Spindrift - 10 Reviews

Spindrift Sparkling Water Raspberry Lime

Spindrift Sparkling Water Raspberry Lime
I enjoy Spindrift's stuff. I've had a bunch of it and it's nice to see it come here (Buffalo) so that it makes it easier to get. It's like a seltzer for people who want things a little more juice and less seltzer. It's kind of a mild difference but it's there and you can tell even if you can't put your finger on exactly what it is. This has a taste you have to either just like or get used to, though. It's not like a seltzer in that it's bright and bubbly so don't go in head first and expect it. It's got something else that, like I said, I can't pinpoint exactly what it is.

As far as the taste, it's an accurate raspberry and lime flavor. Evenly flavored and not messed around with other sweeteners or ingredients. It's a nice, bare bones drink that could be a nice alternative to your seltzer habit which I can stop at any time, mom, jeez! Get off my back already.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/20/17, 5:55 AM
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Spindrift Sparkling Water Grapefruit

Spindrift Sparkling Water Grapefruit
You know in the Declaration of Independence where it says “We hold these truths to be self-evident?” Well, all seltzers being created equal was most definitely not one of those truths that our Founding Fathers were referring to. It's probably because it's not a truth at all. It's a flat out lie. Sure 90% of the seltzer waters out there are created equally, but then there is the other 10% who rise above and boy do they shine. I've drunk a lot of grapefruit seltzer over the past few years and I have to tell you, this is #1 with a bullet. The secret to its success is really no secret at all; there is 8% juice in this can, which equates to 3g of sugar. I'll take that tradeoff for a far superior beverage. It's like your dear grandmamma squeezed her morning grapefruit into a glass of sparkling water. Juice is the key to a lot of things in this life. I've never been in a situation where real juice has made anything taste worse. Take note…€¦.well…€¦everyone.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/30/17, 9:14 PM
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Spindrift Sparkling Water Lemon

Spindrift Sparkling Water Lemon
I shouldn't like this. Cracking open this can should be a one way ticket to Boringville, USA. In my world lemon is overrated and unnecessary. I would rather drink plain water than with a slice of lemon in it. Somehow I find this quite refreshing though. Perhaps it's because the lemon taste it more upfront. Sure, it only has 5% lemon juice, but I assure you that lemon water you get at a restaurant probably have less than .5% juice. If there were sugar in this I would even call it a lemonade. It's simple. It's clean. It's a little bit of alright. It may not take you to Flavortown, but it would take less time to get there than to Boringville.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/21/17, 7:18 PM
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Spindrift Sparkling Water Orange Mango

Spindrift Sparkling Water Orange Mango
Most seltzers/sparkling waters keep things simple with just carbonated water and some sort of flavoring, usually under the umbrella of “natural flavoring.” Who knows what those natural flavors are? They could be any sort of weirdness that exists in nature, but has a similar taste to the flavor the company is trying to put forth. Who is to say that snail spit doesn't taste like blackberries?

Spindrift lets you know what you are getting, and I feel that due to the percentage listed they use more of it than most companies, which is apparent also in the taste. This can says it contains 7” juice and that comes from the “fresh orange juice” and “alphonso mango puree” listed in the ingredients. Sure that little bit of juice gives you 1g of sugar per can, but isn't they tiny amount worth knowing what's in your drink let alone how superior it tastes. It still very much tastes like a seltzer and not a sparkling juice, and that is the way it should be in this beverage. Both orange and mango are present enough to be noticed and taste real, but still faint enough to drink it without thinking about it.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/10/17, 8:22 AM
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Spindrift Sparkling Water Watermelon

Spindrift Sparkling Water Watermelon
Spindrift has been good to me. For the past five years I have enjoyed their sparkling beverages with no added sugar. At first they proved to me that soda can exist in a delicious way without being full of sweetener. Then they were a gateway for me to start enjoying seltzer, which I drink constantly now. I thank them for helping keep me on a healthy track. I didn't always have their products available to me in Buffalo, but because of them I found other companies that filled the void. I cut a ton of soda out of my diet, and transitioned to drinking a lot of unsweetened iced tea.

Now it's summer and it's the most humid it's ever been in Buffalo (not an exaggeration, records have been broken). The heat is nearly unbearable, but I have my beverages to help me get through it, which I promptly sweat out.

I love watermelon, but I never get it for some reason. It's probably due to laziness, or maybe it's because eating it outside of a picnic/beach type scenario seems off. I was excited for this drink. It's in their sparkling water line and not the seltzer one because there is juice added to the sparkling water and that leads to a whopping 3g of sugar. This is the first time Spindrift has really left me wanting. Overall this would be great, except for one thing. The watermelon tastes more like the rind than it does the red mushy fruit part. I don't know if they just ground up the whole melon, but it's not really what I'm looking for when I think of watermelon. It's not horrible, but I wanted something different that they did not deliver. Oh well, one misstep does not ruin a company for me and I will continue to enjoy their other products.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/21/16, 7:38 AM
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Spindrift Seltzer Cucumber

Spindrift Seltzer Cucumber
Summer is creeping up on us and the weather is finally starting to break. It's warm and sunny. Soon it will be downright hot and sweltering and all you will be able to think of is how you want to cool down and experience some refreshment. You will take a shower to cool down, and 30 seconds after you put fresh clothes on they will be soaked in sweat. Even your pets won't want to go anywhere near you. It will be gross and you will need relief.

