Zevia Cherry Cola

Zevia Cherry Cola
Does anyone else out there find themselves at points in their lives where they just plain need a can of soda? It's not the sugar, or even the flavor that I'm really after. I just sometimes get this itch in the back of my throat and I know the only way I'll be able to appease it is with some carbonation.

At times like these I'm glad that Zevia is around. I usually don't want a sugary drinks at these times, and the stevia they use makes my scratching utensil that much healthier. Unlike most diet sodas they actually taste decent. The diet death taste of sucralose and aspartame are not present, just the cool sting of stevia (as Mike says).

The cola flavor in this leaves something to be desired, but the cherry flavor makes up for it. For a second I forgot that I was drinking diet pop, which I guess is the end game for most diet things. If the cola were a little better this would remind me of Cherry Coke.

In the world of all sodas, this would get a 2 or a 3 bottle rating from me. In the world of diet pop this is a 4 all the way.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 8/14/12, 6:27 PM
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