Tweak - 6 Reviews

Tweak Extreme Pomegranate

Tweak Extreme Pomegranate
Jason Draper is a wimp. Yes, that's right, I'm calling him out right here and now. Last week, he reviewed the Tweak Extreme Berry and said it was one of the most intense energy drinks ever. This surprised me because I had previously tried the Grape flavor and I didn't think it was that crazy.

So I had to see for myself. I knew I had a lot of work ahead of me this morning so I cracked this bottle open. It tastes good. It's not amazing, but it's a decent non-carbonated energy drink with not much energy gross taste to it. After I was done drinking it, I noticed the bottle said you're not supposed to drink more than 8 of the 12 oz in one day. Well I did, and on an empty stomach nonetheless (not on purpose, I was just so busy that I forgot to eat). Not drinking it on an empty stomach is another warning it gives you. Oops!

You know what? It didn't bother me. Compared to how insane the Redline Energy Drink was, this is nothing at all. It did not make me jittery, and it didn't make me any more energized than a couple cups of coffee would. So I challenge you Mr. Draper to try Redline (I have purchased a bottle for you) and then tell me if the Tweak Extreme you had is truly as strong as you thought it was.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Derek Neuland on 10/15/11, 3:00 AM
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Tweak Extreme Berry

Tweak Extreme Berry
Energy drinks are getting too extreme these days. Between the Redline review Derek did yesterday and this I think one of us is going to have a heart attack.

I have a bad habit of drinking something first and then reading everything on the packaging after I'm done. Luckily I did not do that with this because there are a bunch of warnings on it to read the label before use. It also says "Not for sale to minors" on it a bunch of times, so you know things are serious. I feel like teenagers are the prime market for most energy drinks, so when they exclude them you know it has to be powerful. The bottle informs me not to drink more than 6oz in an eight-hour period. I think I accidentally drank about 8, and I sure can feel it. Like to the point where I kind of want to throw up to purge my body of the poison.

As far as taste goes, it tastes like a diet Gatorade or something of that ilk. Not a flavor I'm fond of, but what do you expect with a diet drink. It doesn't have as much of a "energy chemical" taste as I would have expected seeing as it's ridiculously concentrated.

I can't really get behind this drink. When I drink an energy drink I do it for a little push to help me stay awake, or if I'm going to be doing strenuous activity. I like to not notice it much. This is jitter central. I wish I could undo drinking so much.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 10/8/11, 4:28 PM
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Tweak Extreme Grape

Tweak Extreme Grape
Ever since I was a kid, I loved the taste of cough syrup. Whenever I got sick and had to take it, I secretly was excited. I was a good kid and never abused it or took it when I didn't need it. Even as an adult, I've only ever took it as needed.

Also when I entered adulthood, I found out that most people hate the taste of cough medicine. I was so confused when I found this out. Were they all getting gross flavors and I just always happened to buy the good stuff? This energy drink tastes just like grape cough syrup and I love it. It's not as thick as its medicinal counterpart, but it has a slightly thicker than normal consistency to it. The best part is this barely has any gross energy drink or diet taste to it.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Derek Neuland on 9/18/11, 4:24 PM
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Tweak Tweaker Pomegranate

Tweak Tweaker Pomegranate
It's really great that the pharmaceutical industry has finally stepped up their flavor game for cough medicine. For years it was always cherry, grape or the occasional orange. Now they have finally come out with a pomegranate flavor to get with the times. Oh what's that? This isn't cough medicine, but rather an energy shot? Well that's unfortunate, because it tastes like medicine.

Energy shots by nature are gross, because it's all the chemicals concentrated. It is due to that, that this gets three bottles. If this was a normal energy drink I probably would have given it a one. This does not taste good, but it works, and the pomegranate blocks the chemical taste slightly...I guess.
Shot, Energy Drink and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 8/29/11, 5:56 PM
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Tweak Tweaker Berry

Tweak Tweaker Berry
Much like the other flavor of Tweaker I had, this is pretty damn good. I don't like it as much as the grape, but in the world of energy shots it's definitely in the top tier as far as taste goes. This has a mixed berry taste to it, but has a little bit more chemical aftertaste than the grape did. It definitely works in the energy department as well. I was feeling a little sleepy here at Spiral Scratch but now I'm chair dancing to Crystal Castles.
Shot, Energy Drink and Diet
United States
Derek Neuland on 8/20/11, 6:30 PM
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Tweak Tweaker Grape

Tweak Tweaker Grape
Urban Dictionary defines 'tweaker' as:
1. Person who constantly stays up cleaning, washing, organizing, power tooling, sorting or otherwise keeping them-self busy doing menial tasks.
2. Someone who constantly makes slight alterations on (usually a very specific) object, i.e. computer, software, automobile, etc.
3. A compulsive liar, thief, or both.
4. A methamphetamine ("tweak"), or other form of speed, addict (who displays all of the above in an obsessive-compulsive manner).

I could understand wanting to associate your energy drink with the first definition. Keeping busy/being active/etc... is usually an after effect of drinking one. Maybe even #2, though that sort of sounds like borderline OCD.

Three and four though... that's where the lose me. Why someone would want to associate their delicious drink with being a liar, thief, or meth-head is beyond my comprehension. And yes, this is a delicious energy shot. I was surprised due to the name, but it has a really good grape taste and only a slight energy drink aftertaste. Other than the usual energy drink taste, this has a good grape juice flavor. I've only been drinking it for a minute or two but I already feel more energized and ready to get stuff done on this Sunday afternoon.
Shot, Energy Drink and Diet
United States
Derek Neuland on 8/7/11, 12:02 PM
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