Teany - 2 Reviews

Teany Green Tea Half and Half

Teany Green Tea Half and Half
Dude, are you going to the EDM festival at the abandoned amusement park across the country? You're not? That's dumb. It's only $350 plus airfare plus you get to sleep in a cold field with like thirty thousand other people who won't shower for four days. You get to eat carnival food, pay eleven dollars for a small bottled water, and see four really good acts, ten good acts, sixteen acceptable acts and fourty-eight terrible acts. You know who's going to be there? Moby. He's coming out of hibernation.

I can't believe it. After that fantastic sales approach I just gave you, you are going to stay where you are? Moby is in your house? After all these years you didn't tell me that he's coming over? I've got a fresh copy of "Play" on vinyl I'd love to have him sign. He's in your fridge? Dude you are getting weird. Oh, it's his tea. Now we're back to a regular comfort level. How is it? Good? It's a half and half? It's a half and half green tea? Oh, that's cool. And it's sweet? How sweet? Not that sweet? Moby: good at music and good at tea. He's the modern day Renaissance Man. I bet he can fix a car. He seems like the kind of dude that could secretly fix a car. So it's a half and half; go on. It has a slight lemonade taste with no pulp but a good bite. That sounds awesome.

You know what, man. I don't have a lot of money saved up. Maybe we can just get a case of this stuff, put on some Music for the Jiltered Generation, and just play video games rather than me go to that festival. Sure, it would be fun but I don't have the time or the money for that thing.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Natural Evaporated Sugar Cane
Mike Literman on 7/31/14, 5:30 PM
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Teany Energy Green Tea with Guarana

Teany Energy Green Tea with Guarana
From hardcore punk to electronica to iced tea, is there anything Moby hasn't had his hands in? When I picked this up, I had no idea Moby was involved in it.
It's a nice green and black tea mixed with a little yerba mate. It mainly tastes like green tea and guarana. There is also the slightest amount of ginger mixed in. It's loaded with natural caffeine to keep you raging at the punk shows or dancing the night away at the clubs.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 12/16/10, 11:53 AM
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