Sprizz-O - 2 Reviews

Sprizz-O Juice & Seltzer Water Cranberry

Sprizz-O Juice & Seltzer Water Cranberry
I missed this review by two days. Two days ago was "Eat a Cranberry Day." Not exactly the most "high holiday" of holidays but it's something. If you have to have a special day, you sign a couple papers and you make it official. You walk door to door with your little clipboard and have people sign it commemorating November 23rd as "Eat a Cranberry Day." Why wouldn't you sign it? It's not religious. It has nothing to do with race. It's not sad. You don't have to buy a card. Why not just sign it?

It's probably just "Eat a Cranberry Day" and not "Eat Cranberries Day" because cranberries are pretty gnarly fruits in themselves. They are bitter and you have to add a bit of sugar to make it taste "good." This drink went right in the middle. What they didn't add in sugar they filled in with bubbles. It's a little bitter and actually tastes pretty close to what a raw cranberry tastes like. It's lightly sweetened and lightly fizzy and it's probably not a drink for kids. I don't know anything about alcohol but I feel like this would be good as a mixer.

Happy belated Eat a Cranberry Day to you all. Maybe next year we won't overlook it like we always do to Physicians Assistant Day or National Cheeseburger Day.
United States
Mike Literman on 11/25/14, 4:31 PM
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Sprizz-O Juice & Seltzer Water Grapefruit

Sprizz-O Juice & Seltzer Water Grapefruit
With a name like Sprizz-O for a beverage that boasts to be “Juice & Seltzer Water” I would expect simplicity. In my head its creation would go something along the lines of putting juice in a glass and adding just a spritz of seltzer water to give it some carbonation. That it's that's all that would go into it, and you know what it would be great. Sure in this instance it would be sour because of the grapefruit juice and a tad bitter because of the seltzer water, but it would be pure and simple. It would be something to embrace. Unfortunately, most of the world would not share in my jubilation for such a beverage, and Sprizz-O knows it. As a result they included sugar into the mix to tame the sour/bitter taste that nature had intended.

I can't blame them. They are a business and I'm sure they will sell way more bottles this way instead of the way I envisioned. To be fair they also only added minimal sugar (9g), and you still get most of the sourness from the grapefruit. They added just enough to take a bit of the edge off. It's not ideal for one such as me, but it's close enough that I can't complain. So ignore everything I wrote previously. This is a great sparkling beverage that more people should replace their normal soda intake with.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Jason Draper on 8/2/14, 12:12 PM
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