Summit - 6 Reviews

Summit Craft Wild Cola

Summit Craft Wild Cola
There is only one thing wild about this cola and that is the sweet pup that adorns its label. That little dude looks like he takes no guff. Unfortunately we, as drinkers, have to take some guff when we are consuming this soda. As my ladyfriend pointed out, “It tastes like someone was making a cola, got distracted and then forgot to finish it.” Yet somehow this unfinished soda made it to market. This tastes lower than store brand. That's right I would choose a corn syrup laden generic can of soda over this glass bottled “craft” soda any day. This is weak and it only hints at cola without ever actually fully tasting like one.
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/2/18, 6:57 AM
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Summit Craft Root Beer

Summit Craft Root Beer
Summit is an Aldi instore brand, and my has Aldi come a long way since their discount beginnings. When Mike and I moved into our first apartment together we shopped way too much at Aldi, because it was all we could afford. The food was mostly trash, but we survived and hey they had cheap produce. In recent times I believe Aldi has made it a policy that all food stuffs sold in the store must be organic. As a result the quality has skyrocketed. There are a variety of different veggie burgers, fancy juices, almond milk, and who can forget that delicious white bean basil hummus that I cannot get enough of. They have also stepped up their beverage game with some cane sugar sweetened sodas.

Now there is nothing wrong with this root beer. It is perfectly serviceable. It is also pretty mediocre. I don't drink much soda these days, so when I do I want to make sure it's worth the stress on my aging body. This doesn't really pass that test. When I was younger I would have ate this up, because the quality to price ratio is just right. I'm at a point in my life where I don't mind paying a little bit more for something that is of the highest quality. The thing that is great about this though is that hilarious dog on the label. I can't tell if he's a bi-plane pilot or a biker dog. Either way I would totally give him some treats and belly rubs.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/23/18, 1:16 PM
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Summit Sudz Root Beer

Summit Sudz Root Beer
Sudz, Spuds MacKensie's little known brother, loved root beer. He was up for the beer commercials himself but in the interview process, drank so much that he gained too much weight to be suitable for the part. Depressed but still in need of something more in his life, he decided to start his own pop company.

They made fairly average pop that wasn't bad at all. The root beer, Sudz favorite and pride and joy, was good. It was safe but still good. It didn't have any of the licorice or anise that a high end one would have but it has everything a basic root beer would have. It's pretty comparable to other "store brand" root beers.

Sudz now has a long lasting legacy of pop where as his brother was just a temporary staple of a beer company. They fight at family reunions but who doesn't.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 7/13/13, 11:18 PM
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Summit Red Thunder Energy Shot Berry

Summit Red Thunder Energy Shot Berry
I think the median price for energy shots right now is around $3. I rarely/never buy energy shots, but I'm always noticing them at checkout counters and if they were cheaper I would probably buy them more often to review. I'm guessing $3 is what they usually are because that's the price that makes me hesitate with drinks. If it's a root beer, cream soda, or cola that we haven't reviewed this hesitation goes away.

There wasn't any hesitation with this energy shot because it was 99 cents at Aldi. For those who don't have Aldi grocery stores in their town, it's the cheapest store around. If Dollar Tree expanded their food selection by 6 rows and added a cooler and freezer, it would basically be another Aldi store. Don't get me wrong, there's sometimes some great food for cheap there, but more often than not it's bottom of the barrel as far as quality.

With that said, I wasn't expecting much from this energy shot. It tastes exactly like cherry Nyquil. I recently was sick and had to take some so it's taste is fresh in my mind. It's not as thick (thankfully), and hopefully won't put me to sleep because I have a lot of work to do. I thought it was going to taste a lot worst, so I'm pleasantly surprised.
Shot, Energy Drink and Diet
United States
Derek Neuland on 12/3/12, 3:27 PM
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Summit Gridlock Energy Drink

Summit Gridlock Energy Drink
If Walter Matthau was still around, he would sue this company because people would be overusing the phrase "Bad News Bears" while describing this drink. It smells like every other energy drink you've had and if that is your cup of tea, fine. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that the smell is deceiving. On first sip, it wasn't that bad. On subsequent sips, it got increasingly bitterer. I've had energy drinks before, but this, to me, tastes very bitter and overly generic. If I were you, I would get more sleep because morning breath tastes better than this drink. That will energize you and not leave you with the deep seeded feeling of regret.
Energy Drink
United States
Mike Literman on 10/14/11, 12:38 PM
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Summit Gridlock Lo-Carb Energy Drink

Summit Gridlock Lo-Carb Energy Drink
You don't need to tell me. You are sick of those girls driving around in the Mini Cooper, slinging Red Bull at everyone all of the day. It's like the world's most awesome job that you can't do and you are mad. You get free Red Bull and you get to get to drive an awesomely fun car all day, going to parties and bars and living the life, man. The only downfall is that you have to dress kind of awkwardly and backpacks filled with the stuff and your otherwise awesome car is modified to look like a traveling can. Still, you have been drinking the stuff for years and you are just sick to death of seeing those bulls running into each other. You know someone is going to lose an eye in the mix. You need a change and friends I've got it.

This drink tastes like diet Red Bull and is in a different can. Now, you can enjoy the drink that you've loved but with a style change. It's got that "thousand Smarties" taste and has a diet aftertaste on big, championship chugs. If you sip it, it's standard energy drink taste. Chugs, you can tell it's got some "diet" thing going on.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Mike Literman on 9/16/11, 1:11 PM
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