TropiKing - 4 Reviews

TropiKing Green Tea with Pomelo

TropiKing Green Tea with Pomelo
As much as I would like to make up a story, this drink deserves a legitimate review. I don't know what a pomelo is but I know what green tea tastes like and subtracting that out pomelo is something else. Think of green tea and then think of adding both oranges and cantaloupe and some sort of floral essence to this drink and there you have it. It's all-natural and it is actually a wonderful drink.

I got this in a tiny Asian market 'round the corner from my house and I have never seen it anywhere else. I guess that's handy for me, but for you, it might be tricky to track down. If you find it, I think it was a dollar and it was a dollar well spent.

It's everything you love about green tea and everything you would love about a citric juice combined into a simple and delicious drink. I wish I hadn't waited this long to drink it because I have unknowingly been holding back on myself.
Iced Tea
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/21/11, 4:48 PM
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TropiKing Aloe Pomegranate & Aloe Vera

TropiKing Aloe Pomegranate & Aloe Vera
Dear TropiKing,
I found your aloe drink in a small Asian market near my house and was excited to try you. I love aloe and pomegranate so I thought this would be a winning combo. Man was I disappointed. For one, it barely tastes like pomegranate. Instead it tastes like a mediocre grape/apple juice. Secondly, the aloe chunks are way too small. As Jay said when I told him this, "go big or go home."
Chunky, Juice and Aloe Vera
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 7/20/11, 12:21 PM
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TropiKing Pomelo Juice Drink

TropiKing Pomelo Juice Drink
Thanks to Thirsty Dudes I now have the wonderful fruit pomelo in my life. It's an Asian grapefruit that's not as acidic. I really enjoy it. When Mike and I found this in a little Asian market I quickly claimed it as my own. I wanted it to be a lot stronger than it actually was, but you can't win all of the time. It's an over sugared pomelo juice that has been watered down a bit. It's nothing spectacular, but it's still a decent drink.
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/18/11, 2:44 PM
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TropiKing Mixed Fruit

TropiKing Mixed Fruit
Let me walk you through a typical drink quest between Jay and myself. We hop in one of our respective cars and drive to where we think we haven't been before. We go to places you wouldn't dream of, east side type places. Oh your east side is nice? Then places like your west side. Our east side is bad. The late Walter Matthau couldn't have done squat with these kids. Rumor and probably some fact says that there was a racist city developer who said something along the lines of "Let's separate the whites from the blacks" and just put an expressway right down the center of our fair city. After that happen, the West Side flourished and the East Side crumbled and the line is virtually uninhabitable because we all know that no one wants to live "on the cusp" of danger or safety.

So Jay and I go to these places to get drinks. While the West Side has a lot of bodegas and markets, the East Side is uncharted waters to most and we try and get through it unscathed and with drinks in hand. This is just a little back-story on our dedication. We put our lives at stake to get juice, dude. We're serious as a heart attack.

We found this little guy and another one on our last adventure. We were excited to find a nice fruit juice with cane sugar and an adequate amount of real juice. 30%. That's almost a third of the contents. Credit where credit's due. The drink has many a flavor in the ingredients, but not all of them are evenly represented to the palate. Here's my personal taste breakdown from sip to swallow:

Banana -> Passion Fruit -> Orange -> (maybe) Guava.

I don't get pineapple or apple. I don't hate it. It's very fruity and very tropical. Pour this drink, which is written in both English and Spanish but made in Taiwan for some reason, into a coconut and call it a day.
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/28/11, 10:35 AM
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