We have talked in the past about how the ultimate refreshing soda is Mr. Q Cumber; a delicious sweet pop that tastes like fresh cucumbers. It's perfection in a tiny bottle. What Spindrift has done is make that soda but without any sugar and turn it into seltzer. It's just sparkling water and a little bit of cucumber juice. It may be the best seltzer I have ever tasted and that is saying a lot to dethrone Polar's vanilla. I can see myself drinking insane amounts of this over the summer and you should to so that they keep it in production. Don't let this disappear on me! I need it to make life worth living while I'm drowning in sweat.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/24/16, 10:26 PM
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Spindrift Seltzer Blackberry

Spindrift Seltzer Blackberry
This beverage brought about a very rare thing. This is one of the few drinks that Mike and I have not agreed on. To quote a text I got from him, “Did you review this Spindrift because it's kind of gross. On paper it sounds fantastic, but it is not great in execution.” I don't know what my apparently dumb partner wanted because I think the exact opposite of that, and it tastes just like what it is; crushed blackberries in seltzer water. Perhaps his problem is the little bit of lemon juice that is added. That does throw things off just a touch, but not enough for me to not enjoy it thoroughly. It really tastes like blackberry juice in carbonated water and I don't know what else you could ask for. Do does taste a tad bit more soda pop like than seltzer because there is some sugar (1g) from the fruit, but I can't hold that against it. This is what diet pop should be like, all natural with just tiny bit of sugar to give it a little something. Forget zero calorie sweeteners. They will end up killing you. Just go for the low calorie delicious versions of things.

The most important part of this beverage is that through it I learned that there is a cucumber version out there and I need that, and I need it now.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/8/16, 1:11 PM
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Spindrift Seltzer Tangerine

Spindrift Seltzer Tangerine
Spindrift has expanded their company with a seltzer line. If you are a fan of their sodas, which are just juice and cane juice added to sparkling water, but think it's a bit too sweet then this is the drink for you. It's the same idea as their sodas, except without the sugar. In this case it's sparkling water that is flavored by small quantities of tangerine and lemon juices. The result is possibly the best seltzer I've ever tasted. It's very mild, meaning lightly flavored, but without being overly seltzer. This is the answer to less sugar in your life for those who are soda junkies. Actually it's probably not enough for the junkies, but I certainly like it.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 3/23/15, 8:32 PM
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Spindrift Sparkling Grapefruit

Spindrift Sparkling Grapefruit
I found this in a bar in Boston a couple weeks ago. I went along with my friends as they bar-hopped around Cambridge, drinking nothing but water and Diet Pepsi. Finally, at our last stop they had this fine beverage on the menu so I obviously ordered it. There's only so much Diet Pepsi I can consume in one night.

I am a fan of Squirt, so whenever I find a different grapefruit soda I have to try it. I have never been disappointed with a bottle/can and this was no exception. It was very sweet, which surprised me since a lot of sparkling drinks are lightly sweetened. It also had little chunks of grapefruit, which was pretty awesome, and a great surprise.

I apologize for the crappy photo. Bars aren't known for their stellar lighting as you might know.
Sparkling, Juice and Soda Pop
United States
Raw Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 4/4/13, 4:11 PM
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Spindrift Sparkling Blackberry

Spindrift Sparkling Blackberry
Tour ended a couple of days ago. Our last show was in Boston, MA (okay Allston). We showed up a bit early and no one was at the venue, so I decided to hoof it out to the local Whole Foods. My phone told me it was a mile away, and I thought that's no big deal. Let me tell you, that was the longest mile I've ever walked. The temperature seemed to be constantly dropping. I had to cross several thruway on and off ramps, go over some decent sized bridges and the neighborhood quickly went from nice to way shady to way nice. Strange times. I'm glad I made the trip though because the store had a bunch of drinks I had never seen before. I was the most excited about this one. It's a soda with actual fruit in it, which is a total plus in my book. On top of that said fruit is blackberry, my favorite.

Because it was made with actual juice I expected this to be pretty sweet. I was actually expecting something along the lines of an Italian soda. I was shocked, but not disappointed to find out it was rather dry. It still tasted totally like blackberries, but it wasn't overly sweet. It unfortunately also did not have chunks of blackberry in it. They must have filtered them out, which is a shame. Some small pieces would have been wonderful. Even with that being the case, this is a soda I can totally get behind. I like that more companies are making sodas with less sugar. We really need to wean this country off of so much sugar.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 11/10/11, 5:57 PM
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