Zevia - 8 Reviews

Zevia Ginger Ale

Zevia Ginger Ale
After high school all of Stan's friends went to college to become teachers and businessmen. He knew from an early age that he would not follow the same path. He wasn't dumb or anything. He actually got high marks in school, but he just had no interest in higher education. As soon as he got his diploma at the end of his senior year he enrolled in clown school. Clowning seemed like a dream come true. His classes failed to hold his attention though, and after a semester he dropped out. He then spent a few months just hanging out, working at his uncle's shop. Then one afternoon he was on break flipping through the local arts paper and he saw an ad that would change his life forever. He had been close with clown college, but he now knew that his true calling was to be a magician. He emptied his bank account and took a three week crash course in magicianery. It was there that his instructor gave his the stage name of Zevia the Magnificent, a title that the whole world would soon know.

While he loved being a magician, he really wasn't very good at it. His rabbit would always end up in an audience members purse instead of his hat, and he could never keep a firm grasp on those darn rings, what did they polish them with anyways, lard? One trick that he did master was to hypnotize people into thinking that diet pop tasted good. His secret was that he would make his own soda and sweeten it with a natural zero calorie sweetener caller stevia. This was in the late 90's when everyone was trying to keep the pounds off with aspartame and sucralose. They never knew what hit them. One flavor that he worked hard on was a diet ginger ale. Even though there weren't many diet ginger ales on the market, and people weren't familiar with it, he still thought it was integral to his act. It didn't really taste like the other ginger ales he had drank in the past. It was more like slightly sweet seltzer water with a slight ginger taste to it. He prided himself on using real ginger, but not enough to have any sort of heat to it. It was a completely non-offensive soda that he drank all the time, and why not when it had no sugar and no calories. Sure it could have used a bit more flavor, but who was going to argue with it' healthiness compared to the leading brands?

It was during the portion of his act when he was convincing people that diet soda could taste good when his infamy began. The prime minister of China was in the audience that evening for some unknown reason. Zevia's helper monkey became irate and flung his dung at the prime minister before shaking up a can of soda and spraying it in the foreign dignitaries face. As you well know that was the catalyst for World War 3. Zevia the Magnificent, and his monkey, were later tried for war crimes, and we all know the outcome of that.
Diet, Ginger and Soda Pop
Zevia — Website — @Zevia
United States
Jason Draper on 10/4/12, 10:51 PM
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Zevia Strawberry

Zevia Strawberry
In space, no one can hear you scream. This is fine because everyone up there is texting all the time anyhow. It's worse than Earth. Everyone up is there is emoticon-ing so much more than down here that they had to invent phones that have an extra row of keys that are just different emoticons. LOL, ROFL, ASL, and WTF, are so last decade up there. No one talks anymore.

That isn't a bad thing for everyone, though. When word gets out about a new product, since everything is digital and instant, everything happens super fast. When the latest shipment of Earth food came up there, there was a case of Zevia strawberry pop. Some of the people split it up and instantly started raving about it. They said that it was sweet and had a real Stevia taste but the taste of actual strawberries was stellar enough that everything blended together wonderfully. Also, like in the movie Wall-E, everyone is disgustingly obese and rolls around in abandoned Lark scooters so the zero calorie thing really helps.
Soda Pop and Diet
Zevia — Website — @Zevia
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Mike Literman on 8/21/12, 10:18 PM
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Zevia Cherry Cola

Zevia Cherry Cola
Does anyone else out there find themselves at points in their lives where they just plain need a can of soda? It's not the sugar, or even the flavor that I'm really after. I just sometimes get this itch in the back of my throat and I know the only way I'll be able to appease it is with some carbonation.

At times like these I'm glad that Zevia is around. I usually don't want a sugary drinks at these times, and the stevia they use makes my scratching utensil that much healthier. Unlike most diet sodas they actually taste decent. The diet death taste of sucralose and aspartame are not present, just the cool sting of stevia (as Mike says).

The cola flavor in this leaves something to be desired, but the cherry flavor makes up for it. For a second I forgot that I was drinking diet pop, which I guess is the end game for most diet things. If the cola were a little better this would remind me of Cherry Coke.

In the world of all sodas, this would get a 2 or a 3 bottle rating from me. In the world of diet pop this is a 4 all the way.
Diet and Soda Pop
Zevia — Website — @Zevia
United States
Jason Draper on 8/14/12, 6:27 PM
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Zevia Dr. Zevia

Zevia Dr. Zevia
Would you call me a hater? Friends and fans, would you call me a hater? Now, granted, I don't exactly know what a hater is, but I wouldn't define myself as a hater. I dislike a lot of things but I would say that is because I'm terribly cynical and apathetic. That is a mixture that will destroy you from the inside out. It's exhausting. I enjoy Stevia and it's subsidiaries. I have not been happy with Zevia. I've got a diabetic friend with great Morrissey hair that loves the stuff but for me, it's bland. Yeah, that's the world. Bland. If you could water Dr. Pepper down with carbonated water and sweeten it with Stevia rather than sucralose or something, you would have this drink. You actually have to search for the flavor. Knowing this was supposed to be Dr. Pepper, I've got to say, this drink is 12% of what Dr. Pepper is. As described by Dan, a copywriter who loves soccer, Dr. Pepper is supposed to be dark. Zack, half of my boss entity who enjoys Dr. Pepper, said that it tastes like cherry Fresca, and that to me sounds like an insult.

