit their tastes more. I applaud Smart Juice for giving us this pure 100% juice. Those of us who like it strong can enjoy it that way. The others can add their own water to dilute it. Pomegranate is the main force behind this powerhouse, but its sidekick purple grape sticks his head in there a little bit. You get a slight hint of carrot, but it's only recognizable as that if you really concentrate. These are the drinks us Thirsty Dudes need to keep up our health.
Smart JuiceWebsite
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 3/12/11, 9:50 AM
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