Rebiana - 24 Reviews

True Lemon Original Lemonade

True Lemon Original Lemonade
In the era of the diet obsessed 80's Crystal Light reined supreme. For those of you who don't know it was/is a flavored, artificially sweetened powder that you would mix in with water to make your very own “healthy” drink at home. While they have come a long way in recent years, the original flavors tasted like poison to me. It was just one big pile of diet grossness.

The True company is following in the same footsteps, except they decided to make their product from 100% natural ingredients. Instead of sweetening them with aspartame or sucralose they opted for stevia. While that has made a world of a difference with their other drinks, I don't think this lemonade ever stood a chance. Lemonade by definition is sugar sweetened lemon juice and water. If you deviate from that at all things start falling apart. The flavor of the stevia is far too overpowering in this to an extent that it's a little hard to make out the lemon flavor. Instead of tasting like lemonade it ends up resembling a creation that was brought to life by some cheap skate teenager at a local Dennys. I've been there before, in my formative years. You order a water with lemon and then put sweetener in it to create your own dull version of lemonade. The problem is this particular restaurant had stevia packets instead of sugar and everything just went wrong.
Diet, Lemonade and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Jason Draper on 12/19/13, 4:12 PM
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Genesis Today Power Rangers Samurai Berry Power Blast

Genesis Today Power Rangers Samurai Berry Power Blast
The Mighty Morpin Power Rangers were just after my time. My brother who is 3 years younger than me was into them, but I had no interest in the show/toys. I'm assuming I was "too old" for it, even though I knew of at least one friend of mine in my grade that watched the show and bought the action figures.

I haven't heard about the Power Rangers in a long time, a decade or so probably. I attribute this to not watching TV, not frequenting Toys 'R' Us, and not paying attention to the toys my younger cousins play with. I found this juice box at Big Lots, the store where drinks go to die. I just assumed it was 5 years old and would probably make me puke. Like a true Thirsty Dude, I obviously bought it.

I totally forgot I bought it until December 25th when I saw my cousin opening a new Power Rangers toy. It was puzzling to me, and reminded me of the juice boxes I had purchased. So I did a little research and found out Power Rangers have continually been on the air in one form or another since it first aired in 1993. Power Rangers Samurai, which is what series this juice box is from, is the 18th season. Eighteen! That is ridiculous. Seinfeld only had 9 seasons, so Power Rangers has been on twice as long.

Anyways, this juice box taste like every other "berry" juice box I've ever had. I don't know how I enjoyed these things when I was a kid. It's bland and has a bitter/sour aftertaste. No thank you.
Juice and Diet
Genesis TodayWebsite@genesistoday
United States
Derek Neuland on 12/31/12, 4:25 PM
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Twist West Indies Lime

Twist West Indies Lime
Question: If this is supposed to be flavored water then why are there any sweeteners in here at all? There is both agave nectar and rebiana. That is two unnecessary sweeteners for “water with a twist.” This could have just been lime juice in water and it would have tasted fairly comparable. I certainly would have enjoyed it more. It's not sweet enough for the rebiana flavor to be justified. It takes away from the flavor of the limes. Those aren't just any limes either. They are West Indies limes. Those little bits of citrus traveled a long way to make it into this bottle and that dumb natural zero calorie sweetener is ruining it for them. There should have been a red carpet rolled out for them and teams of reporters. Instead they are walking over the old tattered rug into a by the hour motel that they are now sharing with a complete stranger. The glamour of the exotic is long gone my friends.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Water and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 12/23/12, 3:57 PM
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V8 V-Fusion Sparkling Tangerine Raspberry

V8 V-Fusion Sparkling Tangerine Raspberry
If you think that all of the research that the United States government is of the nuclear genre then you my friend are a damn fool. Truth be told only 3% of the money the government ponies up is actually spent on working to harness the power created by nuclear fusion. The other 97% is given to the V8 company in order to create superior beverages. You see the United States realized that the original V8 was absolutely disgusting, but that was because tomato juice is revolting by nature. In order to help it's citizens the government started giving the company money to make a line of beverages that rated from decent to great.

With their latest grant the V8 company decided to experiment with adding some bubbles to their juices. They did a fine job of it. They took normal seltzer water and mixed in a healthy amount of fruit and vegetables. They did it in a ratio that the drinks taste more like fruit juice, and the vegetable flavor is at a minimum if it is there at all. The problem with it is that they tend to have a general fruit flavor and not like the specific fruits the flavors are names after. A can of tangerine raspberry is quite delicious, but it doesn't taste specifically like those flavors. The addition of the apple, grape and orange juice is to blame. It really does taste more like an apple orange drink than tangerine raspberry. I like it, but I would really enjoy more clarity in the flavor.

