Twist - 6 Reviews

Twist West Indies Lime

Twist West Indies Lime
Question: If this is supposed to be flavored water then why are there any sweeteners in here at all? There is both agave nectar and rebiana. That is two unnecessary sweeteners for “water with a twist.” This could have just been lime juice in water and it would have tasted fairly comparable. I certainly would have enjoyed it more. It's not sweet enough for the rebiana flavor to be justified. It takes away from the flavor of the limes. Those aren't just any limes either. They are West Indies limes. Those little bits of citrus traveled a long way to make it into this bottle and that dumb natural zero calorie sweetener is ruining it for them. There should have been a red carpet rolled out for them and teams of reporters. Instead they are walking over the old tattered rug into a by the hour motel that they are now sharing with a complete stranger. The glamour of the exotic is long gone my friends.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Water and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 12/23/12, 3:57 PM
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Twist Mango Acai

Twist Mango Acai
I'd like to think that when Talking Rain was trying to get an advertising campaign together for this line of drinks someone in the board meeting spoke up about it being the obvious choice to have Chuck Berry as a spokesperson. I'd like to think that the idea (along with a sampler of drinks) even made it to Mr. Berry's desk. He sat back in his chair and thought to himself "Well, why not?" He was getting up their in years and wasn't able to perform nearly as much as he used to. Also, the contracts he signed early in his youth didn't really pan out for him as well as they should have. Why not take on one last job? It would be easy. They could just play his classic songs "Do the Twist" and "Twist Again." At the end he could be standing there with a guitar play a little lick and then say some tagline. It would be easy and help provide a little extra for his family when he inevitably shuffled off this mortal coil. He was just about to respond to the offer when he cracked open a bottle of the mango acai flavored water. He took a sip and it wasn't as good as he would have hoped, but it was good enough to get his endorsement. He continued to write his response, taking sips every so often. He's an old timer and never really got he hang of computers so typing took him awhile. With each sip the drink tasted worse. Even though everything in the drink is organic, it tasted off. It almost was like a more flavorful cleaner. It doesn't really make any sense. It only slightly tasted like mango and it didn't really taste like agave. Maybe it's what the watered down acai was to blame. Chuck hesitated in his typing, took one more sip and decided they shouldn't have added a sweetener at all. If it were just water with mango and acai nectar mixed in it would have been more palatable. He closed his browser and turned off the computer. The beverage was sub par and he was the legendary Chuck Berry. Why should he give them a courtesy response?

If we learned one thing here it's that Check Berry can be kind of a jerk about returning emails. A simple "No Thank You" would have been fine and courteous. Looks like the fame has gone to his head.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Water
United States
Organic Agave Nectar
Jason Draper on 12/12/11, 4:52 PM
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Twist Lemon

Twist Lemon
Here's what you do. Get yourself a couple of lemons. Cut them in half. Now pour yourself a decent sized glass of water. The next thing to do is to take those lemons you just cut up and squeeze the heck out of them into the water. Use a miniature pool skimmer to remove all pulp and seeds that have inevitably made their way into the water. Finally pull out that bottle of fancy agave syrup that you got at the health food stores. You thought you'd put it in your coffee, but you never did and it's just been sitting there. Dump a generous portion into the water and mix it all up. You now have lemon Twist. It's nothing spectacular, just lemon water with some sweetener in it. I don't know why you would put sweetener in lemon water, but they did. Enjoy, or not.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Water
United States
Agave Nectar
Jason Draper on 7/27/11, 4:45 PM
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Twist Mandarin White Tea

Twist Mandarin White Tea
What a day. It has been dry as a bone for a month here in the North East. My yard is yellow and looks terrible. I am sure that I am going to have a thousand dollar water bill, as will the rest of the gardeners up on the East Coast.

Today the sky broke and rain poured down from the sky. It fell down so hard that I knew I was in for some trouble. My house was built in 1827. No joke. 1827. The basement takes on water like a sieve and today was one of those days.

I checked when it started to rain and there was nothing. Awesome. I checked again, because I felt it in my bones that trouble was afoot. I couldn't have been more right. 6-8" of water covered my floor. It blew the cover off one pipe and filled my sump pump. I had to bail water myself with a bucket up and down the stairs as my basement took on more water.

Mike's Basement

Eventually, the rain subsided and the water started flowing out instead of in.

When all was said and done, I stood outside in the drizzling rain, catching my breath, and cooling down. I needed something to drink and this was the clear choice. No pun intended. It did a great job and I liked it more than the other flavors that I had. This actually gave the essence of flavored water. Water first, flavor second. I didn't get a lot of white tea taste but I did get a fair amount of mandarin and that's all I could have asked for.

Rule for first time homebuyers; check the basement before you buy a house. Check out the house on a saturating day to ensure that it can take it.
Water, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Iced Tea
United States
Organic Agave Nectar
Mike Literman on 7/25/11, 9:06 PM
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Twist Wild Strawberry

Twist Wild Strawberry
Unlike the last Talking Rain water, this one is actually pretty true to it's described flavor. I would confirm that this is, in fact, reminiscent of a strawberry. I don't know if a regular, run-of-the-mill strawberry tastes any different than a wild strawberry, but I know what "strawberry" tastes like and this is it.

If I might make on suggestion to you, the drinker, keep this cold. It doesn't really keep its "niceness" at room temperature and is less than refreshing because it has a bit of a viscosity to it. I blame it on the agave nectar. Not a bad blame as much as a warning.

It's good though. I would cross the pomegranate blueberry off the "list of things to get" list and just stick with this one.
Water and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Agave Nectar
Mike Literman on 1/5/11, 1:43 PM
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Twist Pomegranate Blueberry

Twist Pomegranate Blueberry
I like flavored waters. I saw this and immediately bought it. I anticipated a night, light flavor but I was promptly let down. I am unfamiliar with the taste of agave but between this and the "natural organic pomegranate blueberry flavor" it tasted...fake.
Water and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Agave Nectar
Mike Literman on 12/17/10, 7:58 PM
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