Didn't hit the nail on the head with this one, Zevia. It's alright. You'll do better. Stop mocking other drinks though because people have preconceptions and you will not deliver.
Diet and Soda Pop
Zevia — Website — @Zevia
United States
Mike Literman on 4/20/12, 11:51 AM
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Zevia Cola

Zevia Cola
I'm on tour with my friend's Night Birds right now. It's been ridiculous and fun. Joe from the band is trying to cut down on soda, and complained about how he hated diet pop. I bought this can of Zevia so he could taste how diet pop could be. Unfortunately he was not a convert. He admitted that it was the best tasting diet cola he ever had, but that it still wasn't good enough for what he needed. Well diet soda isn't for everyone. Looks like he's just going to have to cut down his intake.

To me this doesn't taste diet at all. It tastes like a very light flavored generic cola. While that may not sound appealing to most, it is way more appealing than something drenched in aspartame. Well done, Zevia.
Diet and Soda Pop
Zevia — Website — @Zevia
United States
Jason Draper on 6/13/11, 12:23 PM
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Zevia Mountain Zevia

Zevia Mountain Zevia
I don't know how you got diabetes. Your doctor wouldn't give me your chart due to something called "doctor/patient confidentiality" which I find bogus. I do know that you and your little body don't handle sugar too well. For this reason, I have purchased you, my friend, a six-pack of Zevia Mountain Zevia. I know, I know. It's just like the U2 song "Sunday, Bloody Sunday" except instead of "Sunday" it's Zevia and you also have to replace "Bloody" with "Mountain" but aside from that; carbon copy.

Go ahead take a sip. Take a big, bigger sip. Didn't you say that Mountain Dew was your favorite? Doesn't thing remind you of all night LAN parties where you and your 7 closest friends would bring a TV, Xbox, and controller to someone's house, set them all up in the living room, and play Halo all night? A little bit? Yeah, well it's not the same thing, so why would you expect it to taste the same? It's sweetened with Stevia so it's not going to make you need that pen that you carry with the frighteningly large needle. It's a flash of that Mountain Dew grossness; I mean flavor, and then the cool aftertaste of the Stevia. It's not horrible, right? It's better than, say, regular Mountain Dew? Well look, this is the best you're going to do unless you want to lose a leg because of your dedication to "Doing the Dew" so deal with it. It's the thought that counts and I think you're being a jerk.
Diet and Soda Pop
Zevia — Website — @Zevia
United States
Mike Literman on 5/6/11, 3:40 AM
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Zevia Grapefruit Citrus

Zevia Grapefruit Citrus
Zero calories. No sugar. All-natural soda. All of these statements are true about Zevia sodas. In my opinion Zevia is the in process of single-handedly overthrowing the world of diet soda. They were the first company I knew of to use stevia as a sweetener. If this were a movie there would be a pivotal scene where the ambassador of Zevia would give a speech to the towns people to get them riled up. Of course he would be on a horse. He would tell the people that they have been fooled for all these years. Diet soda does not need to taste like butt, artificial butt at that. It can taste decent, and it can do so naturally. At the end of the speech everyone would cheer and then they would run into an epic battle where they would slaughter the armies of aspartame sucralose. When the smoke clears and the battle is finally over Zevia would be crowned king of the realm of diet soda.

In all seriousness this is one of the best diet sodas I've ever had. I have diabetic friends who swear by it, and I should have not taken so long to try it. It doesn't taste 100% like a "regular" soda, but it has the least diet taste of any that I've ever tried. I could go for a little stronger grapefruit flavor, but it's okay where it is now. Even though I haven't had it in over 15 years something about this instantly made me think of Faygo Frosh. I couldn't remember the name of it I just remembered it as the white Faygo that was always at my grandparent's house. It's apparently still in production. I had no idea.
Diet and Soda Pop
Zevia — Website — @Zevia
United States
Jason Draper on 5/4/11, 1:09 PM
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Zevia Ginger Root Beer

Zevia Ginger Root Beer
When I saw this in the cooler at New Seasons, I thought it was a gift from the soda gods. Two of my favorite sodas, root beer and ginger beer, combined!? But then I realized that it was a diet soda sweetened with stevia. My excitement died down, but I still had to try it. This might be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

It's a lot smoother that I was expecting. It's also very carbonated which surprised me. The root beer taste hits first, and it's a very light root beer. The ginger comes shortly after and sadly wasn't that intense. I was hoping this was going to be sweet with root beer, but with a spicy ginger aftertaste. Sadly this was not the case. As far as diet sodas go, this isn't that bad. I just wish the ginger taste was stronger and the root beer didn't taste watered down.
Diet, Ginger, Root Beer and Soda Pop
Zevia — Website — @Zevia
United States
Derek Neuland on 4/18/11, 8:24 PM
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