Tweak Tweaker Grape

Tweak Tweaker Grape
Urban Dictionary defines 'tweaker' as:
1. Person who constantly stays up cleaning, washing, organizing, power tooling, sorting or otherwise keeping them-self busy doing menial tasks.
2. Someone who constantly makes slight alterations on (usually a very specific) object, i.e. computer, software, automobile, etc.
3. A compulsive liar, thief, or both.
4. A methamphetamine ("tweak"), or other form of speed, addict (who displays all of the above in an obsessive-compulsive manner).

I could understand wanting to associate your energy drink with the first definition. Keeping busy/being active/etc... is usually an after effect of drinking one. Maybe even #2, though that sort of sounds like borderline OCD.

Three and four though... that's where the lose me. Why someone would want to associate their delicious drink with being a liar, thief, or meth-head is beyond my comprehension. And yes, this is a delicious energy shot. I was surprised due to the name, but it has a really good grape taste and only a slight energy drink aftertaste. Other than the usual energy drink taste, this has a good grape juice flavor. I've only been drinking it for a minute or two but I already feel more energized and ready to get stuff done on this Sunday afternoon.
Shot, Energy Drink and Diet
United States
Derek Neuland on 8/7/11, 12:02 PM
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