Also, they added some stevia extract to the mix. I don't believe it was meant as a sweetener. I think they added it to enhance the natural flavors, as more and more companies seem to be doing. I've said it before and I'll say it again; stop it. The juice has enough flavor on it's own and it doesn't need stevia added to it mucking up the works.
Juice, Sparkling and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 9/16/12, 10:36 PM
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Odwalla Superfood Mo' Beta

Odwalla Superfood Mo' Beta
Sometimes you wake up in the morning and you realize, "Holy crap I'm at the Grand Canyon." Okay, by sometimes I mean once in my life, and by once I mean this morning. I've been waiting to come to the Grand Canyon basically my whole life. I'm an outdoor kid and my favorite place in the world is Letchworth State Park aka the Grand Canyon of the East. Finally I was at the real thing and it melted my brain. I knew it was big, but it was the most expansive thing I have ever seen. Seriously my brains started to leak out of my ears and nose. I think I need to see a specialist.

The thing about the Grand Canyon that you don't think about is that there is nothing really around it, so food is super expensive. I knew I needed to keep up my energy, and seeing as I'm sure as hell not eating at McDonalds (no matter what Mike says) it was either burritos or buying a loaf of bread and peanut butter (the combination of the two which ran me $10). I also picked up this bottle of Odwalla to give me a little pick me up. It was a wise choice. The majority of the flavor came from the oranges, mango and peach in it, but it was the plum that really rounded things out. On a "vacation" where I have been eating fairly terribly it was welcomed to consume something that tasted and actually was good for you. I ate some peanut butter sandwiches, pounded this bottle of juice and then started hiking into the canyon. We made it to the first rest house (1.5 miles) before a lightning storm made us turn back. While I loved the canyon I had no interest in getting burnt to a crisp by natural electricity on the sides of it's walls.
United States
Jason Draper on 7/17/12, 3:48 PM
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Cascal Fermented Soda Berry Cassis

Cascal Fermented Soda Berry Cassis
With the exception of Bright Citrus, us folks here at Thirsty Dudes have not been huge fans of Cascal sodas. I think we would have loved most of the flavors, if the whole point of the company weren't that they make fermented sodas. Take away the fermentation and slight alcohol taste that it causes and these would be severely interesting sodas. With flavors like apple and anise things are bound to get wacky. Unfortunately that flavor that is gross to those of us who don't drink gets in the way and ruins everything. I have to admit that my friends who do partake in alcohol like these a lot more than those of us who do not. I believe they are accustomed to that flavor.

While this flavor does tastes a bit hoppy, it didn't bother me as much as it has with the other flavors. Perhaps I myself am becoming more accustomed to the flavor, but it wasn't bad. It tastes like a citrus and berry soda, two flavors that normally don't commingle. Why is that? There is berry based fruit punch and tropical citrus bases, but it's not often that they overlap. That needs to change because if this drink is any indication they pair nicely. It's a good tasting sparkling juice and as I said if you don't mind the fermentation flavor grab yourself a can.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 5/19/12, 4:30 PM
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Crystal Light Pure Mixed Berry

Crystal Light Pure Mixed Berry
Carol loves a good jog. She's in her mid-forties and has always done a good job taking care of her body. Sure, she "cheats" every once in a while. She's determined but still human. She'll have some ice cream every once in a while and loves chocolate. She eats less of it than she would like to, but she has self-control. Admirable, I know.

While making her bi-weekly shopping trip, she came across a new version of Crystal Light. She used to drink it a lot in the last 80's, early 90's but after the whole diet/cancer scare, she's tried to stay away from it. This looked like something new and used Stevia so she bought it.

So took her evening, after work jog and came home to make a glass of this drink. She took one sip and was part relieved and part unsatisfied. She liked the fruit flavor of the drink but it was a bit too sweet. It has the Stevia taste that she was used to, but it was as if it had just too much sugar in it. She mixed it correctly. She checked the size of the bottle and the directions on the box. She finished the bottle and would probably finish the rest, but just in a longer time than she thought.

