Taste Nirvana - 5 Reviews

Taste Nirvana Real Coconut Water / Pulp

Taste Nirvana Real Coconut Water / Pulp
Hot…€¦so hot. I hear it got up to 94 degrees in Buffalo today. I know to you folks in the southwest that is nothing; I've been in 114 degrees out there. The difference is that with the heat here the air is like soup. Integrity once said that “Humanity is the devil,” but I think a more accurate phrase would be humidity is the devil. It's the type of heat that even a cold shower can't help, because as soon as you get out you're just sweating again. Ugh. It's the kind of heat that melts the ice cream that fills your cone before you can eat it and you're left unsatisfied with sticky hands. No one wants this.

I've drank more water over the past couple of days then any human could consume if they weren't sweating it all out immediately. I'm at a point where I feel like if I had a constant stream of water going into me I would still feel dehydrated. I decided that something stronger was needed, so I've turned to coconut water. I didn't want any sugar or any added flavoring garbage, so I chose Taste Nirvana. This is simply coconut water and coconut pulp, nothing else is needed. It tastes like if I took the three hundred hours it takes to actually crack open a coconut and drank it's liquid inners. It doesn't taste like it's been sitting in this bottle for months. It's actually sweeter than other “no sugar added” coconut waters I've had before. The label says it's because of the region they harvest their coconuts from. It's pleasant. I can enjoy it. It's refreshing.

While the chunks of coconut pulp would be a nice treat on other days, they are just getting in the way of me chugging this whole bottle. I guess that is to my advantage as they are letting me enjoy this longer. I bet I'm still going to feel dehydrated fifteen minutes after this is gone.
Taste NirvanaWebsite@tastenirvana
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/17/13, 4:00 PM
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Taste Nirvana Thai Coffee Latte

Taste Nirvana Thai Coffee Latte
Long nights. I've got clients asking me for sites, girlfriend asking me for sites, and personal "pet project" sites all going on at the same time. These long nights turn in to long days. The long days call for some sort of coffee drink.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; I don't get picked up by drinks. I don't "feel" coffee drinks or energy drinks. Either that of I'm so disconnected from the way my body feels I don't feel highs or lows from stimulates blood sugar. I know I periodically feel "the shakes" but that typically means I need to eat because I stupidly forgot to within the last sixteen hours or so. I do that. I forget. I'm human.

All the same, I was feeling a coffee drink and just so happened to have one. Now I love Thai tea. It's a wonderful treat whether you're enjoying some pho or enjoying a Hot Pocket. What? Barbecue Hot Pockets are nothing short of a treasure. This is less of a treat. Good, but it falls short of its English ingrediented brethren. It's coffee, cream, and sugar. No exotic spices or anything. It claims that it's made with Thai coffee but not being a coffee aficionado, I don't know the difference when masked with full cream and sugar. It's good though. It's no Thai tea, but what is? Am I right? You over there in the "Cat in the Hat" hat. Am I right? Am I right in thinking that it's no longer 1998 and you had your two weeks to legitimately wear that hat and now it's far past out of date? I submit that I am. Take that thing off, will you? Oh, dyed hair put in tiny knots and held together in small, multi-color rubber bands. You're really a piece of work aren't you? Yeah, Korn was great. You're right and I can't argue with that. Carry on.
Taste NirvanaWebsite@tastenirvana
Natural Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 8/13/12, 10:28 AM
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Taste Nirvana Creamy Green Tea

Taste Nirvana Creamy Green Tea
John, we've got a good line of drinks here. We've got coconut stuff and our Thai tea, which is fitting because we're from Thailand. I'm sorry to report that sales are down this quarter and we've got a good idea why. We received numerous complaints about how bold the Thai tea is with our proprietary chai blend and how creamy and nutty our coconut drinks are. I know, they sound like compliments but in reality, it's the general public asking for something more.

I have spent literally dozens of dollars on research and development, or as the fellas in R and D call it, "R and D" developing the perfect drink to meet people right in the middle and I am here to announce to you, John, Taste Nirvana's very own creamy green tea. It's green tea, which people have been drinking for ages mixed with a little bit of milk, a little bit of sugar, and a little bit of soy, you know, for fun. It's tamer than our Thai tea, and in my opinion, not as good, but the people get what the people want. It tastes exactly like how a "creamy green tea" would taste if you dreamed about it, as I did.

John, this is how my dreams taste. Can you taste my dreams? Do you like the way my dreams taste, John? Now I need you to go out and tell the world about my dreams and how they taste.
Iced Tea, Milk and Soy
Taste NirvanaWebsite@tastenirvana
Mike Literman on 8/17/11, 1:42 PM
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Taste Nirvana Real Coco Aloe

Taste Nirvana Real Coco Aloe
In the past, I have not been the biggest fan of coconut water. It just tasted too plain to me, and wasn't as refreshing as others thought it was. I was just introduced to the world of aloe drinks, so I've been trying to explore them more. When I came across this drink today, I thought it would be a great way to give coconut water a second chance.

Well, I still don't like coconut water. Which really sucks because it's good for you and tastes really refreshing. But there's something about the taste that I can't enjoy. The good news is that I enjoy coconut water much more with chunks of aloe vera in it. I'd probably like this drink more if it was flavored.

I am a big fan of drinks that have very little ingredients, and this definitely meets that criteria: coconut water, aloe vera, and fiber.
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Taste NirvanaWebsite@tastenirvana
No Sugar Added
Derek Neuland on 1/20/11, 2:33 PM
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Taste Nirvana Real Thai Tea Latte

Taste Nirvana Real Thai Tea Latte
I had reviewed this quite awhile ago, but they updated the bottle and now call it a latte. I didn't realize it was the same until I got home. I love the bottle design, so I decided to change the photo.
Here's my old review:

This is one of the sweetest teas I've ever had. It's not “cavity sweetness” though. It's more of a creamy sweetness. It's great. I've had Thai Tea in restaurants before, and it was pretty good, but this blows that out of the water.
The spices in the tea stand out, without being too strong. It's also very milky. I think that is what is balancing out the spices so nicely. It's reminiscent of chai tea, but the spices are slightly different. How many times can I say the word spices? Something about it tastes very homemade. I love that.
Iced Tea
Taste NirvanaWebsite@tastenirvana
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/16/10, 9:47 PM
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