It was not what she expected and although it was better than the Crystal Light she was used to, they hadn't exactly "done it" quite yet. Keep going, Carol. We're all rooting for you.
Diet and Mix/Concentrate
Crystal LightWebsite@CrystalLight
United States
Mike Literman on 3/1/12, 3:05 PM
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R.W. Knudsen Recharge Tropical

R.W. Knudsen Recharge Tropical
I didn't want to review this. I just wanted something to drink. I figured, hey, I've got like eight of these things, so I can casually drink it. Oh, no. I now don't know what I'm going to do with the other approximately seven packs because this is vile. I was not at all expecting what was going to happen when I drank it. No, it's not like I got hair on my palms or anything like that. It just made me make a face every time I drank it. I thought, "Hey, tropical. Rad." and now it's like a 60/40 vegetable/fruit combo kit that is 100% undesirable. It's like someone is feeding me a pineapple, except they bored out the core and crammed a giant carrot in it and are forcing me to eat this bastard food.

Roger Waters Knudsen, or whatever R.W. stands for, this is not for me. Is that why I found it at a Big Lots? Probably. Good luck getting rid of them. I hope your customers don't read this before they buy it. I don't want to knock anyone out of business, but this is just plain terrible. Wish me luck on the grape because I bought that, too. I'm a supporter with a strange taste in my mouth.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Mix/Concentrate
R.W. KnudsenWebsite@RWKnudsen
United States
Mike Literman on 2/27/12, 4:33 PM
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Tazo Zero Calories Iced Chai

Tazo Zero Calories Iced Chai
I always forget I love chai tea until I'm at a coffee shop and a friend offers me a sip of theirs. I never order it because I love coffee too much. I probably haven't had more than a sip of chai tea in over 10 years. This is the first iced chai tea I've ever had, and I really enjoy it. It's not as sweet as a coffee shop chai tea, but it has a lot of flavor while still being a light drink. I would drink this all the time if I could.
Diet and Iced Tea
United States
Derek Neuland on 1/16/12, 5:35 PM
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Cascal Fermented Soda Bright Citrus: Lemongrass Tangerine & Pineapple

Cascal Fermented Soda Bright Citrus: Lemongrass Tangerine & Pineapple
The search is complete. We found it. A Cascal that the whole family can enjoy, rather than their skunky, old tasting drink. Here we have a genuine work of art. It's light, fruity, and quite flavorful. Also, it doesn't taste the way a cold to hot to cold to hot to open beer smells. Right away you get some lemongrass, then the tangerine and pineapple dance playfully in your mouth like there's a hootenanny and this is the dirty South circa 1800's. It's got a little fermentation taste, but that is because, number one, it's fermented, and it aids in the intricacies of this drink.

This drink makes me keep faith that there will be more awesomeness to come out of the Cascal laboratory. I've got to hand it to them because their flavor pairings are different than just about every company on the market. They're trying something new and different and this one they got right. Good job team!
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Mike Literman on 12/22/11, 4:34 PM
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Sans Natural Diet Soda Orange

Sans Natural Diet Soda Orange
There are many things in my life that I could do without. I could do without ever hearing the Robert Palmer cover of T-Rex ever again. I could do without taking a bite of the sandwich I made in the dark only to discover from taste that the roll is moldy. I could also do without having to pay rent and bills (I got out of it for over a year and I liked the way that freedom tasted). One thing that I am slowly learning that I cannot do without is sugar in my soda. I know it's terrible for you in pretty much every way, but it just tastes so much better to me. I've tried going the diet route or the unsweetened route and they just are not for me. If it's something you can stomach and actually enjoy more power to you. I wish I was in your shoes, but unfortunately I'm not.

Sans is not a soda that is marketed towards people like me, but I will say it is better than most diet pops. I would choose stevia over aspartame any day. It has a true orange scent to it, which is more than most regular pops give you. At first it's not so bad. A couple of sips and I thought that I would actually enjoy this whole can. It tastes somewhere between a traditional orange soda and something like Orangina. Unfortunately, the further in you get the more of the sweetener you taste. The orange flavor lessens and it tastes more like the coolness of stevia.

I didn't enjoy this beverage very much, but it is also the best diet orange soda I've ever had, so given that it has a handicap I'll give it a better rating. If you're into diet definitely give Sans a try.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 12/13/11, 5:33 PM
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Cascal Fermented Soda Fresh Tropical

Cascal Fermented Soda Fresh Tropical
Dear Internet, Please fill me in on the health benefits, if any, that comes along with fermented juice. This can does not boast any health aspects of fermentation. It just states that it helps bring out flavors. The flavors that it normally brings out I am not a fan of. It always ends up tasting quasi alcoholic. Not far off from what I remember the base of beer tasting like (It's been over 17 years since I've tasted it). Normally it really turns me off. I mean it's a taste I also equate to spoiling foods. Everyone I know who doesn't drink who has a fermented juice things that is absolutely vile, and that it tastes like alcohol. Those that do drink always seem to enjoy it, and don't get the alcohol taste at all. Are their taste buds just acclimated with that flavor?

Those are all the reasons that I was skeptical to try this, and kept putting it off. The allure of jasmine and mango in any drink was just too strong for me though. The first sip was as I expected it to be. It had that "turning" fruit flavor to it with a hint of the tropics. The more I drank, and the less I thought about the fermentation, the more I enjoyed the drink. You can definitely taste a mixture of mango and apple juices with a little lime in there for some kick. I unfortunately did not taste any jasmine (it's also not listed in the ingredients). I would have like it to have a nice floral twist to it, but oh well. This ended up being better than I expected. I did not anticipate making through half the can, but here I sit with some empty aluminum and I don't want to throw up. It's still not anything that I would seek out, but I would expect those that do imbibe alcohol would really enjoy this, and I urge you to give it a try. On the back of the can it also recommends to try it with BBQ or Thai food. If I had another can I would totally take that challenge. I could see this pairing incredibly with some nice sloppy BBQ.
Soda Pop and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 12/1/11, 7:15 PM
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AquaStix FruityDophilus Black Cherry

AquaStix FruityDophilus Black Cherry
Number one: I have read the title of this product well over a dozen times and I still, in my head, read something about dolphins.

Number two and so on: I saw this at a discount store and due to the price ($1.50) a few emotions came across my mind. This being a company I had never heard of, I assumed that it would be a company I would never hear from again because that's what graces the shelves of stores like that. Bad ideas, poor judgment, and excessive inventory. Thing is, black cherry isn't something I hate, nor are probiotic drinks and Reb-A stuff. Cash in hand, and a ton of baby food later, I purchase my items and headed home.

Side topic: Remember ten years ago? 2001. Great year minus that one thing that happened in early Fall. Think about this, though. No one back then knew or cared about things like probiotics, prebiotics, free radicals, and antioxidants except maybe scientists. Everything was made from either cane sugar or corn syrup and there was no scare or wondering what was going to happen if you OD'd on one or the other except for inevitable tooth decay. We didn't know about ADD or ADHD and things like autism were in their infancy of knowledge. Only hippies and gardeners are organic and we all had a lot more money in the stock market than we do now. What a frightening world we live in now though, in retrospect. We didn't have to worry about anything it seemed. We didn't care where our food was coming from or worry about how it wasn't wise to buy a $450,000 house on a secretary's budget. Everything was A-OK. Look at all the stuff we have to worry about now. Drinking probiotic drinks filled to the gills with new, antioxidant-rich fruits to help avoid getting sick. Taking all our money out of the stock market and investing in cold, gold ingots. Frightening. I don't think I've changed much except I've become deader inside and more cynical than ever before.

Back to drink mix. It's really good. It's a powder that you stir in a tall glass of water. It stirs up nicely, tastes nice, and got me to easily put down two, sixteen ounce glasses of water today. It's good for you, contains no calories, and you can carry it with you. Thumbs up. I really do hope that you come through with your website's promise of new flavors. I'll try them when I see them.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Diet and Mix/Concentrate
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Mike Literman on 10/30/11, 11:14 PM
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Sans Natural Diet Soda Cola

Sans Natural Diet Soda Cola
Without. The name of this drink means without. They mean without calories, but I think a lot of people would take it as they could do without this drink at all. That is because most people have no time for diet drinks. Let's talk frankly here diet is pretty gross. You have to condition yourself to alternatives to sugar. It's as if you're basically killing the taste buds that register the grossness of it. I was in the anti-diet drink camp for most of my life, but in the pursuit of reviewing everything ever I've grown accustomed to them. As a result I do not fall in the "sans this drink" crowd. It's actually a decent diet soda. It's nice and light. It does have a diet flavor too it, but it's not as overpowering as it could have been with an artificial sweetener. Rebiana is way better than aspartame or sucralose. It's natural which means that there is a chance you won't get cancer from it. No one likes cancer. Even cancer doesn't like other cancer, let alone itself.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 10/5/11, 11:34 PM
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Sans Natural Diet Soda Root Beer

Sans Natural Diet Soda Root Beer
The diet soda world improved greatly when rebiana and stevia were introduced as sweeteners. I can hardly stomach pop that is sweetened with aspartame or sucralose. It tastes so grossly artificial. It's robot food, and no matter what anyone says I am not a robot.

Sans did a decent job with this root beer. You can definitely tell that it's a diet drink, but it's not overpowering. I could do with a stronger root beer taste. The way it is now tastes watered down, but I would take that any day over an artificially sweetened variety. If you are looking to eat/drink healthier, but you just can't give up soda this is the product for you.
Diet, Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 9/10/11, 11:40 AM
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Sans Natural Diet Soda Black Cherry

Sans Natural Diet Soda Black Cherry
When I was a kid, I used to have Estes rockets. They were awesome. I can't wait to buy them for my son and take all the precautions I didn't as a kid. I would go to the hobby shop, pick up one that I liked, buy a couple rockets, and head home to put it all together. I'd paint it and I had a rad launch pad with remote detonator so that I didn't blow my adolescent fingers off.

You could buy different rockets. Letters signifying power identified most of them. Some rockets could only handle a certain restriction of rocket so the thing didn't explode when you launched it. Some rockets were two stage rockets, which means they have two separate bursts of fuel. This drink is like a dual stage rocket.

First sip is a bit of a calm black cherry taste. Once you find yourself asking where the sweetness is, stage two kicks in with a rush of super sweet Stevia. After those stages of the flavor rocket are complete, the descent happens where they all kind of comes together for a limited time as a pretty nice aftertaste. The aftertaste keeps you coming back for More and is definitely the best part.

I used to launch my rockets with my parents and friends and they constantly got caught in trees or I just couldn't find them when they came down. If I have one bit of advice, paint all your rockets in bright or even fluorescent colors. You can get this drink when you are on your way to launch HQ.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Mike Literman on 9/3/11, 12:36 PM
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Sans Natural Diet Soda Lemon Lime

Sans Natural Diet Soda Lemon Lime
Do you want to know what a terrible, non-vocal review for a drink is? Letting someone try a drink and then watching them cover it up with Arby's french fries. This drink is not good. It has a cleaning solution taste and although the end is a nice, small little sweet treat, the effort and endurance your poor mouth has to deal with in order to get to "the end" is pretty unbearable.

It just tastes like a citrus mess until the flavor dissipates and leaves you with the sweet Reb-a, or Truvia, which is what they say they're using. I am going to blame this on the flavor division and not the sweetener division, two separate entities that may or may not exist at the Sans Soda factory. I don't know if someone played a practical joke on the flavor team by contaminating their batch of lemon lime behind their backs.

It has been a long time since I've had a good lemon lime pop that stood out from the Sierra Mists and 7-Ups and I thought this would have done the trick. After Thomas Kemper's Naturally Diet Cola, I thought that I was going to have myself a little treat. Instead, I was punished.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Mike Literman on 8/23/11, 2:12 PM
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Tazo Zero Calories Passion

Tazo Zero Calories Passion
Science made this tea. No questions asked. There is no way that a group of people that just make drinks made this. They had to hire out a special force of mixologists and chemists and florists to get the blend of magic that is contained within this bottle. Every sip is the most bold, complex taste your tongue has ever had.

Licorice, hibiscus, cinnamon and more. There is a serious spicy, floral explosion with every gulp. At zero calories, this could come in a fifty-five gallon drum and it wouldn't be enough. I have nothing bad to say about it other than I tried to span it out as long as I could and could not let it stay in my fridge undrank any more. Even the Reb A left you with a cool, sweet taste when the main show was over with. It was a dessert to a perfect meal, if you will.

Get it. End of story.
Diet and Iced Tea
United States
Mike Literman on 7/30/11, 12:14 AM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Zero Squeezed

Glaceau Vitamin Water Zero Squeezed
I'm drinking this bottle at a historic moment. As I am writing this, the New York State senate just passed the bill to make same sex marriage legal in New York. I didn't time this, it just kind of happened as I was starting this review. Pretty awesome if you ask me!

I must say, it's a good fit. This flavor of Vitamin Water is awesome! I was expecting it to be watered down, but it has a lot of flavor to it. It has a good lemon taste that is just tart enough to make me smile. This may be my new favorite flavor of Vitamin Water. It's a big surprise. Much like this bill passing.
Diet, Lemonade and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Derek Neuland on 6/24/11, 10:45 PM
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Zevia Cola

Zevia Cola
I'm on tour with my friend's Night Birds right now. It's been ridiculous and fun. Joe from the band is trying to cut down on soda, and complained about how he hated diet pop. I bought this can of Zevia so he could taste how diet pop could be. Unfortunately he was not a convert. He admitted that it was the best tasting diet cola he ever had, but that it still wasn't good enough for what he needed. Well diet soda isn't for everyone. Looks like he's just going to have to cut down his intake.

To me this doesn't taste diet at all. It tastes like a very light flavored generic cola. While that may not sound appealing to most, it is way more appealing than something drenched in aspartame. Well done, Zevia.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 6/13/11, 12:23 PM
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